In the UK the threshold to start paying back is £15k after a year of earning, in Cyprus it may be lower given the different salaries there.
Hiding the fact under hatred and racist vitriol as some do wont of course make it go away the 790 comments are baying for blood, and it's certainly not just in the DM.
Why one can demean everything british from a bolt hole in the UK, yet no one is allowed to make ANY negative comments against Cyprus is rather tedious now. Certainly boring and the tune most definitely needs changing...yawn..
Facts are facts, rescind degrees until payments start, it's very simple, dishonesty shouldn't go unpunished IF your degrees are at all useful ( some are a load of rubbish IMO ) then you will cough up what you owe the SLC.
Of course if the Brits students were doing it in Cyprus, I'm sure there'd be a storm ....