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My theory Cypriots have highest Neanderthal DNA:

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My theory Cypriots have highest Neanderthal DNA:

Postby ChristosA » Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:01 am

Dear all

I am an anthropology student in London, and am myself of Greek and Greek Cypriot origin as stated in a previous post. I thought you as fellow Cypriots would like to view my theory and short video, with genetic and morphological scientific evidence that postulates my theory that modern Cypriots, Druze and Christian Lebanese to be the extant (haplogroup) hominins with highest frequency of Homo neanderthalensis DNA:

Professor John Hawks a notable palaeoanthropolgist has already voiced his support for my theory, in the papers I sent him leading inexorably to this video.

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Re: My theory Cypriots have highest Neanderthal DNA:

Postby Mustiejodu » Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:20 am

What is your point ?
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Re: My theory Cypriots have highest Neanderthal DNA:

Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:38 am

That Christian Lebanese and the native Cypriots are one and the same people is an old story, see the “Phoenicians”. ... ury-BC.jpg

As for the other part of your argument you will have to take it up with anthropologists because Neanderthals are considered extinct.
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Re: My theory Cypriots have highest Neanderthal DNA:

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:38 pm

I'm very interested in seeing your DNA data, Christos. Do you have any you can share?

As far as I know, the only haplogroup that could be Neanderthal-associated is D and I have not seen any data that this has been found (or looked for) in Cypriots. Mostly Japanese?

As for random genomic presence, I thought the current take is that Europeans had a lot of mixing/mating with Neanderthals but only a little of the DNA (1 to 5%) remains, suggesting that these were the genes perhaps that helped speed up our adaptation to living in the out-of-Africa, colder environment. Genes such as blue eye colour, paler skin and ginger hair which are more suitable in the colder climates are thought to have originated around the time we were most likely to have mated with Neanderthals (40,000 to 80,000 years ago). Also some immune-helper genes which again would have helped us adapt more quickly to the new environment (which the Neanderthals and other hominids/hominins, e.g. Denisovans - of Australian Aboriginal fame - had been living in for longer). I think your Hawks guy supports the idea that evolution is speeding up. So are Cypriots the most highly evolved Europeans? :D
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Re: My theory Cypriots have highest Neanderthal DNA:

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:17 pm

Since you mentioned Aborigines, it amazes me how they had over 400 dialects some 40,000 years ago.

Some tribes even built stone houses similar to those found in Choirokitia.

The other thing that amazes me is their attachment to the land and their ability to conquer and survive the continent. Their diet is amazing. I remember eating Emu Kleftiko prepared by the elders in a very remote community. Most amazing succulent juicy meat ever. Kangaroo is rather dry and tough. Snake, which I have not tried tastes like chicken. Crocodile, which I have tried also tastes a bit like chicken.

Witchety Grubs are also good.

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Re: My theory Cypriots have highest Neanderthal DNA:

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:33 pm

Hello again Christos.

Would really appreciate seeing some DNA data showing the percentage of Neanderthal DNA in the various ethnic groups which you must have analysed in order to derive a "theory" [rather than some abstract idea or opinion]. :wink:

- Such information would be worthy of a Nature paper, for sure ... Have you published your findings (?) in any peer-reviewed journals?

- It's very exciting if you've shifted the boundaries. :D
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Re: My theory Cypriots have highest Neanderthal DNA:

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:15 pm

ChristosA wrote:Dear all

I am an anthropology student in London, and am myself of Greek and Greek Cypriot origin as stated in a previous post. I thought you as fellow Cypriots would like to view my theory and short video, with genetic and morphological scientific evidence that postulates my theory that modern Cypriots, Druze and Christian Lebanese to be the extant (haplogroup) hominins with highest frequency of Homo neanderthalensis DNA:

Professor John Hawks a notable palaeoanthropolgist has already voiced his support for my theory, in the papers I sent him leading inexorably to this video.

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Do you study under professor Andreas Zonkarides. :D
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Re: My theory Cypriots have highest Neanderthal DNA:

Postby Nikitas » Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:03 pm

So the first known writing and other fundamentals of civilisation in the Levant werescreations of Neanderthals? Fascinating.
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