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New ICG on Cyprus

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Re: New ICG on Cyprus

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:29 am

Yes... be wary, as said above, its another Hugh Pope/ICG stunt.
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Re: New ICG on Cyprus

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Mar 16, 2014 3:04 am

...there is still one manner of defining a Bicommunal Bizonal Federation, which continues to be ignored:

a Republic exists;

for it to be the representative of a Cypriot State, a Greek state must also exist. if there is a Turkish Constituency, an equal to it is needed, other Cypriot Constituencies.

what remains United can thus be defined as having parts when there are at least three governing bodies.

Cyprus, the Republic, has as an equal other countries, typically like, Turkey, Britain, France, for example. it is a member of larger bodies, like them, because it qualifies. it does not, and should not represent its Citizens through any kind of discrimination or distinction, as a Government it is a demonstration of the Universal Principals that as Cypriots, they seek to better, as Individuals, as Human beings.

and, in effect, what has that got to do with educating children, as Greeks, how different are these needs to others such as Armenians, Latins, Maronite, and Turkish? it has nothing to do with the vast majority of the population being of one ethnicity or another, for Justice to be seen. bigger thinkers are these, as Cypriots with many flags, but where one, their flag, flies higher.

what is wrong with choice, Free Movement, Expression, and Association, beyond the vote as a European, and as a Cypriot, by where you reside, as an elector (and a taxpayer) a member of a Cypriot Constituency, a Greek if you will, others, or a Turk, at least, whether as a minority, or majority, self representation by choice to live and sustain a distinct identity, a National Assembly, Bizonal because wherever one may live one Country.

...and if Liberty is not, an equal respect toward each other as Persons, what of the word Freedom?

...where is the Greek Constituency? i ask, why not?

in my opinion, this report offers nothing more than a summation of the alternatives that money resolves. it is heartless, and mindless, in my opinion, because it does nothing to give us (the rest of the world), those who are not "Greeks", and not "Turks", the satisfaction of knowing these same adversaries have bettered themselves. Cyprus is not without a Heritance, an if the displaced are ignored (both from '63 and '74), there is no Justice; some as communities must return. and if i may say, those of us from "mixed" villages know/knew, beyond an identity quite different, there is one God if you will, at least, we lived as a race, one specie called Human.
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Re: New ICG on Cyprus

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Mar 16, 2014 3:08 am

obviously i started writing what is above, before there were any replies.

...i too was thinking how Turkey views her own opportunities if she chooses to ape the acts that Russia is attempting, an annexation.

my only hope, if the world is such a cynical place, is that Russia pays a wack of money, she has it after all.
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Re: New ICG on Cyprus

Postby Demonax » Sun Mar 16, 2014 4:49 am

bill cobbett wrote:Yes... be wary, as said above, its another Hugh Pope/ICG stunt.

Have you read the actual 'concessions' that Huge Pope says GCs would get out of this 'solution' ? It's just laughable.

Apparently we would get the right to gas reserves south of the island. (Yes, you read that correctly). We would get the resort of Varosha back. (But no word on anywhere else). And we would be compensated for our property in the north by Turkey. (That is a concession apparently). Oh and Turkey would promise not to invade the south but would have a defence pact with the north!

In exchange for all these wonderful 'concessions' from Turkey we would recognise a Turkish Cypriot state in the north and grant it EU membership!

It's just not even serious. Who the hell did this idiot masquerading as a researcher talk to in the Republic? Some bloody dog in the street? I can't think of anyone who would even contemplate such a stupid scenario. Not even the most rabid lunatic of a Turk would believe the GCs are likely to consider such a deal. It's bloody bonkers. What is wrong with these people?
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Re: New ICG on Cyprus

Postby boulio » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:11 am

If Britain puts a resolution forward that questions the legitimacy of the ROC thru the 64-65 resolutions what happens?whydo you think every 6 months there is a challenge in the unsc with the renewal of the resolution?because we need 200 Dutch peacekeepers?
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Re: New ICG on Cyprus

Postby boulio » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:15 am

Demonax he says other things as we'll as major concessions in territory and 2/3 of property on a individual basis.
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Re: New ICG on Cyprus

Postby Demonax » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:10 pm

boulio wrote:Demonax he says other things as we'll as major concessions in territory and 2/3 of property on a individual basis.

Boulio, the release of this document reveals nothing more than the old Turkish ploy of collapsing the current talks, claim reunification is impossible, blame the GCs and demand an independent Turkish state in the north. All Hugh Pope and the Turkish stooges at the ICG are doing is preparing the ground for Turkey's preferred policy of a 'velvet divorce'. Only we get a few 'concessions' in exchange for handing over the north to Turkey legally.

Now you might think that option is valid but I would rather we fought to uphold international law and UN principles and not cave in to such illegal and corrupt neo-colonial doctrines that would end in the formal partition of Cyprus.
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Re: New ICG on Cyprus

Postby boulio » Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:13 pm

I understand and agree everything you wrote demonax but things behind the scenes are different where cyprus own"allies and partners" are chipping away at her sovergnty ... s-emporiou
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Re: New ICG on Cyprus

Postby Demonax » Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:34 pm

boulio wrote:I understand and agree everything you wrote demonax but things behind the scenes are different where cyprus own"allies and partners" are chipping away at her sovergnty ... s-emporiou

That's Stefan Fule up to his old tricks. It's all part of the same process of trying to pressurise and scare the GCs into accepting a compromised settlement out of fear that the occupied areas will eventually be recognised. We must resist this pressure and if they push it we must fight back by using our veto. We have our own suggestions for the direct trade issue which involves the return of Varosha. We must stick to our terms and fight these neo-colonialists and cynics. We must not give in. We have international law on our side. Most importantly we have UN Security Council resolutions on our side.
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Re: New ICG on Cyprus

Postby boulio » Thu Mar 20, 2014 5:35 pm

seems that denomax was correct Mr.Fule seems to be backtracking concerning direct trade. ... the-table/
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