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Time to deliver on rights, Rehn warns Turkey

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

Postby ONURLU_1925 » Sun Dec 25, 2005 9:55 am

Dear Kifeas,
You said that EU membership is supported by the majority of the people in Turkey, but it is a big lie. Large amount of people suppose that if Turkey enters EU, economy etc. will straighten. But EU search a colony. EU want Turkey some standards and wishes(!), which will have never finalized. EU members don't apply these standards in their own country, because these are against the independence of any country. Turkey Republic is not a banana republic and is not a colony. Number of People ,who against EU membership, in Turkey increases day by day with a great speed.

We haven't any cultural problems, Mustafa Kemal said that "if you feel yourself as a Turk, you are a Turk". Imperial countries and EU want to create ethnic diference in Turkish people. Economical problems are true, because IMF and EU interfere Turkish economy, politics, etc. They tell lies Turkish people with media, which are bought by EU, ABD and IMF. There are little number of media, which see the truths, in Turkey.

EU is the biggest lie telling to Turkish people, EU want to differ Turkey Rebuplic.

Mustafa Kemal saw these days in 6 March 1922 and said that;
"There are some ideas that before doing something ask Europeans. There has never been any independence country, which ask foreigns before making decisions, in History"

He is true, there has not been such a civilization in History.

He pointed us your (european) science, art, technologic development. We rise our science, art, technology etc. level up to your level, the other things are unnecessary. We manage our country ourselves,
Please first apply these ridiculuos democracy and human rights standards in your own country and then give us lectures.
Last edited by ONURLU_1925 on Sun Dec 25, 2005 10:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby ONURLU_1925 » Sun Dec 25, 2005 10:03 am

In adition, today government represent only =~ %35 of Turkish people, do you know this?
There will never been or come any government, which is the more powerful than Turkish Citizens.
Our constitution first sentence is "Sovreignty is only and only Turkish Citizens' property."
If someone don't see the national values of Turkey, he could down.
Don't wonder, the life of today's Turkey government is not long.

p.s; The application of Southern Cyprus contravenes against international declarations and laws. But it is not our topic. We will discuss this in an another thread.
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Postby Agios Amvrosios » Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:42 am

Stop sniffing the liquid paper Kemal Attaturk was a butcher.
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Postby Giourkas » Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:09 pm

As a Turk I hate our government because nobody can see that we don't need to be a part of EU.EU is nothing and this f***** Union can not give something useful to our country.And I wonna ask why Turkish people's being a Muslim is a reason to be rejected from EU?Religion is nothing.Religion mustn't be a reason for everything.
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Postby Agios Amvrosios » Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:05 am

As a Greek Cypriot I want turkey in the EU. I think turkey will have to go through a severe step by step transformation into regulated modern democratic neighbour which will not be so obnoxious to all her neighbours. EU membership will mean that turkey will have to give some basic human rights to all the oppressed ethnic minorities. Speaking to many Turks here in AUstralia they suggest that they are unsure about the future of Turkey but they do believe that EU membership will hamper Turkey's independence.
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Postby elko » Thu Jan 12, 2006 6:21 pm

In democracies people should be able to to speak freely as long as they do not encourage illegality. In France and Switzerland, it is a crime to deny the so called Armenian Genocide. What kind of Democracy is France and Switzerland? Unfortunately, Europeans are good at hypocrisy. I never heard any Greek Cypriot criticize these laws and doubt if ever I will.
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Postby Piratis » Thu Jan 12, 2006 6:31 pm

In France and Switzerland, it is a crime to deny the so called Armenian Genocide.

Ismet I am afraid you confused France with Turkey. In Turkey it is a crime to admit the illegality of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. Turkish prisons are full with political prisoners.

In France and Switzerland people are as you said able to to speak freely as long as they do not encourage illegality.
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Postby elko » Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:00 pm

I am not confusing anything, you do your homework properly. You may find it ludicrous but that is the truth. It is a crime in France and Switzerland to deny the so-called Armenian Genocide. I am aware of the situation in Turkey too and never approved it. People must be able to speak freely. Things are changing very rapidly in Turkey for the better.
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Postby Piratis » Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:29 pm

I agreed with you that "In democracies people should be able to to speak freely as long as they do not encourage illegality". I don't believe that in France and Switzerland this is not the case though. If you can show me the law about this then I will apologize for making a wrong assumption. Until then allow me to doubt that the French would have such kind of law.
Was anybody jailed for violating this law? (if it indeed exists)
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Postby Piratis » Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:33 pm

Things are changing very rapidly in Turkey for the better.

According to the latest reports the reforms have slowed down and are mostly just on paper. In practise very little has changed in Turkey.
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