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"Whites" and "Blacks" as bad as each other?

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"Whites" and "Blacks" as bad as each other?

Postby tsukoui » Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:53 pm

Just as some try to make out that Turks and Greeks are as bad as each other, I have noticed a tendency to do the same with "Blacks" and "Whites".

This is what "White" people do.

It is there "solution" to racism, an attempt to exonerate themselves for starting the whole thing off.

It is not positive.

Rather than believe that things can be better, it is a belief that things will always be bad.

You get what you believe.

As I have said many times, we are neither "Black" nor "White". We should have no part of this negative thinking and always stay positive on the side of justice.

Let us believe that "Whites" can get better and that "Blacks" will not get worse.
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Re: "Whites" and "Blacks" as bad as each other?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:28 pm

tsukoui wrote:Let us believe that "Whites" can get better and that "Blacks" will not get worse.

Does that sound a tad judgmental? :?
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Re: "Whites" and "Blacks" as bad as each other?

Postby tsukoui » Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:22 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
tsukoui wrote:Let us believe that "Whites" can get better and that "Blacks" will not get worse.

Does that sound a tad judgmental? :?

There is a reason I have used quotes. Some good people from all backgrounds, though far too few, have managed to transcend such terms. We have been blessed to be born without them, we should strive to live up to such a blessing.
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Re: "Whites" and "Blacks" as bad as each other?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:00 pm

"Whites" and "blacks "are just labels where labelling has always been a tool of discrimination, eg "Hellene" and "Barbarian", who may not be distinguishable by skin colour, but where the use is pejorative. Whether black or white, all are human so no better, no worse, so Nothing to chose in terms of being as bad as each other.
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Re: "Whites" and "Blacks" as bad as each other?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:29 pm

*Hellene* and *Barbarian* distinguish by language and learning ... not skin colour you mis-educated (barbarian) oaf with some twisted agenda for bringing this up here. Language and learning are the tools to freedom - and Greek is available to anyone who cares for enlightenment ... black or olive or blue.
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Re: "Whites" and "Blacks" as bad as each other?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:59 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:*Hellene* and *Barbarian* distinguish by language and learning ... not skin colour you mis-educated (barbarian) oaf with some twisted agenda for bringing this up here. Language and learning are the tools to freedom - and Greek is available to anyone who cares for enlightenment ... black or olive or blue.

Read my post: I made it quite clear skin colour was not a defining factor
"Hellene" and "Barbarian", who may not be distinguishable by skin colour
. The fact is that Greeks did not often come across "Blacks" and not in large numbers. It was nevertheless Racism as it used a perjorative term to describe others not of the ethnos. indeed Aristotle in Politics discuses enslavement of barbarians, ie non Greeks, because of innate inferiority. An early expression of the concept of "untermensch" later used by Nazis. I am not saying Aristotle was promoting that view, but he was discussing it, so it was a view then in circulation: see also comments attributed to a Psuedo Aristotle which went further, along with "of Airs waters and places" (early scientific racism). As for education and language, was Greek in some way so innately so superior to other languages or were the greeks of necessity better educated. You are demonstrating your own blinkered bigoted racist views by suggesting such. There was a lot of wisdom elsewhere in particular as it appears with recent research a lot of what is now known as Greek Knowledge can be traced back to the middle eastern civilisations of the Tigris and Euphrates, which the Greek acquired after coming into contact with these particular civilisations, and where that ancient act of Greek Imperialism, the invasion of that Meglomanic, Alexander, lead to the suppression of those cultures, and subsumation of their knowledge in to Greek Imperialist Culture.
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Re: "Whites" and "Blacks" as bad as each other?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:19 am

supporttheunderdog wrote: I made it quite clear skin colour was not a defining factor

So WHY even bring it up here?

What is this eternal obsession of yours to associate Greeks with racism?

You certainly have a chip on you shoulder about the rampant racism and slave trade running through that imperialist blue blood of yours.
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Re: "Whites" and "Blacks" as bad as each other?

Postby denizaksulu » Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:07 pm

Being a 'TURK'?
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Re: "Whites" and "Blacks" as bad as each other?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:35 am

the point is darling gIG, that racism cannot be defined alone by oppression on the basis of skin colour, and it is in fact an inherent part of the human condition, not a recent invention of "whites" or "blacks" where "White" on "black" oppression is only a recent manifestation of an ancient curse: "whites" and "blacks" are therefore probably as bad as each other. There is however probably little in modern racism that cannot be found expressed in some form in some ancient Greek writings.

Oh and BTW, give up on the cheap and ineffective insults like colonialist and imperialist. You really are no good at them. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: "Whites" and "Blacks" as bad as each other?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:09 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:the point is darling gIG, that racism cannot be defined alone by oppression on the basis of skin colour, and it is in fact an inherent part of the human condition, not a recent invention of "whites" or "blacks" where "White" on "black" oppression is only a recent manifestation of an ancient curse: "whites" and "blacks" are therefore probably as bad as each other. There is however probably little in modern racism that cannot be found expressed in some form in some ancient Greek writings.

Oh and BTW, give up on the cheap and ineffective insults like colonialist and imperialist. You really are no good at them. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Racism is indeed not defined merely by skin colour, as I well know personally. As Greeks, we know full well we face heaps of racism from people irrespective of their colour.

But this thread is about COLOUR ... so why bring up a distinction of a useful and legally normal form of discrimination which is based, not on colour but on degrees of learning?

I'll tell you why; it's because you, my dear pet dog, is racist against Greeks and cannot resist digging up the loosest of connections from the recesses of your hugely racist but tiny mind. Or perhaps it's because you are too thick to learn Greek and so have a chip on your shoulder. :wink:

Now, having made an ass of yourself and exposed all your deeply held real racist feelings against anything Greek, get lost or get back on topic!
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