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Netgear equipment...beware

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Re: Netgear equipment...beware

Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 03, 2014 7:33 pm

erolz66 wrote:You make out this is a common fault of netgear routers and that all of them will fail when doping a flash update. This is not the case at all. Any time you do flash update of this type there is a risk of 'bricking' the device you are updating be it a router, a motherboard, a smartphone or any other device that has flashable rom. What is worse is that the bricked router could almost certainly have been fixed by anyone with an average level of competence, or indeed even by yourself if you could have been arsed to do some basic searching on netgear forums or internet in general.

I agree 100%.

Only techies should be flashing BIOSes because only techies will put the time and effort required to do it right, and have a backup plan in case things go wrong.

It took me 3-4 minutes yesterday to find that Netgear information (which applies to ALL models btw) which would’ve been GOLD for him when he was desperate to get it to work, but he didn’t do any research it seems and just kept clicking things away from the Admin menu assuming that BIOS flashing always goes hunky dory!

Netgear, and other digital device manufacturers stupidly allow the public to go into an area where the public does not belong and it’s as simple as that.

I hope they learn a lesson from this and henceforth make customers log onto their site to verify their IT credentials in order to obtain the admin password and waiver their warranty before messing with BIOSes.
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Re: Netgear equipment...beware

Postby boomerang » Thu Apr 03, 2014 10:58 pm

You all are talking out of your asses...


Version 1
you need manually to seek if there is a firmware upgrade

Version 2
The unit automatically tells you the there is new firmware and if you would like to upgrade... like encourages you to so on the start up page as soon as you connect to the internet... so basically the router connects to their servers behind your back....I did ask them to clarify this point to which again they did not address... why is that....further more why then in their response they offered to do it for nothing if it was out of which so far have not done so...

Read my letter to them...

So GR if the unit tells you there is a firmware upgrade and being a techie, and you do an upgrade and shits itself left holding your balls in your hand then what.... and GR only techies can actually work with routers, I don't expect common people to even know what a router is not alone get into the menu.... the problem is the whole procedure has holes and one of the points I raised is for them to do it differently... but they won't change as long as people give in to their demands... read extortion in my books...

You want to be a sheep be my guest... not me...

If this happened in the USA they would have been taken to court for a much higher amount...

Yes probably the old router could have been unbricked by me.... they wouldn't even point me to where to look as they took the extortion path... and went down hill from there...

And no the retailer will not be out of pocket because I do this for a living... its always the importer... in this case it will get scrapped because the router was bought from a retail chain store with 210 stores and do you think honestly think netgear will go after them?... are you fucking nuts?

I stress this was done out of frustration because as a manufacturer and wholesaler we have a responsibility to support a customer in or out of warranty best way we can... and certainly not down the extortion path...

This is not a warranty issue because if it was why sent me a letter with support....I waited 3 days after their email... then I took action.... after their admission legislation provides cover for me to take them to court and argue the case for 3 years...

From a legal stand point they the moment they agreed to do something they lost the case...

To put it into perspective for your tiny brain to comprehend, the house you live in that you inherited from your dad that peddled in stolen goods, and you as a moral guy, have you ever searched the true owners and offer compensation of even apologies or an acknowledgement ?... no... you are hiding behind the when and if there is a solution to see what happens... sometimes it's better to think twice before opening you mouth...

I was not bragging just warning people of solution avenues.. you need to take a stand... how many times we have heard manufacturers screwed people... this is why legislation is in place... especially in the USA...

Read the heading of this thread... does it say bragging or does it say beware... so again you did not really understood the point.... and then you complain other people twist the meaning of what you say...

On my letter to them I argued the point this was not a warranty issue because my router was working and not faulty as you moronicly implied if the router was broken and out of the warranty period demanding a new one... again your comprehension skills eluded you... simply they did not provide a restore point... why are you are you twisting the facts and making stupid assumptions?
Last edited by boomerang on Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Netgear equipment...beware

Postby boomerang » Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:28 pm


Why should you have to search for 4 hrs to find a solution from anyware... why don't they make it easy for you on the product support page along side the producer specifigations... because
1...their main game is manufacturing and they want you to purchase than fix...this is way it keeps them in business..
2...if you want to fix they make it hard for you to do just to discourage you... via the extortion route...

People need to take a stand and stamp the bullshit out...if 10000 people did what I did they will soon learn because then it's costing them money...

One way of eradicating the problem is to offer extended warranty when you purchase the product and this way they make more money and customers have extra protection... they do not offer this... why?... because extortion brings in a higher revenue that's why...also it self funds their support base...

We are seriously thinking of migrating the whole network to DLink because they offer 2 years phone support instead of 90 days...
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Re: Netgear equipment...beware

Postby Sotos » Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:39 pm

I agree that Netgear should have helped boomerang to find a solution. Out of warranty means that the company will not take the product back to fix it or replace it, it doesn't mean that they shouldn't even give some phone support to their client to help him solve the problem when the problem is solvable like this one... BUT what boomerang did was stealing from the shop... which had no fault at all and there is no excuse for this no matter what Netgear did.
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Re: Netgear equipment...beware

Postby boomerang » Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:50 pm

Sotos wrote:I agree that Netgear should have helped boomerang to find a solution. Out of warranty means that the company will not take the product back to fix it or replace it, it doesn't mean that they shouldn't even give some phone support to their client to help him solve the problem when the problem is solvable like this one... BUT what boomerang did was stealing from the shop... which had no fault at all and there is no excuse for this no matter what Netgear did.

Sotos I did not steal just provided myself with a restore point something they should have provided in the first place like NVIDIA, Microsoft, Samsung, Apple, etc...through their bullshit upgrade... why don't they provide an immediate easy support remedy...I gained nothing out of this and what's to say they do this intentionally 1:1000 for extra revenue...if this is the case they tried to steal first... how else can you explain their backtracking via trying to whitewash the problem...just checked my email, 6 days and counting for their expert to call me... so who is actually stealing from who here?
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Re: Netgear equipment...beware

Postby Sotos » Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:59 pm

boomerang wrote:
Sotos wrote:I agree that Netgear should have helped boomerang to find a solution. Out of warranty means that the company will not take the product back to fix it or replace it, it doesn't mean that they shouldn't even give some phone support to their client to help him solve the problem when the problem is solvable like this one... BUT what boomerang did was stealing from the shop... which had no fault at all and there is no excuse for this no matter what Netgear did.

Sotos I did not steal just provided myself with a restore point something they should have provided in the first place like NVIDIA, Microsoft, Samsung, etc...through their bullshit upgrade...I gained nothing out of this and what's to say they do this intentionally 1:1000 for extra revenue...if this is the case they tried to steal first... how else can you explain their backtracking via trying to whitewash the problem...just checked my email, 6 days and counting for their expert to call me... so who is actually stealing from who here?

Even if Netgear is 100% at fault you still stole from the shop. If somebody breaks my car and then I still yours would you accept the excuse "I gained nothing"? How is what you did to the SHOP excused by whatever Netgear did to you?
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Re: Netgear equipment...beware

Postby erolz66 » Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:03 am

For three years you did not do a firmware update and the router worked fine. The you CHOSE to do one, not understanding the inherent risk or what to do if the firmware update failed (and you show how little you understand what it was you did by stating you took a backup of the settings so you could revert back). Your action, combined with bad luck is what led to the router no longer functioning. GR found a solution online in a few minutes. I did the same in a similar amount of time. You however demanded that Netgear provide you telephone support for free to fix the issue , that you were NOT entitled to and when they did not do so, you went and stole a router to replace the one YOU broke and then told us all about it on a public forum.

The house I used to live in did not exist in 1974. The house I now live in did not exist in 1974. Trying to justify your theft of a router to replace the one you broke with your actions and lack of knowledge and understanding as being you 'standing up to the corporate giants' or justify it because of the Cyprus problem is risible. What you did is in fact criminal, that is beyond any doubt what so ever. To publically post about committing a criminal act it is just stupid.

You keep going on about 'this would not have happened in the USA'. You think that netgear do not sell routers in the USA ? You think that in the USA they would have got free level 2 phone support for a three year old 100 usd product ?
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Re: Netgear equipment...beware

Postby boomerang » Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:08 am

The retail shop is just a transit point.. further more when goods are returned for refund in this country you need to provide an ID like drivers licence and also they have my credit card details... they know who I am... they can come after me... your example is not valid...
I am waiting for them to set the wheels in motion if they wish... do you honestly think they will after their whitewashing... publicity alone will kill them...i am not holding my breath... so to call me a thief is unacceptable....I simply took a stand...
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Re: Netgear equipment...beware

Postby Sotos » Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:18 am

boomerang wrote:The retail shop is just a transit point.. further more when goods are returned for refund in this country you need to provide an ID like drivers licence and also they have my credit card details... they know who I am... they can come after me... your example is not valid...
I am waiting for them to set the wheels in motion if they wish... do you honestly think they will after their whitewashing... publicity alone will kill them...i am not holding my breath... so to call me a thief is unacceptable....I simply took a stand...

What publicity will kill them? Bad reviews for companies for such issues are written all the time... nothing really remarkable about your case. If they can find you I think they will and this might be the most expensive router you ever bought ;) Is it visible from the outside of the router that somebody opened it up? If it is not then you can hope that nobody will notice and that it will just be discarded as a faulty unit when the next client returns it. Or maybe they will suspect the next client as the one who did the modification? :?
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Re: Netgear equipment...beware

Postby boomerang » Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:20 am

erolz66 wrote:For three years you did not do a firmware update and the router worked fine. The you CHOSE to do one, not understanding the inherent risk or what to do if the firmware update failed (and you show how little you understand what it was you did by stating you took a backup of the settings so you could revert back). Your action, combined with bad luck is what led to the router no longer functioning. GR found a solution online in a few minutes. I did the same in a similar amount of time. You however demanded that Netgear provide you telephone support for free to fix the issue , that you were NOT entitled to and when they did not do so, you went and stole a router to replace the one YOU broke and then told us all about it on a public forum.

The house I used to live in did not exist in 1974. The house I now live in did not exist in 1974. Trying to justify your theft of a router to replace the one you broke with your actions and lack of knowledge and understanding as being you 'standing up to the corporate giants' or justify it because of the Cyprus problem is risible. What you did is in fact criminal, that is beyond any doubt what so ever. To publically post about committing a criminal act it is just stupid.

You keep going on about 'this would not have happened in the USA'. You think that netgear do not sell routers in the USA ? You think that in the USA they would have got free level 2 phone support for a three year old 100 usd product ?

They know who I am you dickhead....they have my details... ask unit he works in a large retail chain store....

They house you live in now it was build on stolen land... but in your books that makes a difference... well have you asked for permission to build on someone else land....

I asked that question regarding the firmware upgrade in my letter but as you can they did not reply... why is that?... again read my fucking letter to them and this loud while you are blocking your ears trapping the sound in hope the sound gets trapped in... one can only hope you might get it this time...
Also they agreed to provide support, 6 days and so far nothing... this in itself is admission of wrongful doing...I am not sure why I even bother talking to you as you are incapable of understanding what's going on... what a dickhead you have became since we met on your now extinct forum...

In the USA they have different legislation... different remedies so again you are clueless... please insist this point and I will make you a bigger ass...
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