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Global warming my arse!

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Global warming my arse!

Postby Get Real! » Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:17 pm

It’s currently 7°C outside and falling at 4pm so there’s a good chance that by 10-11pm tonight it’ll go down to 3°C or less and snow again!

Last night it was all dressed in white when the snow began to fall from 8pm and lasted till 11:30pm.

At just 400m odd of elevation you wouldn’t expect a place like Tseri (just 12km south of Nicosia) to be covered in white yet for the last two winters this is what’s been happening; previously unheard of!

You can safely rest the global warming theory because what’s really happening is exactly the opposite!
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Re: Global warming my arse!

Postby kurupetos » Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:18 pm

I am saving all the cooling in a storage tank for the summer season. :wink:
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Re: Global warming my arse!

Postby Flying Horse » Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:43 pm

I know snow isn't uncommon in Cyprus.
However in Egypt they haven't seen snow in 100 years, but it falls in Cairo today!

Edit: also Jerusalem ... sea-ports/
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Re: Global warming my arse!

Postby Get Real! » Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:56 pm

MrH wrote:
You can safely rest the global warming theory because what’s really happening is exactly the opposite!

But, then again, Greek Cypriots very rarely tend to see the bigger picture straight away as it takes them mistake after mistake, and then a hot flash to suddenly realise the end game of all matters; be it an Economic Melt Down or a Political Flashpoint! :lol:

Yet you cannot overcome their dominance! :idea: Try standing upright…
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Re: Global warming my arse!

Postby Cap » Fri Dec 13, 2013 7:39 pm

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Re: Global warming my arse!

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:54 pm

...Cyprus should be so lucky to see snow on a regular basis, given that Climate Change is considered the biggest threat to this planet at the moment; what is predicted is not pretty, and what is known is that the weather is dynamic, and the forces that determines its nature are too many, as of yet, to formulate precisely. as it is, merry Christmas in the snow, i don't wish you an ice storm, but it is nice to know at least, in the neighbourhood where i live, people stuck together.

...cross country skis in the city, candle lights, and being helpful, the air crisp, dry, and still, make them fond memories, they are good ones, winter is good, too.
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Re: Global warming my arse!

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Dec 13, 2013 9:28 pm

Flying Horse wrote:I know snow isn't uncommon in Cyprus.
However in Egypt they haven't seen snow in 100 years, but it falls in Cairo today!

Edit: also Jerusalem ... sea-ports/

...these are fortuitous times, like the rain which fell the day the Sanai was given back, this was said, there will be old men who pray in the streets; water, the greatest gift of all is a joy, hope at least when the weather is so bold, it will be a day to remember, where everyone remembers where they were when the snow fell.
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Re: Global warming my arse!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:02 pm

The *Global Warming* term was hoisted purely to sabotage the efforts of Greens. Because those who know what is happening (Esso, BP, Texaco etc) actually know it's going to be about extremes of weather (which would frighten people if you let them know that). So call it something other than *extreme* and use something *nice* like *Global Warming* and then no one wants to do anything about it and then eventually (now) when the sh*t hits the fan then we start to doubt the ideology behind *global warming* because it's actually "Global Cooling" in some parts. Meanwhile, keep on trucking ...
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Re: Global warming my arse!

Postby kurupetos » Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:38 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:The *Global Warming* term was hoisted purely to sabotage the efforts of Greens. Because those who know what is happening (Esso, BP, Texaco etc) actually know it's going to be about extremes of weather (which would frighten people if you let them know that). So call it something other than *extreme* and use something *nice* like *Global Warming* and then no one wants to do anything about it and then eventually (now) when the sh*t hits the fan then we start to doubt the ideology behind *global warming* because it's actually "Global Cooling" in some parts. Meanwhile, keep on trucking ...

"Greens" were created by the Zionists to promote multiculturalism and atheism in a disguised "Green" agenda... For example, have a look here...
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