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Republic to Send CYs of the Occupied Areas to EP

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Republic to Send CYs of the Occupied Areas to EP

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Dec 23, 2013 8:43 pm

Taking things where the Illegal Regime of "trnc" cannot go, the Republic is promoting the move of the Acquis in to the Occupied Areas by organising for the CYs up there to vote in European Parliament MEPs this coming May.

As many as two MEPs may be elected by the CYs embargoed from participating in Europe by "trnc".

The derisory response of the increasingly Isolated and getting nowhere Regime of "trnc" is for the CYs suffering under the Regime to send "observers" , to ask CYs to sit in corridors without being able to influence anything, a bird-brained objective which will fail as miserably as all the other attempts by the Incompetent Regime of "trnc" for "recognition". ... 822-69.htm
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Re: Republic to Send CYs of the Occupied Areas to EP

Postby Demonax » Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:40 am

"They have this opportunity and the Cypriot government will take all necessary measures and will request the Parliament to approve legislative measures that would facilitate and render their participation as accessible as possible," the Minister said.

He went on to say that given the number of Turkish Cypriot who acquired a Republic of Cyprus identity "they could elect up to two Turkish Cypriot MEPs through a single electoral list, pursuant to the EU acquis which does not discriminate for the EP elections."

Any takers then?
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Re: Republic to Send CYs of the Occupied Areas to EP

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:51 am

Yes, come along boys and girls, don't you all be agoing shy on us.

All those of you with CY ID Cards have to do is register to vote, wander down to the crossing-points on polling day and cast a vote in the normal way for two MEPs to represent the areas of the Republic under the Occupation.

Look at it as somewhat similar to the Football Arrangement of a few weeks ago.
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Re: Republic to Send CYs of the Occupied Areas to EP

Postby Paphitis » Tue Dec 24, 2013 2:30 am

Another example of how the RoC is cooperative with the International Comunity and sincere in its endeavor to end the stalemate.

Now compare this to the partitionist regime of the "tnucland"! It should be obvious who is responsible for the dead end to the "peace" talks.
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Re: Republic to Send CYs of the Occupied Areas to EP

Postby Lordo » Thu Jan 02, 2014 3:37 pm

i can see them rushing across the border to vote.
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