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Freedom of Speech

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Freedom of Speech

Postby Chrisswirl » Sat Sep 04, 2004 1:26 am

I really think freedom of speech should be defended here. "I may not agree with what you say but I will fight to the end for your right to say it." OK, with the exception of threats and such...

But my point is Turker's avatar. Why should he not be allowed the "TRNC" flag in it? The flag in question represents the Turkish Cypriot community and he should be able to have any picture he likes, whether or not you recognise the TRNC (I don't, but I recognise the existance of Turkish Cypriots)! In fact, the avatar in question is about peace! Please accept that.

I would hope that the "TRNC" flag is not used to represent the future "Turkish Cyprus State", but anyway, freedom of speech is golden, don't deprive it of anyone.
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Postby Aris » Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:22 am

You don't see me often here and the reason is that I like to intervene as less as possible. Freedom of speech is defended in this forum and everybody can say what he/she believes. We do have rules: and we expect our members to respect them; although some times we would give you the benefit of the doubt and let you get away with some "minor" offenses ;)

About Turker's avatar now:
I do not agree that it represents the Turkish Cypriot community since this is the flag of "TRNC" and it represents whatever the "TRNC" stands for. However, it is Turker's avatar and as long as it is the right size he can have (almost) anything that he wants.

If Turker wants to change his avatar so more members will realize in the correct way his "i love you" message that would be preferable but not required and definitely not something we will enforce.
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Postby Turker » Sat Sep 04, 2004 1:49 pm

Actually, I had thought that you would accept my message with my avartar before I put it. Now I realized that your oppinions are somewhat different from what I thought at first. In order to give the right message, I'll edit my avartar, Voluntarily.

Thank you Crisswhirl for your oppinions. I support freedom of speech too.
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