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What is so bad about being a cypriot

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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby Mustiejodu » Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:04 am

My last sentence was supposed to be I don't buy into this lip service business . If it's the case that it is a lip service which I am not convinced at all then that should not be allowed. You are part of the eu you can't operate your politics in this manner. You have to be like the Europeans and follow what Brussels tells you. I am being sarcastic.sorry
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby CBBB » Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:14 am

Mustiejodu wrote:My last sentence was supposed to be I don't buy into this lip service business . If it's the case that it is a lip service which I am not convinced at all then that should not be allowed. You are part of the eu you can't operate your politics in this manner. You have to be like the Europeans and follow what Brussels tells you. I am being sarcastic.sorry

You stick to your opinion, those of us that know more about it will stick to ours.
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby Mustiejodu » Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:16 am

Yes we agree on one thing and one thing alone and that is it is an opinion. But there is no smoke without fire.
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:03 am

CBBB wrote:
Mustiejodu wrote:I was suprised positively that you were still allowed in this forum considering the strong influence the Orthodox Church has on everything especially on politics .

This single sentence shows that you don't know what you are talking about. The politicians pay lip-service to the Archbishop, but very few people take much notice of what he says.

I won't mention the space before the full stop.

The stupid muppet thinks the Church has influence!

No one even goes to Church and no one even cares what the Archbishop says. He chimes in as much as the Anglican Archbishops chime in Australia which just so happens to be one of the most Atheistic and secular countries on the planet.

And no I do not make disgusting claims about Christianity or God. Always respect peoples beliefs, even Muslims, Hindus or Budhists. No skin off my nose.

This guy is taking the piss.
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby Mustiejodu » Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:54 pm

You are a big liar. You started the topic subject there is no god in February 2008. Don't lie you biggoted bafoon. To those reading this please look up there is no god or in the section subject put paphitis and click on to page 5 and 6 onwards and you will see this person slagging god off and jesus and marry and Joseph.
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:38 pm

Mustiejodu wrote:To me the only real cypriots left are the turkish cypriots that left the country because they don't want to assimilate to turkish or Kurdish culture .

You're just an Ottoman remnant trying to be clever.
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:51 pm

Mustiejodu wrote:You are a big liar. You started the topic subject there is no god in February 2008. Don't lie you biggoted bafoon. To those reading this please look up there is no god or in the section subject put paphitis and click on to page 5 and 6 onwards and you will see this person slagging god off and jesus and marry and Joseph.

There is no God according to me. How is that offensive to believers?

People can believe what they want, and so so can I!
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby Mustiejodu » Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:01 am

Did you not state that Jesus smoked referring to weed and did you not state that jesus was a hippy? It's all on record so you can't deny. I don't believe in god but I would not slagg a persons belief. I do agree with most of the points you made on that topic but I don't agree with making a mockery of people's beliefs. The point here was that you called me a liar but the fact you initially denied ever slagging jesus off is a lie. I already admitted to hairy island girl that I bull shit on this forum because I started off serious but all you idiots just come out with so much bull shit that if you can't beat them then join them. There was some idiot showing a clip of denktash and you can see whilst denktash is talking the words did not follow his lips. I bull shit about who and where I am from and also my real opinions. You are not ready for some one like me? All you want is to argue with a turk and feel great later on how much you slagged that person off. Your fear of the unknown unsettles you. You are comfortable just hating Turks. It's your comfort zone. I am sure one of you idiots will correct my grammar. I also expect you cutting clippings from my text and making idiotic remarks. Oh your all so clever and smart but still none of you know what my real opinions are. I know exactly how you will respond because your all robots. You don't have the capacity to look deeper and think intelligently.
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:22 pm

Mustiejodu wrote:Did you not state that Jesus smoked referring to weed and did you not state that jesus was a hippy? It's all on record so you can't deny. I don't believe in god but I would not slagg a persons belief. I do agree with most of the points you made on that topic but I don't agree with making a mockery of people's beliefs. The point here was that you called me a liar but the fact you initially denied ever slagging jesus off is a lie. I already admitted to hairy island girl that I bull shit on this forum because I started off serious but all you idiots just come out with so much bull shit that if you can't beat them then join them. There was some idiot showing a clip of denktash and you can see whilst denktash is talking the words did not follow his lips. I bull shit about who and where I am from and also my real opinions. You are not ready for some one like me? All you want is to argue with a turk and feel great later on how much you slagged that person off. Your fear of the unknown unsettles you. You are comfortable just hating Turks. It's your comfort zone. I am sure one of you idiots will correct my grammar. I also expect you cutting clippings from my text and making idiotic remarks. Oh your all so clever and smart but still none of you know what my real opinions are. I know exactly how you will respond because your all robots. You don't have the capacity to look deeper and think intelligently.

Get with it pigeon brains! If he smoked weed or not it implies nothing about his character nor is it an insult except to those who have no idea what they're talking about!

The remark was to reinforce the fact that Jesus was so left of the box for the times and very alternative that he may have been a hippy - still no insult. There are a number of historians who claim rather outrages things such as Jesus' Affair with Magdalena, that he and her had children together and that he smoked with the Apostles. It is not far fetched!
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby Mustiejodu » Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:00 pm

Salman Rushdie is your best mate you anti-Christ.
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