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The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:31 am

Get Real! wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Well, nothing can be done about reader's comments cos there's a disclaimer that the CM may or may not share the opinions expressed.

Incorrect! The Cyprus Mail has assigned the job of Administrator (IT professional) to somebody on their payroll whose job it is to manage reader comments if they fall out of line in accordance with the law which predominantly covers libel, slander, obscenity, sedition, and so forth.

However, the Cyprus Mail Administrator DOES NOT have the right to remove comments that do not violate any of the above laws but simply state a political opinion that does not agree with that of the Administrator!

In other words they do not have the right to MANIPULATE and FORGE bogus public opinion by silencing the GC community with comment deletions!

This is in fact a serious breaching of the Code of Practice to which the Cyprus Mail is obliged to follow subject to them being licensed to publish a newspaper.

Does anyone know of examples from would-be contributors to whom this has happened...??? ... where comments have been deleted for political reasons...???
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Lordo » Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:23 am

oh dear did they write something you did not like - oh dear never mind boys get old dirty mag and to toilet and you will be fine afterwards. it even fork for the ladies.
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Get Real! » Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:39 am

bill cobbett wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Well, nothing can be done about reader's comments cos there's a disclaimer that the CM may or may not share the opinions expressed.

Incorrect! The Cyprus Mail has assigned the job of Administrator (IT professional) to somebody on their payroll whose job it is to manage reader comments if they fall out of line in accordance with the law which predominantly covers libel, slander, obscenity, sedition, and so forth.

However, the Cyprus Mail Administrator DOES NOT have the right to remove comments that do not violate any of the above laws but simply state a political opinion that does not agree with that of the Administrator!

In other words they do not have the right to MANIPULATE and FORGE bogus public opinion by silencing the GC community with comment deletions!

This is in fact a serious breaching of the Code of Practice to which the Cyprus Mail is obliged to follow subject to them being licensed to publish a newspaper.

Does anyone know of examples from would-be contributors to whom this has happened...??? ... where comments have been deleted for political reasons...???

Plenty. How many "This comment was deleted." can you count in here? ... aft-probe/
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Get Real! » Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:40 am

Lordo wrote:oh dear did they write something you did not like - oh dear never mind boys get old dirty mag and to toilet and you will be fine afterwards. it even fork for the ladies.

Please consider taking “English for foreign fish mongers” evening classes for which you can also claim a rebate in your tax return.
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 27, 2013 3:03 am

Get Real! wrote:The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Are you a victim of Cyprus Mail bias and corruption in the reader comments section?


Please lodge your complaint to the Cyprus Media Complaints Commission (CMCC) titled “The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice”.

Cyprus Media Complaints Commission
12, RIK Avenue, 2120, Aglantzia, Nicosia, CYPRUS
P.O.Box 27858 2433 Nicosia
Tel: 357 22427717
FAX: 357 22427747

Advice: Take screen snapshots of before and after your comments get deleted.

You can't change this foul journalism. They are what they are.

The only solution is for a group of influential Cypriots to start a small English Newspaper in competition to Cyprus Mail, with refreshing no nonsense reporting.
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Get Real! » Fri Dec 27, 2013 3:52 am

Paphitis wrote:You can't change this foul journalism. They are what they are.

The only solution is for a group of influential Cypriots to start a small English Newspaper in competition to Cyprus Mail, with refreshing no nonsense reporting.

I must say, for someone who supposedly lives in a modern democratic country like Australia you’re pretty lame minded when it comes to your rights and such matters so…

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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Dec 27, 2013 3:55 am

Get Real! wrote:
kurupetos wrote:Who reads CM old boy? :lol: :roll:

All real Cypriots read Greek-language newspapers. :wink:

I’m sure Cyprus’ enemies absolutely love shortsighted fools like you helping them shape international opinion in their favor because unlike you they know that the international community reads and forms political opinions in English and NEVER in Greek.

Yes, English is massively, massively important internationally and it is a huge failure of the Struggle that the Republic's message is very poorly served in English form, whereas on the other hand, Turkey has at least two mass circulation English news-sites and a state-controlled press agency that reports in English.

On the matter of the CY PIO, it could do a lot, lot better and here are three criticisms of them...

The authors of their copy aren't native English-speakers with the result that the English they produce is clumsy, it doesn't flow and is difficult to read and understand.

They rarely make use of the power of pictures and as we all know pickies are a universal and easily understood language.

Their summary of the turkish press is just that, a summary with no criticism.

... and it would be expecting far too much of the Fascist Hellenes to do something constructive for the Struggle by occasionally providing us with the odd summary in English of relevant articles that appear in the press of the Free Areas.
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Get Real! » Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:02 am

The Cyprus Press and Information Office, tells us that the freedom of the press is enshrined in the constitution of the RoC and some of its key aspects are “The right to reply” and “Discrimination”.

In more detail:

“2. The right to reply

Persons, organisations or public institutions that are named or indirectly referred to in a report or article have the right to reply if they consider the information concerning themselves as untrue or misleading. Their reply must be published, free of charge, within three days of its receipt, giving it the same prominence as the initial report.”

“12. Discrimination

The Media avoid any direct or other reference or action against a person which contains elements of prejudice on the basis of race, colour, language, religion, political or other conviction, national or social origin, property, extraction, gender, age, or other personal status, including physical or mental illness or invalidity. Scorn, ridicule and abuse of individuals and groups are not permissible.”

Any licensed newspaper (electronic or otherwise) that deliberately deletes your viewpoints purely on political grounds has violated your right to reply to articles that indirectly affect you as a member of the GC community and has discriminated against you as a member of the GC community.

We must NEVER tolerate corrupt fascist institutions with an anti Cypriot political agenda.

If the Cyprus Mail is unable to abide by the Code of Practice then they should hand in their publishing license or cease to accept reader comments altogether.

This is the direct link to the Cyprus Media Complaints Commission (CMCC) electronic complaint form which I encourage all victims to use:
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:32 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:You can't change this foul journalism. They are what they are.

The only solution is for a group of influential Cypriots to start a small English Newspaper in competition to Cyprus Mail, with refreshing no nonsense reporting.

I must say, for someone who supposedly lives in a modern democratic country like Australia you’re pretty lame minded when it comes to your rights and such matters so…


Hey, I wish you luck!

However, they will argue 'freedom of the press' and also claim that they need to sensor 'offensive remarks'.

We all know they have an agenda.

The media in Australia in free but it is also dominated by 3 media moguls, the most prominent being Rupert Murdoch. He too has his own political agendas mostly regarding media laws. He has the power to influence elections through his editorials, not just in Australia, but also US Presidential Elections, Canada and UK.

If you want to see some right wing bias, then have a look at Fox News. Low quality journalism. But, he also has some really good broad sheets and other quite good outlets.

In China, albeit HK which is where I spend most of my time these days, the press is not free at all. The authorities keep a lid on things in China. In HK, it is kind of free, but China is interfering and tampering with the local administration and taking control of the media. The Brits should never have left the colony and demanded a free HK Republic instead. But that would have cause a huge confrontation with China.

The best way in my opinion, is for news outlets in Cyprus like Fileleutheros, Politis and Sigma to publish their own English version and go in direct competition.

Good luck nonetheless.
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s breaching of the Code of Practice

Postby Get Real! » Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:38 am

Paphitis wrote:However, they will argue 'freedom of the press' and also claim that they need to sensor 'offensive remarks'.

Like I said... lame minded:

Advice: Take screen snapshots of before and after your comments get deleted.
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