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Taxes on trading shares abroad

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Taxes on trading shares abroad

Postby dodo » Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:19 pm

Hi there,

Have been trying to find out this, but haven't yet got any definite answer.

So, as I'm sure there must be many others trading stuff like shares etc. abroad, what taxes do you pay, what is the % and how do you go about at it, forms to fill etc.

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Re: Taxes on trading shares abroad

Postby dodo » Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:03 pm

Bump :roll:
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Re: Taxes on trading shares abroad

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:23 pm

You should talk to someone who is an expert in this field like Andreas Athinodorou… ... thinodorou
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Re: Taxes on trading shares abroad

Postby dodo » Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:40 pm

Get Real! wrote:You should talk to someone who is an expert in this field like Andreas Athinodorou… ... thinodorou

That someone would probably charge 100's per hour. Am not really interested in that kind of advice, just wanted to know what the taxation rate for profits from trading and/or dividends is in Cyprus. This kind of info is easily available (online) for 99% of countries on Earth, with that 1% being Cyprus and maybe N. Korea I guess :lol:

The main issues is I did find some info but it doesn't seem to be consistent with others , am talking about PWC as a sources for example.

I didn't really expect to find anything valid/of any use the Cypriot Gov. websites, as they seem to be living in the past, as usual.
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Re: Taxes on trading shares abroad

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 07, 2014 7:25 pm

Come on man just type:

"taxation on dividends cyprus"

Scroll down to page 6 "TAXATION OF DIVIDENDS" ... 7178,d.Yms

Everything is on the Internet so start using it!

If you're clever enough to earn dividends then you're clever enough to type three words in a search engine! :roll:
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Re: Taxes on trading shares abroad

Postby dodo » Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:08 pm

Get Real! wrote:Come on man just type:

"taxation on dividends cyprus"

Scroll down to page 6 "TAXATION OF DIVIDENDS" ... 7178,d.Yms

Everything is on the Internet so start using it!

If you're clever enough to earn dividends then you're clever enough to type three words in a search engine! :roll:

a) I don't care so much about dividends, those are normally taxed at source anyway and Cyprus has double-taxation treaties with most countries

b) I have found the same link you're quoting long time ago along many others and it's clear that you haven't read a bit of it since it refers to companies and NOT to individuals. And yes, for companies, there's lots of loopholes to avoid taxation hence why so many folks from all over incorporate companies in Cyprus. For individuals, there's sources that mention sale of shares as being tax-exempt and there's sources that mention that all income (except rents, interest and some others) will be included in the worldwide income and taxed as such.

So as you can see, matters are not so clear at all and no, they are certainly not available online, unless it's maybe somewhere in Greek where I can't read it :roll:
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Re: Taxes on trading shares abroad

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:22 pm

dodo wrote:So as you can see, matters are not so clear at all and no, they are certainly not available online, unless it's maybe somewhere in Greek where I can't read it :roll:

This time I typed:

“tax on share trading for individuals Cyprus”

And got this: ... 5504,d.bGQ

So what’s it going to be? Are you gonna start using the Internet properly or should I send you an invoice? :?

What do you think people like Andreas are doing? They know how to use tools in front of them and charge an arm and a leg lazy people who don’t want to! :lol:
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Re: Taxes on trading shares abroad

Postby dodo » Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:35 pm

Sorry, but I still don't see anything mentioning taxation of gains from trading/selling shares at a profit.

Capital Gains Tax is imposed on gains from disposal of
immovable property situated in the Republic including
shares of companies not listed on a recognised Stock
Exchange which own immovable property situated in the
Republic, at the rate of 20%.

Does the above mean that if a share is listed on an exchange and an abroad one nonetheless .....then what ? :?:

It's not at all clear as you can see. I wouldn't be surprised if they had this info on some government website but then some tax consultants started a strike and had them take it down so they could earn a living, not much different from the taxi folks that were boycotting public transportation :mrgreen:
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Re: Taxes on trading shares abroad

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:52 pm

dodo wrote:Sorry, but I still don't see anything mentioning taxation of gains from trading/selling shares at a profit.

Capital Gains Tax is imposed on gains from disposal of
immovable property situated in the Republic including
shares of companies not listed on a recognised Stock
Exchange which own immovable property situated in the
Republic, at the rate of 20%.

Does the above mean that if a share is listed on an exchange and an abroad one nonetheless .....then what ? :?:

It's not at all clear as you can see. I wouldn't be surprised if they had this info on some government website but then some tax consultants started a strike and had them take it down so they could earn a living, not much different from the taxi folks that were boycotting public transportation :mrgreen:

Look, if I concentrate on your problem for 10-15 minutes I’m sure I’ll find the answer but I’m not going to because people are abusing us here and want an answer to all their problems as if we’re some kind of a Cyprus info center!

Please persevere on the net and you’ll get there.
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Re: Taxes on trading shares abroad

Postby dodo » Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:07 pm

Sure I will most certainly will as it's in the best of my interest. And don't get me wrong, not trying to be snotty but I think that if you did indeed spend a few minutes researching the info I'm after you would have found that it's rather unclear and not as concise as it should be.
No wonder people don't pay their taxes and dues as much as they should when it's not even so clear what is to be taxes and what is not. I can make a bet with anyone that without knowing the language and just by using Google translate, you'd be able to find out about the relevant taxes in places like Germany or Scandinavia within a few seconds. Not so sure about places like Italy or Greece, as for Cyprus.... :D :lol:
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