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Cypriots Among the Most Giving in the World

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Cypriots Among the Most Giving in the World

Postby Demonax » Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:43 am

Cypriots among the most giving in the world – survey

The fourth edition of the World Giving Index, which looks at charitable behaviour across 135 countries, ranks Cyprus in 24th place with 43 points out of a possible 100.

The Index score is based on an average of three measures of giving behaviour – the percentage of people who, in a typical month, donate money to charity, volunteer their time, and help a stranger.

Cyprus was 37th in helping a stranger, 27th in donating money and 34th in volunteering. 54 per cent of the country’s residents that took part in the survey said that they do help a stranger in a typical month; 47 per cent give money to charity and 27 per cent volunteer their time.

Greece finds itself at the bottom of the overall ranking (135th). The USA is the most charitable country, followed by Canada, Burma, New Zealand, Ireland and the United Kingdom.

The report is compiled by the UK-based Charities Aid Foundation and is based on more than half a million interviews conducted by Gallup since 2005/06, as part of their World Poll survey.

This year’s report shows that, though the pace of economic expansion has slowed, the levels of involvement in giving – for all three measures – have increased on last year`s results. ... ld-survey/
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Re: Cypriots Among the Most Giving in the World

Postby miltiades » Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:33 am

"Greece finds itself at the bottom of the overall ranking (135th)"

We knew that already, they gave us Cypriots sweet FA , after all!!!
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Re: Cypriots Among the Most Giving in the World

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:43 pm

If those who conducted these surveys knew a little more about the cultures of Cyprus and Greece they would find that Greeks are the most giving and most self-sacrificing people in the world. The difference to other western cultures is that Greeks don't make a song and dance about their giving.

Many Europeans stick their ageing parents in homes, mainly paid by the state. Then they drop a few pennies in a collection tin and consider themselves charitable. :roll: As we know, most Greeks not only look after their aged parents (a charitable act) but do not think twice about the sacrifice; but also the ageing parents might themselves spend their final years, for free (i.e. charity) looking after toddlers so that the parents can work. This extensive and real form of charity (for charity begins at home, does it not?) is ignored in these pathetic surveys.

Another example of giving silently was witnessed by us in Sparta of all places. A couple of Albanian kids, dirty and shoe-less started parading among a load of coffee drinking Greeks on tables surrounding the expanded pavement. Without stopping their conversations, their cigarette smoking or their coffee drinking, each one of those Greeks reached in their pockets and almost absentmindedly (such as happens from routine), handed over money to each kid as they wound their way round the tables, palms upturned.

There are many such examples, but countless Europeans have stopped going to church because they are appalled that they have to grace the coffers .... most Greeks cannot wait to go to church to donate money (for whatever reason they believe it does some good).

If those survey-interviewers asked them if they had donated money, those Greeks would never say they have given any money away .... only, hallalin dous. This is probably more a rank of people's level of showing off.

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Re: Cypriots Among the Most Giving in the World

Postby Paphitis » Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:28 am

Looking afer your parents in their old age is NOT considered charity.
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Re: Cypriots Among the Most Giving in the World

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:03 pm

Yawn. Comprehension of a dead dingo.
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Re: Cypriots Among the Most Giving in the World

Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 05, 2013 7:00 pm

Demonax wrote:Cypriots Among the Most Giving in the World

After that haircut it can't possibly get any more giving than that!
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Re: Cypriots Among the Most Giving in the World

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:22 am

Some Greeks are not the only ones who can't wait to go to church. BVut there are not that many that do these days.

Some Brits can be just as religious. But again, not that many are these days.

Oh, anmd many Greeks are indeed quite despondent on the level of fund raising within their Churches.

I just registered my kiddies at Anglican Private Schools and avoided the GO Private Schools. Why? Because they are better organized, better people, it will provide a better education and they can get out of this woggy world of Greekdom and actually be a part of their country.

I know that the GO Church even tries to rip families of their inheritance because they have become greedy. They are also demanding monthly direct debits from their flocks. Disgusting! :roll:
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Re: Cypriots Among the Most Giving in the World

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 06, 2013 2:00 am

Get Real! wrote:
Demonax wrote:Cypriots Among the Most Giving in the World

After that haircut it can't possibly get any more giving than that!

for the last 60 odd years, Cyprus pays and Greece takes! :roll:
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