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Return the George Stubb's Oil Paintings to Australia

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Return the George Stubb's Oil Paintings to Australia

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:05 am

These iconic oil paintings are the first to depict Australian Flora and Fauna.

The artwork is of immense cultural importance to Australia and should be return to the National Gallery of Australia! :D
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Re: Return the George Stubb's Oil Paintings to Australia

Postby Sotos » Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:28 am

OK... I will return them to you, but you have to pay the shipping of $5.99
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Re: Return the George Stubb's Oil Paintings to Australia

Postby Flying Horse » Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:33 am

Technically George Stubbs, never actually saw the wildlife of Australia. He painting them by description given to him from Captain Cook.
English painter that I don't think actually got very far on his travels apart from Italy.

Why would Australia think it important to have a painting of an imaginary kangaroo?

Now if it was of an actual Australian famous racehorse..... That might be slightly different.

You can't return something which has never actually left the UK ;-)
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Re: Return the George Stubb's Oil Paintings to Australia

Postby kurupetos » Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:33 pm

Flying Horse wrote:Technically George Stubbs, never actually saw the wildlife of Australia. He painting them by description given to him from Captain Cook.
English painter that I don't think actually got very far on his travels apart from Italy.

Why would Australia think it important to have a painting of an imaginary kangaroo?

Now if it was of an actual Australian famous racehorse..... That might be slightly different.

You can't return something which has never actually left the UK ;-)

:lol: He is just jealous of Hellenism. :roll:
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Re: Return the George Stubb's Oil Paintings to Australia

Postby Flying Horse » Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:55 pm

Thought I'd chime in with my tuppence worth. I studied Stubbs many moons ago. Did a copy of one of his many versions of 'Horse attacked by a Lion' after seeing it hanging in the Tate.

Bit of useless info for you there.
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Re: Return the George Stubb's Oil Paintings to Australia

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:01 pm

Being the first paintings of Australian Flora and Fauna, they should be returned to their rightful home and housed at the National Gallery of Australia.

The paintings are significantly important to Australia's history.

Also, any paintings of famous Australian race horses should also be returned. :D

At Sotos, the paintings are worth a lot more money that you will ever see in your lifetime.
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Re: Return the George Stubb's Oil Paintings to Australia

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:21 am

But if the paintings never came from Australia in the first place, how can they be returned?
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Re: Return the George Stubb's Oil Paintings to Australia

Postby DT. » Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:05 am

About time we also returned all the paintings of the moon to the....erm....moon. :?
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