selam Turk kardaslar,
cehenneme gitsin dusmanlar,
bana gore en iyi plan kibris anavatana baglamaktir. ne yazik ki tepede bir suru vatani satan hain var. Turk kismini rum kismina baglanmaz, turkun bir avuc topragi dusmana verilmez. rumuyla kardes olunmaz. oldugumuz zaman da hep bizi arkamizdan vurmuslar. kibristaki sorunu turkler degil rumlar baslatmistir. Turk'ten nefret eden rum, ermeni, kurd ve yunan dusmandir, bunlarla muhattap edip arkadas olan vatan hainidir.
to all them terrorist-supporting greeks,
here is a translation as to what I said,
best regards to my turkish brother,
and to hell with all the enemies,
In my opinion, the best future for TC would be to unite with her mother country. However, that dream seems to be cut short because the treacherous political body that is ruling Turkey. The Turkish part of Cyprus should never unite with the cypriots. A turk will never give up a handfull of his land to his enemy. True Turks would never befriend a greek. we all know what happens when we become friends. somehow and for reason they always backstab us. Not to forget mentioning, the turks weren't the ones to initiate all the choas in cyprus. And to all the turks who read this, do not forget it is treason to befriend a kurd, a greek, and armenian, cuz treason and backstabbing is in their genes.
to be honest with u all, I never learned to hate greeks, not in school anyway. I don't get your race. How come its always that the greeks say they are superior to turks, how come when it comes to the pkk, they consider it a freedom fighting force instead of a terrorist group.
lets not forget all the greek aid to the pkk,
I mean who could forget that greece offered asylum and protection for apo, the pkk leader - I didn't
can't u fucking idiots suck it up, shit it out and accept the truth. Yeah we ruled you, but that was the past. Don't drag yesterdays war in to todays footsteps.
you cypriot greeks even teach your kids that the best turk is a dead turk and have them wear tshirts with that saying on it. if u sink anylower, my shit is gonna be worth more than u all.
actually, it is.
bunu okuyan butun asil turk kardaslarima selam,
insallah gelecekte birlesiriz.