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What is so bad about being a cypriot

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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby Mustiejodu » Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:49 pm

You are all so far away from the truth about me that you are trying too hard to guess what I am . I was born December 14 th 1970 in Greenwich hospital which makes me a british cypriot . My mum is from afanya and my dad is from lourougina . These are the facts about me . My dad can probably speak better greek Than some of you guys and girls . My mum on the other hand can't because in her village the greek cypriots spoke turkish . I like the cypriot culture and way of living and that girl is very wrong that we are European . Cyprus is not in Europe it's in the med . Cypriot culture is actually a mixture of all sorts of cultures which is why it makes us unique . I certainly am not a partitionist .i am also married to a GC british born .we have 2 beautiful girls and they will grow up to say they are truelly of cypriot descent . All our parents apart from my mum were objected to this but after the kids came she changed her resistance . So there you go you were all wrong I was testing the waters to get all your true opinions and most are extreme and some are not . Most of you have a long way to go before you change your mind set if you ever do but even if you don't you won't be able to stop those that want to change things
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby B25 » Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:43 pm

So you were here before under a different alias. I notice that you were careful to hide your gender, not that it makes any difference a dog smells of dog no matter how many times you wash it.

I vaguely recall the previous plonker had a couple of kids, poor souls, i bet they a totally confused with you geing anti all GC. Considering the shit you have out about, about GCs i wonder what your other half and kids would say???
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby Mustiejodu » Wed Feb 19, 2014 7:27 pm

Oh b25 you have woken up . If you read my text it's never been hatred of GC s . I hate racist and anti TC s and my wife knows this yes . No liberal person likes extreme people . I would expect my children when they grow up to be strong and proud of their background and to ignore people like you be it GC or TC . We have never had any issues because we live in a civilised country where all creeds can co -exist . I read all the hatred both parties have and I can easily tap into your psyche be it greek or turkish . I could have easily pretended to be GC and you would not even have noticed .no one really knows what we are in a forum. All it is is writing words that you choose to write but it don't mean it's your belief . I have never been on this forum before . The only problem I see with the forum is it's the same people on saying the same things and scoring one after the other . No one really agrees with each other and most like hearing their own words or seeing their own text is the right context . If a GC shows hatred towards my child I would expect my child to exact that in her defence but only to that person and I would expect that if a TC showed hatred and that s the way I am . Just because I married a greek don't mean I have to like all of you .i certainly don't like every TC . I like people on face value I don't pass judgment on everyone just because bill or paphitis is racist towards TC . I definately would not like these 2 characters and I would argue with them and to be honest I would not have anything to do with those types .
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby Mustiejodu » Wed Feb 19, 2014 7:36 pm

I am a female through and through and my husband is very kind and peacefull good hearted person . He is not the usual GC or TC ego shovanist type that you see in cyprus or mothers boy type you get in England because it's off putting to a woman . That's all I have to say about that . Not here to discuss my personal life as it's none of any ones business . I just wanted to clarify my position which is liberal minded but will not tolerate extremist views and will retaliate and argue with you regardless if your GC or TC .
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Feb 19, 2014 7:45 pm

Not that I care one way or the other as this should be an anonymous forum to allow people to engage, but it puzzles me why you bother ...

Mustiejodu wrote:I am a female through and through and my husband is very kind and peacefull good hearted person .

Yet, the previous post ...

Mustiejodu wrote:I hate racist and anti TC s and my wife knows this yes .

What interests me more is ... why do you leave a space and then add the full stop?
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby Maximus » Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:05 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Not that I care one way or the other as this should be an anonymous forum to allow people to engage, but it puzzles me why you bother ...

Mustiejodu wrote:I am a female through and through and my husband is very kind and peacefull good hearted person .

Yet, the previous post ...

Mustiejodu wrote:I hate racist and anti TC s and my wife knows this yes .

What interests me more is ... why do you leave a space and then add the full stop?


Whats very likely is that Mustiejodu read my post here on a thread s/he was also commenting on. where I said " I was speaking to my cousins husband yesterday night. He is a TC."

Then, computing that she is a GC and this is not good , s/he received a moment of inspiration to start a new thread to go on a propaganda rampage. It is evident. S/he cant even keep the story of his/her personal life honest and straight.
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby tsukoui » Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:19 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Mustiejodu wrote: ... I don't like the European culture that cypriots are changing to ...

But Cypriots do like the European culture because they invented it. Your discomfort stems from being eastern and feeling stranded here. I suggest you go and find your roots in Asia. Cyprus is European. You are the odd one out, the misfit.

Hi Gig, I haven't got such a big issue with Europe, I don't blame Europeans in general for racist colonialism, certainly East Europeans had nothing to do with it, but Cyprus is east of the Bosphorus, that makes it at least as Asian as it is European. Don't let your struggle against the Turkish occupation cut you off from your own roots.
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby miltiades » Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:23 pm

My ...husband too was English and my wife knew that very well, What does this make me ??? :lol: :lol:
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:35 pm

tsukoui wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Mustiejodu wrote: ... I don't like the European culture that cypriots are changing to ...

But Cypriots do like the European culture because they invented it. Your discomfort stems from being eastern and feeling stranded here. I suggest you go and find your roots in Asia. Cyprus is European. You are the odd one out, the misfit.

Hi Gig, I haven't got such a big issue with Europe, I don't blame Europeans in general for racist colonialism, certainly East Europeans had nothing to do with it, but Cyprus is east of the Bosphorus, that makes it at least as Asian as it is European. Don't let your struggle against the Turkish occupation cut you off from your own roots.

We're not so close to the Bosphorous. The political delineation of East-West is a recent construct and Cyprus was not part of Asia (other side of the world) as European culture grew up around us and from us, as Greeks. Our genetic migrations are European and these are over 20,000 years old; I've tried to tackle you about this before and you shy away.
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Re: What is so bad about being a cypriot

Postby tsukoui » Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:44 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
tsukoui wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Mustiejodu wrote: ... I don't like the European culture that cypriots are changing to ...

But Cypriots do like the European culture because they invented it. Your discomfort stems from being eastern and feeling stranded here. I suggest you go and find your roots in Asia. Cyprus is European. You are the odd one out, the misfit.

Hi Gig, I haven't got such a big issue with Europe, I don't blame Europeans in general for racist colonialism, certainly East Europeans had nothing to do with it, but Cyprus is east of the Bosphorus, that makes it at least as Asian as it is European. Don't let your struggle against the Turkish occupation cut you off from your own roots.

We're not so close to the Bosphorous. The political delineation of East-West is a recent construct and Cyprus was not part of Asia (other side of the world) as European culture grew up around us and from us, as Greeks. Our genetic migrations are European and these are over 20,000 years old; I've tried to tackle you about this before and you shy away.

All identities are political Gig. The majority of Turks are descended from Greeks at least partially if not fully, so what's your point? We have a political dispute with Turkey. We don't have a political dispute with India, for example. In fact recent politics places us in alliance with her. Are you saying ancient politics trumps recent? Then why are you promoting the recent politics of Europe which is an entirely modern creation? Light skin developed 9,000 years ago, so if Cypriot genetics are over 20,000 years old then for most of that time they had as much melanin as Africans. What does that mean? Anything and nothing. Are we going to project back in time modern day identities of "Black" and "White"? In what sense were they European and not African or Asian for that matter? It's all about what political project you have. My political project is a united Cyprus and an end to racism.
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