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Morphou Farmer's Action this Saturday in the BZ

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Morphou Farmer's Action this Saturday in the BZ

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:38 am

The UN had brokered an agreement regarding several square miles of the buffer-zone, an agreement that allowed farmers from the Free Areas to tend to their lands in the BZ for the first time in near 40 years.

The land had been de-mined and agreements seemingly reached with the TA to allow this to happen.

The TA have broken the agreement by allowing others to go on to the land and farm it.

This coming Saturday 7th, farmers from the Free Areas, the owners of the lands in question, are assembling with their tractors at the crossing-point at Astromeritis with the intention of crossing in to the BZ to farm their lands as per the agreement.

Here's the first bit of the story for greek-speakers...

"... Κάλεσμα για συμμετοχή σε μεγάλη κινητοποίηση απευθύνει ο Γενικός Γραμματέας της ΕΚΑ, Πανίκος Χάμπας, στις 7 Δεκεμβρίου, στο οδόφραγμα Αστρομερίτη, όπου θα πραγματοποιηθεί η πορεία των τρακτέρ και άλλων αγροτικών μηχανημάτων "Αντίσταση και Αγώνας", με στόχο να περάσουν από το οδόφραγμα και να πάνε μέχρι τη Μόρφου, αγωνιζόμενοι για το δικαίωμα "να οργώσουμε ξανά την κατεχόμενή μας γη".

"Σας καλώ όλους, όλους τους πατριώτες, να είστε εκεί", είπε ο ΓΓ της ΕΚΑ, προσθέτοντας πως "είναι μια πρωτότυπη εκδήλωση και τη χρωστάμε σε όλους αυτούς, οι οποίοι όργωναν κάποτε την κατεχόμενή μας γη".

Μετά τη συμφωνία αφαίρεσης των ναρκών στη ζώνη κατάπαυσης του πυρός, είπε ο κ. Χάμπας, σε δηλώσεις του στη Δημοσιογραφική Εστία, στη Λευκωσία, "στη συμφωνία περιλαμβανόταν και το ότι, μετά τα 200 μέτρα από το τουρκικό φυλάκιο, τη γη θα μπορούν να καλλιεργούν οι Ελληνοκύπριοι"..."

Rest at ...
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Re: Morphou Farmer's Action this Saturday in the BZ

Postby boulio » Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:56 am

The Turks renege on a agreement?never
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Re: Morphou Farmer's Action this Saturday in the BZ

Postby Flying Horse » Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:16 am

I had read about this in an article earlier this week, and my thoughts were 'too bloody right they should just do it'.
This article I can't read (Greek)so I'm presuming its about the same subject. Farmers from Pano Zodeia, and neighbouring villages?

Obviously anybody taking a stand from around Zodeia gets my attention, good luck to them!
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Re: Morphou Farmer's Action this Saturday in the BZ

Postby Flying Horse » Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:17 am

I had read about this in an article earlier this week, and my thoughts were 'too bloody right they should just do it'.
This article I can't read (Greek)so I'm presuming its about the same subject. Farmers from Pano Zodeia, and neighbouring villages?

Obviously anybody taking a stand from around Zodeia gets my attention, good luck to them!
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Re: Morphou Farmer's Action this Saturday in the BZ

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Dec 05, 2013 7:35 pm

Yes, wouldn't be surprised if there were villagers from Occupied Zodhia involved...

... but the land in question and it's a huge tract of some 20+ sq kms, may not be in the BZ.

This is what House President of the Republic Omirou had to say about the matter ...

"... The House President said representations would be made to the UN, and the Republic of Cyprus would demand that the land in question is given back to its owners.

Omirou pointed out that this land was not in the buffer zone but in the areas in the domain of the Republic of Cyprus, which had merely given the right to the peacekeeping force to monitor the area and maintain the ceasefire line... "

So question ... where is this land...???
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Re: Morphou Farmer's Action this Saturday in the BZ

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:41 pm

Flying Horse wrote:I had read about this in an article earlier this week, and my thoughts were 'too bloody right they should just do it'.
This article I can't read (Greek)so I'm presuming its about the same subject. Farmers from Pano Zodeia, and neighbouring villages?

Obviously anybody taking a stand from around Zodeia gets my attention, good luck to them!

thats a terrible digital stutter you have there, calm down dear.

what was it about agreements.

kindly tell me which agreement gc broke when they brought 12,000 greek soldiers to the island in 64. secondly what for. and thirdly you lot are cluless.

my god give humanity patients and hosbidals.
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Re: Morphou Farmer's Action this Saturday in the BZ

Postby Flying Horse » Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:39 pm

Lordo wrote:
Flying Horse wrote:I had read about this in an article earlier this week, and my thoughts were 'too bloody right they should just do it'.
This article I can't read (Greek)so I'm presuming its about the same subject. Farmers from Pano Zodeia, and neighbouring villages?

Obviously anybody taking a stand from around Zodeia gets my attention, good luck to them!

thats a terrible digital stutter you have there, calm down dear.

what was it about agreements.

kindly tell me which agreement gc broke when they brought 12,000 greek soldiers to the island in 64. secondly what for. and thirdly you lot are cluless.

my god give humanity patients and hosbidals.

With respect, my hubbys family on his fathers side came from Zodeia. Fled the place. Refugees AFAIK.
Your lot aren't the only ones to have been killed by 'Greeks'. YES your read that right. I aren't going to divulge any more information on that score.

Unfortunately both his parents are dead, and hubby has no idea who, where or if any family are left on that side of the family in Cyprus.
(IF anyone reading this might be able to help find them, drop me a PM)

SO Lordo, be quiet.Anything to do with that part of the world hits my heartstrings Humanity isn't your strong point. :evil:
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Re: Morphou Farmer's Action this Saturday in the BZ

Postby Flying Horse » Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:50 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Yes, wouldn't be surprised if there were villagers from Occupied Zodhia involved...

... but the land in question and it's a huge tract of some 20+ sq kms, may not be in the BZ.

This is what House President of the Republic Omirou had to say about the matter ...

"... The House President said representations would be made to the UN, and the Republic of Cyprus would demand that the land in question is given back to its owners.

Omirou pointed out that this land was not in the buffer zone but in the areas in the domain of the Republic of Cyprus, which had merely given the right to the peacekeeping force to monitor the area and maintain the ceasefire line... "

So question ... where is this land...???

initial meetings have taken place with the local councils of Katokopia, Pano Zodia, Avlona and Peristerona and that more meetings with other communities would follow

Quote from article here ... ffer-zone/

This was published three hours ago ... eID=124384
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Re: Morphou Farmer's Action this Saturday in the BZ

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:25 pm

Flying Horse wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Yes, wouldn't be surprised if there were villagers from Occupied Zodhia involved...

... but the land in question and it's a huge tract of some 20+ sq kms, may not be in the BZ.

This is what House President of the Republic Omirou had to say about the matter ...

"... The House President said representations would be made to the UN, and the Republic of Cyprus would demand that the land in question is given back to its owners.

Omirou pointed out that this land was not in the buffer zone but in the areas in the domain of the Republic of Cyprus, which had merely given the right to the peacekeeping force to monitor the area and maintain the ceasefire line... "

So question ... where is this land...???

initial meetings have taken place with the local councils of Katokopia, Pano Zodia, Avlona and Peristerona and that more meetings with other communities would follow

Quote from article here ... ffer-zone/

This was published three hours ago ... eID=124384

Thx for that our Horse.
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Re: Morphou Farmer's Action this Saturday in the BZ

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:57 pm

İsnt this a repeat of 1996 when fighting erupted and someone was killed, please stay away this sort of action only breeds a hard response from those under attack...we do not want anyone to get hurt.
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