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The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Cap » Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:10 pm

Really chuffed by the foreign infatuation with CY on Cyprus Mail.
Gawd, who would have thought so many foreigners would waste their time bashing something 'unimportant.'

Just remember, indifference to something is the mother of all killers and it's WORSE than being Anti something.
Bad press is just negative publicity, because you're still acknoweldging the RoC... which means it MATTERS to you.

God bless you all.

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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:17 am

Had they played by the rules I would’ve crushed them all within 2-3 days, or at most a week but when you’ve got some fascist arsehole with administrative access who keeps deleting your responses and encouraging (up-voting) their childish rubbish to protect them, you end up with the sad out-of-control circus that the CM has turned into today.

Having said that, it’s time we paid our respects to the Cyprus Forum owner/administrator who has established and maintains the ONLY (online) bastion of free thought in Cyprus where nobody’s posts get deleted regardless of whom or what they support in the true spirit of democracy and freedom of the press.

My respects to my democratic Limassolian friend who has created something precious that can NEVER exist in Turkey or in the illegally occupied territory of Cyprus.
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:41 am

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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:24 am

The subaltern wrote:Paphitis I do not usually get involve in one to one conversation and I am neither impressed or put off by wisecracks of the kind you post here. If this is the best you can do you better go back to CM. Your country needs you.

I was not being wise but absolutely serious!

Your posts remind me of the stereotypical Cypriot of the 60s and 70s. You think you are wise but in actual fact you are paranoid, insecure, and behave in a most non balanced way in your anti US, UK, Israeli et al hysteria. Behavior which I believe does the RoC no good, and even bought the Attila to Cyprus.

All this despite you living in the RoC's supposed enemy, the UK.

Your posts are total crap! Nothing informative, intelligent or constructive. Just anti British crap, most of which is unjustified.

The newer generations know full well how full of it your generations are, which is why the have written you all off on their old shoes!
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:57 am

Get Real! wrote:Had they played by the rules I would’ve crushed them all within 2-3 days, or at most a week but when you’ve got some fascist arsehole with administrative access who keeps deleting your responses and encouraging (up-voting) their childish rubbish to protect them, you end up with the sad out-of-control circus that the CM has turned into today.

Having said that, it’s time we paid our respects to the Cyprus Forum[/size] owner/administrator who has established and maintains the ONLY (online) bastion of free thought in Cyprus where nobody’s posts get deleted regardless of whom or what they support in the true spirit of democracy and freedom of the press.

My respects to my democratic Limassolian friend who has created something precious that can NEVER exist in Turkey or in the illegally occupied territory of Cyprus.

Hear! Hear!
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:43 pm

Unfortunately, the Cyprus Mail is CONTINUING to silence the GC posters in the comments sections of their articles with mass comment deletions and even IP bans!

However, I’m pleased to inform that I have just finished building my case against the Cyprus Mail and have lodged an official complaint earlier today with the CMCC.

Should the Cyprus Media Complaints Commission (CMCC) fail to rectify the problem then I will turn my attention at them via the state’s Ombudsman.

This is Phase #1 of my campaign and I’ll keep you posted on the developments.

Phase #2 if required, will involve an electronic campaign with which all of the Cyprus Mail’s customers (those who advertise with them) will be fully informed of the Cyprus Mail’s corrupt practices.

Phase #3 if required, will involve a well written article outlining the Cyprus Mail’s corrupt practices to be published in Greek in all of the island’s major newspapers so that the public is made aware of the Cyprus Mail’s corrupt practices.

Phase #4 if required, will involve a direct confrontation from a lobby group at their offices downtown Nicosia, demanding from the management to explain them selves.

In the meantime, if you have been discriminated against by the CM please lodge an official complaint form and have your screen snapshots ready as evidence upon request.

Regards, GR.
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:38 pm

:shock: I cannot believe the Cyprus Mail’s audacity today with the article:

“Our View: How corruption takes place in Cyprus” ... in-cyprus/

The CM should get its own corrupt house cleaned first before they talk about others!

Fancy that! :roll:
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:16 pm

I have been discriminated against.

I remember making some Anti Annan Plan posts which were quite against the ethos of some articles they published. Most of my posts just vanished.

I just decided to never comment there again. Never saw the point.

But yes, the CM has a very dubious agenda. I wish I took screen shots but alas I did not. Will never post there again either.
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:19 pm

moderatorCM :
“Just to clarify, Get Real was banned 2-3 years ago because he was abusive to other commentators. He constantly used insults and engaged in personal attacks. His ban has nothing to do with him being a Greek Cypriot or his ideology, as he claims in what appears to be effort to stir trouble.”

I have never posted anything on the Cyprus Mail’s reader comment sections that could be even remotely described as libel, slander, obscene, or seditionist even.

Perhaps you’re confused with one’s ability to outwit another poster and you just couldn’t handle to see a pet “destroyed”.

In any case, I hope you have evidence to back your allegations because I have plenty of evidence of your biased and corrupt practices… so let’s allow justice to take its course shall we.
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:17 pm

Get Real! wrote:
moderatorCM :
“Just to clarify, Get Real was banned 2-3 years ago because he was abusive to other commentators. He constantly used insults and engaged in personal attacks. His ban has nothing to do with him being a Greek Cypriot or his ideology, as he claims in what appears to be effort to stir trouble.”

I have never posted anything on the Cyprus Mail’s reader comment sections that could be even remotely described as libel, slander, obscene, or seditionist even.

Perhaps you’re confused with one’s ability to outwit another poster and you just couldn’t handle to see a pet “destroyed”.

In any case, I hope you have evidence to back your allegations because I have plenty of evidence of your biased and corrupt practices… so let’s allow justice to take its course shall we.

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