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Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby bill cobbett » Tue May 06, 2014 3:21 pm

For greek and turkish speakers, a vid published today of Sener Levent urging CYs not to vote the usual kommata ways, for the parties that have brought such misery on CYs ...

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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 06, 2014 6:10 pm doubt, a powerful speaker, i admire this man as a Cypriot, i hope he wins his election.

(again, thanks bill, and please, thank the person who took the time to translate this work.)
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby Oceanside50 » Wed May 07, 2014 1:54 am

The value of this man can't only be measured in terms of him being a TC and running in the Euro elections but measured in his anti government anti establishment stand in terms of being against Turkey and the Turkish army in Cyprus and against the swindlers that call themselves politicians/leaders in the RoC....Amazingly his support base from both TC/GC is at best marginal....What does that say about Cypriots?
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby bill cobbett » Wed May 07, 2014 2:05 am

repulsewarrior doubt, a powerful speaker, i admire this man as a Cypriot, i hope he wins his election.

(again, thanks bill, and please, thank the person who took the time to translate this work.)

You can thank him yourself RW, it was our old CF friend, grokked.

... and yes, Sener Levent is powerful with his words. He'll be allowed two minutes in an election broadcast on CY TV later today.

Here's a sneak preview of what he'll say to CYs... :D ...

" ..."Dear Beloved Compatriots ,

Tortured and pained people suffering under occupation for forty years, murdered in the streets , who have been raped during the invasion, buried in mass graves , exiled under threat of death from the homes and soils in which you were born , who never returned back again to the places from which they were kicked out , sentenced to live in one half of the divided country , who lost their life during the war, plundered by their own governments during your peace and cheated constantly in the intercommunal negotiations taking place for forty years.

I was given two minutes to address you through this television . They discuss the Cyprus problem and the solution for a period longer than forty years . I will finish within two minutes this speech which I wrote calculating the duration based on the number of words. Basically I give written speeches , but this time it was necessary because of the problem of language.

Basically I do not need two minutes , one minute is enough. It was enough for our teacher Arif . Once he went to Constantinople invited by a Turkish television channel . The theme was Cyprus . He had just started the show, which was broadcast live, when a nationalist from Turkey, who was also invited to the program from Cyprus , said " I am more Cypriot than the Cypriots '. Master Arif broke , he could not contain himself . He stood up, turned to him (... to the nationalist...) and said ' Asihktir '.

The program presenter expelled Master Arif from the show because they perceived the above expression as a curse .

He went to Constantinople , threw them a '' Asihktir ' and returned to Cyprus . This phrase of Teacher Arif passed into history. Since that day , the phrase is converted into a flag in rallies, written on banners . Only one second is enough, not one minute to describe Cyprus and that's what I will do now.

I'm not saying ' vote for me ' . I wish you all ... Eleftheria ... "

(The refs to Teacher Arif are to the late Arif Hasan Tahsin or Arif Hodja, the former TMT commander turned opponent to "trnc" and peace activist)
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby Oceanside50 » Wed May 07, 2014 5:40 am

in the original showing of Mr Levent's interview, was the Greek translation fuzzy like in this video, because i can't read it?

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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby Lordo » Wed May 07, 2014 12:13 pm

are the gc candidates getting 2 minutes each or are they 2 gc minutes.
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby CBBB » Wed May 07, 2014 1:28 pm

Lordo wrote:are the gc candidates getting 2 minutes each or are they 2 gc minutes.

GC candidates will get 10 times the coverage of TC candidates, because there are 10 times as many!
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby B25 » Wed May 07, 2014 1:35 pm

CBBB wrote:
Lordo wrote:are the gc candidates getting 2 minutes each or are they 2 gc minutes.

GC candidates will get 10 times the coverage of TC candidates, because there are 10 times as many!

No, wait, if the GC is getting 2 mins then the TC MUST get 10 mins, since 1TC = 5 GC.

Turkish BS if you ask me.
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby kurupetos » Wed May 07, 2014 3:14 pm

bill cobbett wrote:For greek and turkish speakers, a vid published today of Sener Levent urging CYs not to vote the usual kommata ways, for the parties that have brought such misery on CYs ...

I agree. We must vote ELAM. :D
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby CBBB » Wed May 07, 2014 3:22 pm

kurupetos wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:For greek and turkish speakers, a vid published today of Sener Levent urging CYs not to vote the usual kommata ways, for the parties that have brought such misery on CYs ...

I agree. We must vote ELAM. :D

What, you and their 2 other supporters?
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