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Get a fing Grip !

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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby erolz66 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 5:03 pm

B25 wrote: Says one occupier to the other. Both aliens to Cyprus, here by might is right and still stuck here like leeches.

B25, I am a Cypriot citizen, by birth right and according to the laws and constitution of the Republic of Cyprus (as well of those of the TRNC whatever you may think such is worth). I have resided in Cyprus for nigh on 10 years now, located less than 1/2 a kilometre from the village my father grew up in.
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Dec 01, 2013 5:29 pm

erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Erolz you cannot go around trying to solve problems by painting them all as so bleak and hopeless and only due to Cypriots and their culture or psyche.

No but nor can you solve problems by systematic denial either.

I do not deny problems exist where they do. What I deny is that it's only Cypriots that have these problems.

The specific issue of say bird trapping is however one where Cypriots are demonstrable worst than almost all others in Europe and it is rooted in the culture and psyche of Cyprus. Its not that large number of Cypriots participate in illegal bird trapping or even in the consumption that creates the demand, but in the indifference to the issue and the knee jerk reaction seen here of 'its not a problem, its a problem but is insignificant vs other problems that have the same effect, or its a problem but its not as bad as some others elsewhere do so we don't need to beat ourselves up about it".

We've already told you it's illegal. There is no denial. That there will always be some people that need reminding they have to obey the law is not a unique, cultural problem of Cyprus but a global one.

And its not just this issue, there is a clear pattern in the initial responses to all my recent posts, whatever the underlying topic. A pattern of denial and deflection. I challenge you to read those posts and the reactions to them and deny there is such a pattern. That pattern does concern me and I think it should concern us in general as Cypriots.

That's your opinion and on how you perceive things. You have not offered anything specific relating to formation of a "pattern" to justify your concern so I cannot comment.

....we have to try 'harder' as individuals to not slip into denial about such things but work so much the harder to face up to them, honestly and frankly.

I do believe (free/Greek) Cypriots are facing up to the challenges and have not lived in denial. They are among the best educated people in Europe and the results are surfacing. Perhaps your outdated view comes from a frustration with your fellow TCs?

Anyway I can feel myself slipping out of my new self declared posting style so I will finish with - really lets get our heads out of our arses, get a fucking grip and have the self confidence as Cypriots to say 'yeah actually we are pretty shit on this and we know it and we know why and thus we are going try even harder than others to get on top of it.'

The only unique "shit" in Cyprus is the Turkish occupation!

PS - your are the former poster Oracle are you not GreekIslandGirl ? Please answer yes, even if its not true as I am not sure right now I could handle the cognitive dissonance of the idea that there are in fact two separate physical entities. ;)

Yes, it's only me, sadly ...
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 01, 2013 6:00 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
I do not deny problems exist where they do. What I deny is that it's only Cypriots that have these problems.


You are the biggest culprit! :roll:
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby SKI-preo » Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:04 am

Get a fing grip? You sound like you are on too many left handed websites.
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:01 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Cypriots have been here the longest time.

Correct. There were Cypriots here even before the people we now call Myceneaean or Greek. The so called Mycenaeans were of course one of the earlier invaders and suppressors of the original Cypriot civilisation and should therefore be cursed just as much as eg the Ottomans, Brits or Turks.....
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:15 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Cypriots have been here the longest time.

Correct. There were Cypriots here even before the people we now call Myceneaean or Greek. The so called Mycenaeans were of course one of the earlier invaders and suppressors of the original Cypriot civilisation and should therefore be cursed just as much as eg the Ottomans, Brits or Turks.....

The Cypriots and Greeks are one and the same stock. The tribes that arrived on all the Greek islands, 10s of thousands of years ago, and spread over the mainland and sailed back again. Back and forth. One stock, trading, speaking the same lingo, evolving into the present day Greek stock.

Have you ever found any evidence that the Mycenaeans killed anyone when they *arrived*, during one of their many trips? How did they suppress? What did they suppress? Who did they suppress? Trading partners? Kin? Language? Culture? It was all the same!
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:52 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Cypriots have been here the longest time.

Correct. There were Cypriots here even before the people we now call Myceneaean or Greek. The so called Mycenaeans were of course one of the earlier invaders and suppressors of the original Cypriot civilisation and should therefore be cursed just as much as eg the Ottomans, Brits or Turks.....

The Cypriots and Greeks are one and the same stock. The tribes that arrived on all the Greek islands, 10s of thousands of years ago, and spread over the mainland and sailed back again. Back and forth. One stock, trading, speaking the same lingo, evolving into the present day Greek stock.

Have you ever found any evidence that the Mycenaeans killed anyone when they *arrived*, during one of their many trips? How did they suppress? What did they suppress? Who did they suppress? Trading partners? Kin? Language? Culture? It was all the same!

Cyprus was an isolated island from the Greek world with its own unique population with its own unique culture.

Just because there was trade means nothing. The Cypriots were still here, unless of course the Greeks practiced genocide.
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Re: Get a fing Grip

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:45 pm

What is now Greece was probably not in any way recognisably Greek until about 2000 bc when it too was probably invaded and the indigeounous culture was possibly suppressed or at best partly subsumed into the invaders's culture: the Hellenes may well not have originated in Greece but were probably an offshoot of a migratory movement that ultimately took peoples now known as Celts to Britain.
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby Cap » Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:54 pm

I do not deny problems exist where they do.

Yes you do GiGs, you sugar coat them, you misrepresent them, you twist them and manipulate the issues.
Very professionally I might add, to the point where foreign Greek nationalist readers are hanging onto every word you say waving the Greek flag in one hand whilst they sip their frappe and scrolling down to the next post with other.
You're a wordsmith, a verbal magician.

We're not all buying the bullsh** though.
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Re: Get a fing Grip

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:24 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:What is now Greece was probably not in any way recognisably Greek until about 2000 bc when it too was probably invaded and the indigeounous culture was possibly suppressed or at best partly subsumed into the invaders's culture: the Hellenes may well not have originated in Greece but were probably an offshoot of a migratory movement that ultimately took peoples now known as Celts to Britain.

Greeks have been around for soooooo long that their borders are constantly fluctuating. What is your problem? The language and culture which links Greeks is older than any other in Europe. So what is your problem?
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