Sotos wrote:boomerang wrote:The retail shop is just a transit point.. further more when goods are returned for refund in this country you need to provide an ID like drivers licence and also they have my credit card details... they know who I am... they can come after me... your example is not valid...
I am waiting for them to set the wheels in motion if they wish... do you honestly think they will after their whitewashing... publicity alone will kill them...i am not holding my breath... so to call me a thief is unacceptable....I simply took a stand...
What publicity will kill them? Bad reviews for companies for such issues are written all the time... nothing really remarkable about your case. If they can find you I think they will and this might be the most expensive router you ever boughtIs it visible from the outside of the router that somebody opened it up? If it is not then you can hope that nobody will notice and that it will just be discarded as a faulty unit when the next client returns it. Or maybe they will suspect the next client as the one who did the modification?
Well sotos they have the details...time will tell... think about it the retail price $122, take away tax retail profit, shipping costs, that will put the cost in vicinity of under $50...and I would not be the first one doing it...
I am armed with their own fucking admission of willing to help, in a way of a safeguard...I just simply counter sue... how much will they waste coming after you?... it will be in the thousands and for what $50...

Again I stress I am simply stating I took a stand...thats all... its not as if i walked into a shop and stole...I wrote them a lengthy letter after 3 days of the event... and took action after 3 days of whitewashing me... how are they going explain this to the judge?..6 days later an no action..after today if I do not hear from them it will be Monday...9days after the event...I guess this specialist internet company can argue it takes time train their pigeons... yes I and the judge can see their point of view....I better start preparing my legal case....