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Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby Paphitis » Fri May 09, 2014 5:08 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Maximus wrote:What is he saying here Bill?

He is saying that those settlers that are born to Cypriots should be naturalized and those settlers that grew up here from childhood and are now adults should be made Cypriots.

Correct me if my translation is wrong but isn't that a lot of them? I do not agree with that and I thought you did not either.

I cannot believe people can be so stupid as to think he will do anything but legalise all those Settlers. :roll:

The fact he even admits to as much as he does in the above extract is an indication he will go much further because those settlers married to TCs have other relatives and they will make demands to "their MEP" regarding rights for all the settlers.

What is more, with such claims, there will be a rush of settlers marrying or impregnating TCs just so that they suddenly have the promise of an MEP (which they will say is from the EU) to stay as Cypriot citizens.

Who is this man that thinks he can go above the RoC as to who can become a Cypriot citizen?

Who is this man that will legalise the Turkish Settlers by rubber-stamping them as Cypriots?

This man is from the generation of TCs that think they are ABOVE the RoC and ABOVE any other race on this island!

Well there is not much anyone can do about it is there other than try to solve the Cyprus Problem as quickly as possible before more damage is done.

Fact is, Sener is not legitimizing anything. International Law and Human Rights will prohibit the return of all settlers and if you think that is not the case then you are off your head!

Fact is, those married to a Cy or born in Cy will be allowed to stay. Those on illegitimate work or student visas will have to go. Those born in Turkey and not married to a Cy will have to go.

Whether you like it or not, that is what is going to happen because that is what Human Rights advocates will be prepared to stomach along with the UN and EU.

The only way to get rid of them all is to pay them to leave. Provide an incentive. That is possible but will cost Billions.
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby Maximus » Fri May 09, 2014 5:22 pm

:shock: Well I will be damned,

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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby bill cobbett » Fri May 09, 2014 5:59 pm

Paphitis wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Maximus wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Maximus wrote:What is he saying here Bill?

He is saying that those settlers that are born to Cypriots should be naturalized and those settlers that grew up here from childhood and are now adults should be made Cypriots.

Correct me if my translation is wrong but isn't that a lot of them? I do not agree with that and I thought you did not either.

He's saying ... married to a CY or born and raised in CY stay, the rest don't.

Isn't that the majority of the settlers, with those in the latter camp outnumbering those in the former?

Do you agree with this Bill?

Do you want an idealistic answer or a circuitous and pragmatic one ...???


just give him the pragmatic answer.

We get the idealistic nonsense from our shit politicians that are just so out of step with reality.

The fact is, some of the settlers will stay and it is probably going to be those who have married a Cypriot Citizen and those that were born in Cyprus. Sener is not wrong.

There is no way that the UN, EU or any country will accept anything else.

Well, here are both answers...

In a Pre-settlement Ideal World, they can all bugger off back to where they came from.

In the Post-settlement Real World, however, those who make successful applications for citizenship according to the Law of the Republic, which includes the entry in to CY law of the ECHR side of things, will have the choice of staying.

So, in this second case, Levent is being very honest and telling us what we don't want to hear, cos in the real world and most importantly given the passage of time in many, many cases, it can't be anything other than those married to a CY or born and raised in CY staying. (Unless the Republic can come up with a few billions for just satisfaction awards at the ECHR)
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby Maximus » Fri May 09, 2014 6:06 pm

You guys are going to win the Erdogan peace prize.
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby bill cobbett » Fri May 09, 2014 6:21 pm

Maximus wrote:You guys are going to win the Erdogan peace prize.

... and Maxi and B25, you boys are going to have to give us a few examples, anywhere in the world, in the last few decades and under a similar occupation, of '000s of illegal settlers who have married a citizen or who were born in an occupied place, being deported.
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby Maximus » Fri May 09, 2014 6:29 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Maximus wrote:You guys are going to win the Erdogan peace prize.

... and Maxi and B25, you boys are going to have to give us a few examples, anywhere in the world, in the last few decades and under a similar occupation, of '000s of illegal settlers who have married a citizen or who were born in an occupied place, being deported.

I cant within that time frame but some of you have drastically changed your tune.

So, do you just want to remove the UN from the buffer zone and give the settlers a vote?
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby bill cobbett » Fri May 09, 2014 6:46 pm

Maximus wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Maximus wrote:You guys are going to win the Erdogan peace prize.

... and Maxi and B25, you boys are going to have to give us a few examples, anywhere in the world, in the last few decades and under a similar occupation, of '000s of illegal settlers who have married a citizen or who were born in an occupied place, being deported.

I cant within that time frame but some of you have drastically changed your tune.

So, do you just want to remove the UN from the buffer zone and give the settlers a vote?

Well look, let's not get too personal cos it ain't helpful.

We've seen what Levent's position is on the Illegal Settlers, some are for it (including Pres A by the way) and some feel otherwise.

Shall we move on and see what else this most curious of candidates, Sener Levent, has set out for us on his stall...???
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby Maximus » Fri May 09, 2014 6:52 pm

I am not getting personal.

This is how I see it because it seems that some of you want to follow through.

Remove the UN from the buffer zone, give the settlers a vote and Turkey might then agree to withdraw the TSK.

Comprehensive Solution?
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby CopperLine » Fri May 09, 2014 7:28 pm

Sounds like a very sensible proposal. Of course there'll be objectors who won't give an inch on their maximalist rejection of anything and everything short of complete abandonment of Cyprus by Turkish Cypriots. But there'll always be a lunatic fringe who will never be satisfied.
Let's assume for arguments sake that everyone in the north, excepting the Turkish military, was a settler or a Turkish Cypriot. Then we're talking of about 350,000 people. (At the time of the Annan vote it was closer to 250,000, so those who keep saying no to settlement just make it worse and worse, harder and harder to get a settlement). Would 350,000 in the north compared with a population of 1,200,000 Greek Cypriots and other residents/settlers be unacceptable as a price for a final settlement ?
Of course these assumed numbers are wrong : the Turkish settler population is probably no more than 50,000, with the other settlers, up to a maximum of 75,000, made up of Germans, Brits, Scandinavians and so on.

The rest of Europe and the US and Russia don't give a rat's arse anymore about the Cyprus problem. Turkey's getting tired of it. And if someone just made a decisive step - such as that suggested by Sener Levent - then everything could be sorted in under a year.

It won't happen though because "No" is much easier to say than doing anything positive to break the logjam. I don't have your energy and hope Bill Cobbett but I admire your determination.

For most of the rest of you, I'll drop in another five years time to see how your maximalist demands still haven't been met and how much you've aged and wasted another five years.
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Re: Vote for Sener Levent ... !!!

Postby B25 » Fri May 09, 2014 7:47 pm

That's just great, even the lawyer Copperline is looking for ways to justify turkeys violation of the Geneva Convention a war crime at that, not to mention the other tens of crimnal violations inorder to get the gypsies to stay. I couldn't give a rats arse how long those f gypsies have been here, trying to justfy the crime to suit your purpose is what the Turks do best.
F them, f you, see you in another 5 years. Ciao.
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