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leaving UK

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leaving UK

Postby MACKAM1955 » Sun Nov 27, 2005 2:20 pm

Hello out there,were still trying to sell our house her in UK and make the move to Cyprus, we just cant seem to sell cant see why, is it an omen,or should that be oman,who cares, is someone telling us its just not to be, is there anyone out there who can say quite honustly leave dreary UK and spend the rest of your life in Cyprus.

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Postby lysi » Sun Nov 27, 2005 2:51 pm

The thing is eric, things could kick off with the greeks and turks , there was a war only in 1974 so remember to build an air raid shelter in your garden.
I hope it is the free area of cyprus you are moving to and not the occupied north .

good luck

ps england is crap isnt it.
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Postby Svetlana » Sun Nov 27, 2005 5:52 pm

Hi Eric

I dont know if Lysi is being ironic, but in my mind there is absolutely zero risk of TC v TC conflict here. This is one of the safest places in the world.
The last week has seen a number of moves, which will bring closer the two communities.

I suggest you write down the reasons for not moving here:
crime NO
cost of living NO
taxation NO
stress NO
weather NO
friendliness of people NO
racial disharmony NO

Lana PS I have to admit I am flying to London for a day's shopping tomorrow, so our shops are not so wonderful, I admit!
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Postby TheCabbie » Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:49 am

Over the past couple of years there has been an increase from a trickle of foreigners coming here to to what is now a flood, it doen't suit everybody, for lots of reasons, I know of 8 people who have gone back to the UK in the last month, it's cost them a lot of ££££s.

If you're bringing school age kids here then you really must think it through, for their sakes.

My advice would be to rent a place for a year before you buy, that way you'll see if it's for you and you'll also see where is the best for you to live, even more important if you have to work here.
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house sold

Postby MACKAM1955 » Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:40 pm

Well thought it would never happen but looks like after a year weve sold house and could be homeless by first week in April, shit scarey no going back now, well were going to sell what we can, and ship the bare minimum stuff out there after a few months rental to see if we like it. Any good shiping agents will be appriciated, I think were going over just the right time to by as I hear property isnt selling that well and the supply is outstripping the demand or is that vise versa ( who cares ). Any idea how much to transport a 3 piece suite and some personal belongings over if and when we decide to stay? or would it be cheaper to buy a van and bring the stuff myself as i would need a van for my work out there (plumbing ). Frightening but its done now hope weve made the right choice, it cant be as bad as Uk out there ( can it ). A ll imput gratefully recieved

Eric Wood :lol:
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Postby pumpernickle » Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:43 pm

all the best Eric, dear man.

and do take advice given by some people here with a pinch of salt. (lysi)

i wish you a great life. and dont worry bout the house. its the UK, it WILL sell, it has to. The housing market is bursting with buyers.

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Postby MACKAM1955 » Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:06 pm

Cheers pumpernicle this is a great forum and most of input is possitive with people always going out there way to give you advice.
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Postby pumpernickle » Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:08 pm

good stuff

take care

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Postby bigfatlondonboy » Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:09 am

good luck to ya mate..i hope you enjoy your life in cyprus as we will do in july when we move out there. :P
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Postby Rickers » Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:18 am

Hey Eric

I wish you all the very best -- we have been toying with the idea of taking the kids out of school and moving for 2 years now, and we ( well, one of us ! ) keep getting cold feet.

Good luck with the move -- let's face it , in real terms it can't possibly be any worse than the UK these days, and any country that offers safety, friendliness, a good standard of living and a complete absence of the
lunatic "ned" and "chav" culture can only be good, can't it ???

Best wishes from Scotland ( I wish it was Limassol !!! ),

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