There's a call circulating amongst ex UNI students that has sprang up, my four kids from 27 to 35 yrs old all had student loans two had further loans to achieve PHDs, they have been informed about this non payment from others and let me know.
Most are calling for degrees to be rescinded unless certain steps are in place for those eu students ' misplaced '

I don't understand how Cypriot students numbers of non payment are the largest, as they are not the largest number of eu students in the UK to my understanding. How it's risen to £15 million owing must only be for historic reasons as some loans unpaid go way back apparently.
I think and fully expect unless the conditions are met that degrees will be rescinded, they have time to pay them back, they have a threshold to start paying them back ( higher in the UK because of higher salaries ) they have low interest rates and IF they never reach the threshold rate for 30 years the loan is written off, of course their word on this isn't the only one and has to go thru the inland revenue.
If the SLC haven't been given bum information in the first place and I suppose that they didn't check on it all of the time, so some blame lies with them, but the rescinding of degrees for those who've disappeared is fair, IF those students find their names on lists of rescinded degrees they will be given a timeframe to appeal ( along with all their correct details and work details of course ) plus assurances from authorities that their young will in future do the right thing and not bring shame on their countries by not paying back money loaned to them from other eu countries.