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Was it a mistake to join the eu?

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Was it a mistake to join the eu?

Postby Mustiejodu » Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:12 pm

Was it a mistake to join the eu? I am in two minds about this so I need people to put their points across so I can come to a conclusion.
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Re: Was it a mistake to join the eu?

Postby tsukoui » Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:37 pm

Likewise, you have to ask yourself what is the purpose?

Is it the dissolution of nations for the purpose of peace and prosperity, or is it a ploy to strip the people of even more rights?

The Bilderberg insiders, like Daniel Estulin, claim the latter, advocating a return to national identities. But this only caused wars when it was tried before.

My brother suggests what is needed is a deepening of the democratic process.

But Sheikh Nazim and his fellow Muslims claim that democracy is a sham and only a return of the khalifat will guarantee a natural order in society.

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Re: Was it a mistake to join the eu?

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:24 am

No it was NOT a mistake.

Cyprus belongs to Europe like Germany, France and UK!
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Re: Was it a mistake to join the eu?

Postby Maximus » Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:03 am

on another thread, you said

Mustiejodu wrote:To me the only real cypriots left are the turkish cypriots that left the country because they don't want to assimilate to turkish or Kurdish culture .

Where did they go after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus? Was it to another European country?
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Re: Was it a mistake to join the eu?

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:10 am

Maximus wrote:on another thread, you said

Mustiejodu wrote:To me the only real cypriots left are the turkish cypriots that left the country because they don't want to assimilate to turkish or Kurdish culture .

Where did they go after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus? Was it to another European country?

This guy claims to be an Armenian Cypriot!

Considering the history between Armenians and Turks, even in Nicosia where an entire Armenian Community was evicted from within the Venetian Walls, everyone should take that with a houfta of salt! Anyone falls for this guys lies is just plain STUPID!
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Re: Was it a mistake to join the eu?

Postby Mustiejodu » Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:46 am

Thanks tsukiou. Very good points made. I think the chaps in Brussels had this utopia type of dreams and aspirations but to practically try to impose them on country's has had a negative affect. For example the Brits are proud of their heritage and sovereignity which probably stemmed from their background of being an empire. Some country's can't conform fully to the eu one nation state type of ideology . It's too close to communism but under a new banner. Cypriots have been ruled by so many empires but have managed to keep their heritage and culture but have at the same time adopted some of the invaders cultures and way of life which is why they are so different to main land greeks even in the way they look. I am certain that this is what will happen with the influence of eu but at a larger scale. I have been reading all the rules that were imposed on the cypriots by the Ottoman Empire and that is peanuts compared to the eu legislation imposed on eu members . Let's see how the cypriots will end up like in 300 years of rule under eu ? I can see that under Ottoman Empire which let's not ignore was a Islamic empire the cypriots are still cypriots in that they kept their religion and culture. We would also need to take into consideration when making comparisons as it was in the 16th century.
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Re: Was it a mistake to join the eu?

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:12 am

Don't see what the issue is especially since over 22 very developed countries don't give a toss then why should Cyprus?

We are Europeans unlike you who just doesn't fit in.
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Re: Was it a mistake to join the eu?

Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:45 am

Mustiejodu wrote:Was it a mistake to join the eu? I am in two minds about this so I need people to put their points across so I can come to a conclusion.

If you don’t have an opinion to put forward on the matter then don’t start threads for the sake of having your vague questions “answered”.
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Re: Was it a mistake to join the eu?

Postby observer » Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:28 pm

I can think of no practical reason why RoC joined the EU.

I ignore the rather mystical one of being 'part of Europe' and the unspoken one of the EU assisting to bringing an end to the TRNC. They never will - It's of no importance to anyone other than Cypriots.

All that's happened is that RoC has tied itself to economies and countries that it cannot keep up with, and put any chance of reunification into the far, distant future.
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Re: Was it a mistake to join the eu?

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:36 pm

On the contrary, the EU is the RoC's biggest guarantor for political stability and the greatest guarantee for the TCs as a community!
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