Just took this picture from my phone before leaving Perth.
The Chinese aircraft are using Perth International. They are not allowed to use RAAF Pearce like everyone else.
Seeyas in a few weeks maybe.
repulsewarrior wrote:...late night talk show host, Alex Jones, claims that the manifest of passengers includes twenty of the most important patent holders of radar technology in the world; the plane's disappearance is attributable to this fact, whether it was hijacked or otherwise crashed.
How the hell did the phones location correspond with this US airbase?
Sotos wrote:How the hell did the phones location correspond with this US airbase?
The meta data of a photo that contain things like coordinates can be very easily edited. So somebody intentionally added the specific coordinates to some photo. I can't believe that people fall for such cheap hoaxes!
Flying Horse wrote:Sotos wrote:How the hell did the phones location correspond with this US airbase?
The meta data of a photo that contain things like coordinates can be very easily edited. So somebody intentionally added the specific coordinates to some photo. I can't believe that people fall for such cheap hoaxes!
People read the 'evidence' given to back up the coordinates being real, and before you know it half the world has shared this story like a rash on social media.
I'm quite baffled that with half the world in the search area, that not one piece of debris picked up belongs to that plane. Well, actually I'm not surprised, because it's either not there, or its all too far under water.
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