Cap wrote:Get Real! wrote:Cap wrote:Racism at the Olympics?
Asians and whites blatantly always underrepresented in the sprints.
Some form of affirmative action is required to balance the books and overcome the historical injustice.
After all, we're ALL equal regardless of color.
Only one conclusion can be derived and that is racism ladies and gentlemen.
Someone once said...
"I've never seen a pygmy win anything and they're black, too..." 

In fact there has never been an African 100m winner which illustrates what a nonsense these identities are. In fact the whole "Black/White" dichotomy is a "White" invention adopted by "Blacks" in reaction. We are neither "White" not "Black", we don't need to pursue "White" guilt/superiority complexes and we don't need to pursue "Black" reactionaryism. Stand on the side of justice and true diversity.
Cap, you are being blinded by the "Whites". There are real genetic differences between people regardless of "race" which has a political definition. My initial response was to be blinded by the so called evidence too, which is why I only offered philosophical and procedural arguments. In fact the most damning refutation of the so called "race realists" is that there data sets are inaccurate and/or not representative. For example, the claim that "Blacks" have more testosterone than "Whites" is contradicted here: Brain size and penis size measurements are equally suspect. There is variation, but it does not fit neatly into "racial" characteristics. As for IQ, the nature-nurture debate has not been settled. Did you know that Gauss, probably the greatest mathematician who ever lived, had a very small brain. When analysed they discovered that he had more folding in his brain than normal. So small brains do not necessarily translate into lower intelligence. "Race" is a political identity invented by those who designated themselves "White" and re-invented by those who were designated "non-White" in reaction. It is conceivable, though unlikely, that there are some correlations between "race" and other genetic factors. That is why I did not dismiss your video out of hand. But when you start to look at the real evidence impartially, the so called science quickly evaporates.