Sotos wrote:I always turn off system restore right after I install the OS.
Good for you... it’s an additional useless service running in the background wasting resources.
I see win 7 also has "backup and restore"... which again I never used but I assume that this one would backup user data also.
With backup you'll have to specify an external place to write the backup file. It's a very slow process depending of course on how many directories you specify to backup, probably because it also compresses stuff. I hate it but I would set it up for customers to kick-start at 3 or 4am on the weekend so it doesn't bother them. I'll use it if they ask for backup and they don't want to spend a dime other than my time to set it up. I may also write a batch file to send stuff to a USB stick if not too much data.
But apart from "my documents" there are other places that data could be automatically stored... like in AppData, where various programs like email clients store their profiles... including all email & passwords, and then there are things like browser cookies ... and who knows what programs with personal data each person might be using. And if somebody is going to get a used computer then the first thing he should do is to format and re-install the OS to get the max performance possible... so there is no reason why you shouldn't wipe the whole drive clean... or if thats too difficult then just remove the hard drive ... the person that gets your computer can buy another one for €40.
I dind't want to confuse Oracle too much with "Application Data" which appears in two places at least on XP.
Oracle, add this to your list of things to delete:
C:\Documents and Settings\
YOUR_USER_NAME\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\OUTLOOK.PST
Thanks Sotos!