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Joint Statement, Eroglu Success!

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Joint Statement, Eroglu Success!

Postby MrH » Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:21 pm

Well, Well, Well, looks like Eroglu finally twisted the Greek Cypriot leader's arm in getting what he wants. After careful scrutiny, the agreed conditions are actually not bad....not bad at all!!

1. The status quo is unacceptable and its prolongation will have negative consequences for the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. The leaders affirmed that a settlement would have a positive impact on the entire region, while first and foremost benefiting Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots, respecting democratic principles, human rights and fundamental freedoms as well as each other’s distinct identity and integrity and ensuring their common future in a united Cyprus within the European Union.

2. The leaders expressed their determination to resume structured negotiations in a results-oriented manner. All unresolved core issues will be on the table and will be discussed interdependently. The leaders will aim to reach a settlement as soon as possible and hold separate simultaneous referenda thereafter.

3. The settlement will be based on a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation with political equality as set out in the relevant Security Council Resolutions and the High Level Agreements. The united Cyprus, as a member of the United Nations and of the European Union, shall have a single, international legal personality and a single sovereignty which is defined as the sovereignty which is enjoyed by all members States of the United Nations, under the UN Charter and which emanates equally from Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. There will be a single united Cyprus citizenship, regulated by federal law. All citizens of the United Cyprus shall also be citizens of either the Greek-Cypriot constituent state or the Turkish-Cypriot constituent state. This status shall be internal and shall complement and not substitute in any way the united Cyprus citizenship.
The powers of the federal government and like matters that are clearly incidental to its specified powers, will be assigned by the constitution. The Federal constitution will also provide for the residual powers to be exercised by the constituent states. The constituent states will exercise fully and irrevocably all their powers free from encroachment by the federal government. The federal laws will not encroach upon constituent state laws within the constituent states’ area of competences and the constituent states’ laws will not encroach upon the federal laws within the federal government’s competences. Any dispute in respect thereof will be adjudicated finally by the Federal Supreme Court. Neither side may claim authority or jurisdiction over the other.

4. The united Cyprus federation shall result from the settlement following the settlement’s approval by separate simultaneous referenda. The Federal constitution shall prescribe that the united Cyprus federation shall be composed of two constituent states of equal status. The bi-zonal, bi-communal nature of the federation and the principles upon which the EU is founded will be safeguarded and respected throughout the island. The Federal constitution shall be the supreme law of the land and will be binding on all the federation’s authorities and on the constituent states. Union in whole or in part with any other country or any form of partition or secession or any other unilateral change to the state of affairs will be prohibited.

5. The negotiations are based on the principle that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed.

6. The appointed representatives are fully empowered to discuss any issue at any time and should enjoy parallel access to all stakeholders and interested parties in the process, as needed. The leaders of the two communities will meet as often as needed. They retain the ultimate decision-making power. Only an agreement freely reached by the leaders may be put to separate simultaneous referenda. Any kind of arbitration is excluded.

7. The sides will seek to create a positive atmosphere to ensure the talks succeed. They commit to avoiding blame games or other negative public comments on the negotiations. They also commit to efforts to implement confidence building measures that will provide dynamic impetus to the prospect for a united Cyprus.
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Re: Joint Statement, Eroglu Success!

Postby B25 » Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:36 pm

More like Erogluey has had his arm twisted and told to STFU by his puppet master. This agreement is bo**ocks anyway, there is nothing there that is new, what's all the excitement about. ANANstasiades can puff all he likes, it'll be us the people that will determine our future now some prick at the helm.
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Re: Joint Statement, Eroglu Success!

Postby Get Real! » Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:51 pm

MrH wrote:Well, Well, Well, looks like Eroglu finally twisted the Greek Cypriot leader's arm in getting what he wants. After careful scrutiny, the agreed conditions are actually not bad....not bad at all!!

So Eroglu and Turkey who were AGAINST a joint statement were forced into a strict joint statement as per Anastasiades’ wishes, and you interpret that as the amoeba twisting arms? :)
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Re: Joint Statement, Eroglu Success!

Postby MrH » Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:52 pm

Re: Joint Statement, Eroglu Success!
by Get Real! » Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:51 pm

MrH wrote:
Well, Well, Well, looks like Eroglu finally twisted the Greek Cypriot leader's arm in getting what he wants. After careful scrutiny, the agreed conditions are actually not bad....not bad at all!!

So Eroglu and Turkey who were AGAINST a joint statement were forced into a strict joint statement as per Anastasiades’ wishes, and you interpret that as the amoeba twisting arms?

Get Real,
If you've read the pointers correctly, particularly the most important parts of "federation", "Constituent States" and
"The federal laws will not encroach upon constituent state laws within the constituent states’ area of competences and the constituent states’ laws will not encroach upon the federal laws within the federal government’s competences"
, I would say it's a huge success for the Turkish Cypriots. Call it the legitimisation of Two Federated States along side a loose Federal idea or not, the fact that an agreement has commenced Based on a "Federal" style government with Two Federated States means really only one thing.........its one day, eventual, and legally accepted (Yugoslavian style) seperation into two Republic states. As I have said before Get Real, Recognising the TRNC of Today will be Your best option, where Chancing a Federal United Cyprus and then Splitting it's riches will hit the Greek Cypriots harder than the Turkish Cypriots!
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Re: Joint Statement, Eroglu Success!

Postby Get Real! » Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:01 pm

MrH wrote:Recognising the TRNC of Today will be Your best option,

I don't think so... leaving them there in illegal limbo is the best option.

As long as the amoeba promises not to twist any more arms… :lol:
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Re: Joint Statement, Eroglu Success!

Postby Demonax » Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:54 pm

MrH wrote:

Get Real,
If you've read the pointers correctly, particularly the most important parts of "federation", "Constituent States" and
"The federal laws will not encroach upon constituent state laws within the constituent states’ area of competences and the constituent states’ laws will not encroach upon the federal laws within the federal government’s competences"
, I would say it's a huge success for the Turkish Cypriots. Call it the legitimisation of Two Federated States along side a loose Federal idea or not, the fact that an agreement has commenced Based on a "Federal" style government with Two Federated States means really only one thing.........its one day, eventual, and legally accepted (Yugoslavian style) seperation into two Republic states. As I have said before Get Real, Recognising the TRNC of Today will be Your best option, where Chancing a Federal United Cyprus and then Splitting it's riches will hit the Greek Cypriots harder than the Turkish Cypriots!

Rubbish! This is not what this paragraph means at all! You are confusing the sovereignty of the federated state with the distribution of powers within that state. The United Republic will have one indissoluble sovereignty guaranteed by the UN and international law. Nothing will change in that regard. The two Lander or 'states' will have specific powers under the Constitution as is the case in all federated states. If there is controversy then this will be resolved by the Supreme federal court.

There is no basis for a confederation in this statement as you need two sovereign states to form a confederation which don't cede their sovereignty in the creation of that state. It's clear that this joint statement refers to a unified federal state and explicitly rules out confederation or secession or a Yugoslavia type dissolution:

Three. A united Cyprus as a member of the United Nations and the European Union will have a single legal personality and a single sovereignty, which is defined as the dominance enjoyed by all Member States of the United Nations based on the UN Charter and which emanates equally from Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. There will be only one single Cypriot citizenship, which is regulated by federal law. All citizens of a united Cyprus will be citizens, either the Greek Cypriot constituent state or the Turkish Cypriot constituent state. This property will be complementary and not a substitute in any way a single Cypriot citizenship.

The federal Cyprus will have one international legal personality and a single sovereignty in accordance with the UN Charter and emanates equally from the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. In other words, the citizens who are the people of Cyprus.

Now if you still don't get it just read the next paragraph:

4.The united Cyprus federation resulting from the solution after the adoption of the solution in separate simultaneous referenda. The federal Constitution provides that a united Cyprus federation consisting of two components equal states. The bi-communal, bi-zonal federation of nature and the principles on which the EU is founded safeguarded and respected throughout the island. The Federal Constitution is the supreme law of the island and will assume all the powers of the federation and its constituent states. The union in whole or part of a federation with any other country or any form of partition or secession or any unilateral change in the status quo is prohibited.

Apart from expressly forbidding secession, this is a crucial paragraph which frames a solution in terms of the EU acquis in which the four freedoms will apply throughout the island! There will be no permanent derogations on the free movement of people and capital. And no restrictions on buying property or investing in businesses. This is a big gain for the GC negotiators and has been agreed by Ankara.

My advice to you, Mr H, is to read the whole communique in context. If you did, you'd realise that if negotiations follow through on the joint statement then Ankara has just kissed your dream of a separate 'Republic' goodbye. Better get used to it!
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Re: Joint Statement, Eroglu Success!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:30 pm

MrH wrote:Well, Well, Well, looks like Eroglu finally twisted the Greek Cypriot leader's arm in getting what he wants. After careful scrutiny, the agreed conditions are actually not bad....not bad at all!!

And then --à

I would say it's a huge success for the Turkish Cypriots. Call it the legitimisation of Two Federated States along side a loose Federal idea or not, the fact that an agreement has commenced Based on a "Federal" style government with Two Federated States means really only one thing.........its one day, eventual, and legally accepted (Yugoslavian style) seperation into two Republic states. As I have said before Get Real, Recognising the TRNC of Today will be Your best option, where Chancing a Federal United Cyprus and then Splitting it's riches will hit the Greek Cypriots harder than the Turkish Cypriots!

I am soooo glad Eroglu twisted Anastasiade's arm, i wish he had twisted it a bit more.
Looks like all your dreams will come true Mr H, I am so glad for this unexpected strike of fortune on you. :lol: :lol:

Splitting it and go where reh?? To the next EU neighborhood abiding by exactly the same laws and having exactly the same obligations with exactly the same free movement of peoples and goods, with exactly the same freedom on commerce and exactly the same Euro and exactly the same EU Central Bank......

Are you that blind to see that you actually NEED the Gcs to maintain bizonality otherwise you will be forced to one man one vote by the same system that will reside on top of you?
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:59 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Joint Statement, Eroglu Success!

Postby Get Real! » Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:36 pm

This entire arm twisting has caused a bit of a problem now… with his arms indefinitely in casts and on constant painkillers… I don’t know how Anastasiades is going to be able to sign Cyprus away to the Turks! :?
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Re: Joint Statement, Eroglu Success!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:50 pm

Get Real! wrote:This entire arm twisting has caused a bit of a problem now… with his arms indefinitely in casts and on constant painkillers… I don’t know how Anastasiades is going to be able to sign Cyprus away to the Turks! :?

You got shit scared from what the wise guy said GR?
Don't be reh...we need fools around, to convince other fools they are right. :wink:
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Re: Joint Statement, Eroglu Success!

Postby Lordo » Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:17 pm

only aster his mummy cleans his nappy and gives g=hima clean dummy. the one he has he dunked into his soiled nappy.
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