More nonsense from Inmarsat. I wonder are they really convincing anyone? At least their previous explanation made some sense,
Chris McLoughlin, senior vice president of Inmarsat, told Sky News his company had analysed data from flights that took a similar path to MH370 in order to reach the conclusion that it crashed in the southern Indian Ocean.
"What we did two weeks ago was say it could be north or it could be south, and what we've done is refined that with the signals we got from other aircraft and that gives you a very good fit," he said.
"Previous aircraft provided a pattern, and that pattern to the south is virtually what we got in our suggested estimate. The fit is very, very strong.
Ha, ha, ha. Watch the Malaysian Government dancing in a few days after the Chinese get to understand the whole farce.
Chinese authorities have demanded "all information" about the crash is handed over by Malaysia after tonight's announcement.