going back to the question whether i do a firmware upgrade i said yes...during the upgrade something went wrong and the router went into limbo mode...so i said no problem i would call netgear support...you call netgear and you get to speak to a phillipino monkey brains...he informs me that the router is out of warranty and my only options are free internet support meaning searching their website for solutions OR pay AUS$ 89.95 for 6 months support or AUS$129.95 for 12 months support...i said no way and for 2 hrs the son of bitch wouldn't budge...so i was left in limbo for a fucking 2 minute restore...I told him to go fuck himself and bought a new WNDR3700v4...got up and going and the next day i called the Melbourne office complaining that they trying to exhort money out of me, mafia style...he said he will see what he can do...
the next day I receive this email
NETGEAR Support Case #22987923
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Your case has been updated by NETGEAR Support.
Case #: 22987923
Case Summary: WNDR3700 - Router Failed after Firmware Upgrade
Product: WNDR3700
Update from NETGEAR:
Dear Mr.
My name is Ann. I am a Customer Care Advocate for NETGEAR Inc. I would like to convey to you our sincere apologies for the inconvenience you have experienced with your device and our experts. This issue has no doubt caused you some frustration and we want you to know that this is certainly not typical of our organization. NETGEAR Inc. takes great pride in maintaining a reputation for excellence, and we will make every effort to ensure that your next transaction with us is handled most efficiently. NETGEAR Inc. appreciates hearing from customers like you because we need feedback from our customers to help us monitor and maintain the quality of our products & services.
May I ask for your preferred time and number, so that I can have one of our experts assist you with your concern?
I have taken your comments and feedback to log a formal complaint on your behalf. Please let me assure you that we continue to be committed to providing you and all of our customers with the highest standards of product & service in the industry. We value your business, and please contact me should you have any further cause for concern.
Yours in Service,
Ann Salvador
Customer Care Advocate
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so i replied on their bullshit website thinking they really cared...nothing so the following day i re- responded again...again nothing...
So i searched this ann Salvador on the net and sure enough her name popped up...great so i emailed her directly...
Dear Ann,
I am writing to you in hope you respond to me urgently regarding the case mentioned in the subject field...
I have responded to your email twice on the 1st of April outlaying my phone number and specified time as soon as possible for an expert to reach me as per your kind request...also today the 2nd of April but still after your kind words in your standard reply, have not heard from any experts concerning my frustration and extortion demands from your Philippines support centre...I am sorry but your unexpected and welcomed email sounded you were concerned and action would have immediately followed.
I would like to take this opportunity to say when I say extortion demands as offered by the supervisor at the help centre, $89.95 for 6 months and $ 129.95 for 12 months for after warranty support, but the cost of a new product the WNDR3700 costs is $122 with a 2 year warranty and support...so in my books why on earth would anyone subscribe to the warranty support as it makes no sense as the purchase of a new product with a 2 year support is less expensive than the 12 months support price...
Furthermore the supervisor at the help centre asked me who told me to do a firmware upgrade as they do not advised and recommend you do an upgrade but this conflicts with your equipment as the new router I purchased says on top of the menu in the first page there is new firmware for your router and if I would like to upgrade...I know makes no sense...2 million dollar question here is do I do or do not do a firmware upgrade?...your advice on this will be highly appreciated as it conflicts with your help centre...I am sure you could understand my scepticism on not doing a firmware upgrade and asking advice on this...the procedure is simply a couple of clicks on the menu and not rocket science.
The supervisor at the support centre to back his claim of no responsibility cited Microsoft...I informed him and advised him that
1...Microsoft will not do an upgrade on the operating system unless it downloads the file so if something goes wrong you are not left in limbo mode
2...Microsoft offers you the choice of downloading the file and then install at a later on time...
In both cases windows will make a restore point so you are not left in limbo mode...but still the supervisor did not acknowledge any responsibility on behalf of Netgear but insisted my 2 choices are free support from the help lines on the Netgear website, a no go because no router no internet, or the extortion demand of payment for support...quite unfair to say the least as I spend well over 2hrs pleading with him to help me out, as I stressed out to him there was no warning that the upgrade could go wrong leaving me with nowhere to go and also keeping in mind it would have been a 5 minute job. His actions not only caused frustration but a waste of my time, 2hrs, waste of your time and waste of his time...the only possible explanation for this shenanigans is to keep his employment intact.
The router, WNDR3700, in question is out of warranty.
I am writing to you in hope that
1...I get reimbursed for the cost of the new router because i did nothing wrong just followed instructions and no warnings were mentioned.
2...This problem gets eliminated so other Netgear customers do not suffer indignity at the hands of scrupulous help centre staff.
3...Correction in the way the unit does firmware upgrades.
4...A correct policy on firmware upgrades and not decisions taken on the spot to suit, again by misinformed and untrained scrupulous help centre staff.
By the way, I pleaded my case with the supervisor, Charles ID 74162 and case ref 22987923 to help me sort the problem out, but he was quite adamant to the point of stubbornness as the problem would have been eliminated and considering my computer background the last 30 years...but to no avail...again the said supervisor is not computer/business savvy and in all honesty not suited in the field he is employed in...I believe the whole conversation was recorder and you are most welcome to listen to it...
In your request you asked me to provide a number and best time to which I supplied and now you also have my email address...Your email address was obtain from the internet after a search on your name and deeply sorry if this causes you any concerns as no malice from my part is intended...just out of pure frustration...
Let me express my deepest disappointed as I have not heard from any experts as outline in your standard reply received on the 1st of April...it really sounded urgent with an intent of helping out...unless of course this was an April's fool's joke....
Your prompt reply on this will be highly appreciated.
Must have stir the hornets nest with the email, as you will see below and set the wheels in motion...this is the response i got from her...no restitution for the purchase of new equipment....
NETGEAR Support Case #22987923
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Your case has been updated by NETGEAR Support.
Case #: 22987923
Case Summary: WNDR3700 - Router Failed after Firmware Upgrade
Product: WNDR3700
Update from NETGEAR:
Hello Mr.
Thank you for your response.
We sincerely apologize for the trouble this have caused you and the delay in my response as I was out of the office the time you sent the email.
I will have one of our L2 experts call you and provide you a one time free support for the issue that you are experiencing. I will have one of our experts call you around 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM. The 2 year support that you mentioned is only for hardware warranty and not for support. The support warranty that we have is only for 90 days based on the purchase date. Can you still recall your original purchase date so that I can update your registration?
Please refrain from sending emails to our personal email as we cannot answer your concerns and queries there, we used the email address to access the email sent by customers and not for personal use.
Ann Salvador
Customer Care Advocate
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NOTE: If clicking the link above does not work, copy and paste the URL in a new browser window instead.
so i said to my self why bother with more bullshit...i changed the guts of my router with the new one and returned the newly purchased router stuck in limbo to the shop for a complete refund...

Had to re-arrange the the internals by butchering the pcb, drilled a new hole on the old housing, put it back in the box, and heat shrink the box as to look unused...not a big deal...

these people think we were born stupid...

If this happened in the US they would have been taking to court for a million dollar compensation...assholes...