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Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:20 pm

Yes, yes, yes... the recent views of Loucas C are well-known, they are widely disseminated, often in English and they may even be widely shared, who knows.

... so let's get back to Sener Levent, who, writing in a low-circulation paper, isn't widely read and who writes in a language that most of us need Google Translate for any chance at an idea of what he has to say and who (with a lot, lot more support) could be the first-ever MEP to address the European Parliament in Kibrisilia or Turkish (or whatever it is he speaks).

So where do we stand... ??? Who hasn't said what they have to say...??? Where are "g"IG and VP, as well as the foul-mouthed Musty... ??? Are you for Levent...???
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby erolz66 » Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:25 pm

bill cobbett wrote:... so let's get back to Sener Levent, who, writing in a low-circulation paper, isn't widely read and who writes in a language that most of us need Google Translate for any chance at an idea of what he has to say and who (with a lot, lot more support) could be the first-ever MEP to address the European Parliament in Kibrisilia or Turkish (or whatever it is he speaks)....

If you Google him I think you will find some of what he says is massively re-reported in English and in Greek on 'certain' types of websites and forums (ie GC focused ones) ;) but anyway Ill let you get back to your campaigning even though you did not answer my direct question.
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:35 pm

erolz66 wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:... so let's get back to Sener Levent, who, writing in a low-circulation paper, isn't widely read and who writes in a language that most of us need Google Translate for any chance at an idea of what he has to say and who (with a lot, lot more support) could be the first-ever MEP to address the European Parliament in Kibrisilia or Turkish (or whatever it is he speaks)....

If you Google him I think you will find some of what he says is massively re-reported in English and in Greek on 'certain' types of websites and forums (ie GC focused ones) ;) but anyway Ill let you get back to your campaigning even though you did not answer my direct question.

BillC has googled for his speeches in English, very little available so if they're massively reported in English, help us out by posting a few samples.
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby erolz66 » Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:00 am

bill cobbett wrote: BillC has googled for his speeches in English, very little available so if they're massively reported in English, help us out by posting a few samples.

If you think I meant that the generality of what he has said is widely available in English then you misunderstand me. When he says the kind of thing that B25 likes then you can be it reproduced on many websites starting with the pio one and spread from there (,, etc etc). When it is less the kind of thing that B25 would like then you right its hard to find. Its the same thing as with B25 on a larger scale. When it fits a certain world view then its translated, reports and re reported. When it does not it does not. That was the point I was making.
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:03 am

...all the more important for us, on this forum, to learn more; can you help erolz?
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:23 am

After a few minutes Googling... here's another of Levent's speeches... in which he asks a very pertinent question of ALL CYs...

This, from last year.

"... Politis - Cyprus | Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Şener Levent wants an uprising in divided Cyprus

With an eye to the protests in Turkey and Egypt, the Turkish Cypriot columnist Şener Levent laments in the liberal daily Politis that people on the divided island of Cyprus have not also started an insurrection: "I sat in front of the television and watched the protests on Tahrir Square into the early morning. What a rebellion! What a crowd!

The Apocalypse is nigh! ... Tahrir Square in Cairo and Taksim Square in Istanbul are in a state of vibrancy.

Why does nothing happen here? Where is our Tahrir Square, our Taksim Square? Or do we have no reason to rebel?

How can a people whose homeland has been divided for 40 years remain so calm?

The people sit in front of their televisions and watch the rebellions in other countries. As if we had no real problems, no reason to react the same way.

There are as many protesters on Tahrir Square as Cyprus has residents.

If a tenth of the Cypriot population were to gather and march in the direction of Famagusta [in Turkish-occupied Northern Cyprus], the walls would soon be falling here at home." ..."
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby Oceanside50 » Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:24 am

what do you think is the problem BillC?
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:55 am

Oceanside50 wrote:what do you think is the problem BillC?

Prob people looking for 100% agreement. When was the last time you agreed 100% with someone..?? Never happens.
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Apr 18, 2014 3:23 pm

bill cobbett wrote:After a few minutes Googling... here's another of Levent's speeches... in which he asks a very pertinent question of ALL CYs...

This, from last year.

"... Politis - Cyprus | Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Şener Levent wants an uprising in divided Cyprus

With an eye to the protests in Turkey and Egypt, the Turkish Cypriot columnist Şener Levent laments in the liberal daily Politis that people on the divided island of Cyprus have not also started an insurrection: "I sat in front of the television and watched the protests on Tahrir Square into the early morning. What a rebellion! What a crowd!

The Apocalypse is nigh! ... Tahrir Square in Cairo and Taksim Square in Istanbul are in a state of vibrancy.

Why does nothing happen here? Where is our Tahrir Square, our Taksim Square? Or do we have no reason to rebel?

How can a people whose homeland has been divided for 40 years remain so calm?

The people sit in front of their televisions and watch the rebellions in other countries. As if we had no real problems, no reason to react the same way.

There are as many protesters on Tahrir Square as Cyprus has residents.

If a tenth of the Cypriot population were to gather and march in the direction of Famagusta [in Turkish-occupied Northern Cyprus], the walls would soon be falling here at home." ..."

Anyone seen B25, "g"IG and our GR...???

Will Levent be getting your support in the light of the above article...??? err... Unconditional support please, let's not be doing an Erol on BillC.
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:22 pm

Levent writes in Politis a couple of days ago to...

Criticise the very limited view of human rights in Turkey as applying primarily to the rights of Turks and ignoring the university of rights in a way that Turkish rights supersede the rights of others.

Criticise the expulsion of CYs from the Occupied Areas by force of arms and the movement of Illegal Settlers in to the Occupied Areas and the granting of "citizenship".

Criticise the Illegal Regime's for its refusal to allow refugees Restitution and its insistence on paying "compensation".

Criticise the continual references by the Illegal Regime to the "realities on the ground" and for promoting "solutions" based on these "realities" based on the spoils of war.

Criticise the lack of goodwill by maintaining the Pacmen on the Pendathactylos.

Questioning Turkey's human right's record for keeping Occupied Ammochostos closed for 40 Years.

Criticising the annual "celebrations" of 20 July.

Criticising the flags that greet Pilgrims with Turkish flags.

Here are the first paras for greek-speakers ...

"... Λένε ότι υπερασπίζονται τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα. Όμως, δεν είναι τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα που υπερασπίζονται, αλλά τα τουρκικά δικαιώματα. Μήπως οι Τούρκοι δεν είναι άνθρωποι; Φυσικά και είναι. Αλλά πρώτα είναι Τούρκοι και μετά άνθρωποι. Αν πράγματι υπερασπίζονταν τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, μήπως θα μπορούσαν να λένε ότι δεν έχουν δικαίωμα να επιστρέψουν πίσω ξανά οι άνθρωποι που εκδιώχθηκαν με τη βία των όπλων από τα χώματά τους; Μήπως αυτό αρμόζει σε κάποιον υπερασπιστή των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων;

Η χώρα υπέστη κατοχή. Ο κατακτητής μετέφερε πληθυσμό εδώ από τη δική του χώρα. Διένειμε τα χώματα που κατέκτησε στον πληθυσμό που μετέφερε και είναι πολλαπλάσιος από τον ντόπιο πληθυσμό. Και τώρα λέει ότι «είναι και αυτοί πολίτες μας, δεν μπορούν να σταλούν πίσω, θα μείνουν εδώ». Και στους ανθρώπους, τους οποίους έδιωξε από τα χώματά τους με τη βία των όπλων, λέει ότι «εσείς δεν μπορείτε να επιστρέψετε πίσω, αν θέλετε να ανταλλάξουμε την περιουσία σας ή να σας πληρώσουμε χρήματα για αυτήν».

Τι είδους λογική είναι αυτή αδελφέ; Τι είδους δικαιοσύνη; Και λες ότι είσαι υπερασπιστής των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, έτσι δεν είναι; Όμως, βλέπεις τον κόσμο με τουρκικό μάτι. Το μυαλό είναι ανθρώπινο, αλλά έχει προγραμματιστεί μόνο ως τουρκικό. Δεν υπάρχουν τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα μέσα σε αυτό. ..."

Rest at... ... &-V=stiles
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