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Get a fing Grip !

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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby erolz66 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 12:24 pm

Maximus wrote:so what aspect of the "Cyprus problem" need to be solved in your opinion erolz66?

Well I could duck that by quoting the forum rule "Posts related to politics or the Cyprus problem are allowed only in the designated sections" and point out we are not in the 'right section' for such a discussion.

In any case my views on the 'Cyprus Problem' and what we could and should do about it, going back literally years, are all there in the forum search facility (just search author erolz*).

In fact I am actually trying a slightly new approach in style and content in this my latest 'return' to the forum, in light of the hundreds and hundreds of historic posts, that I think could largely and fairly be typified as calm, respectful, considered and as well argued as I could manage, that essentially go round and round endlessly and achieve nothing. Partly because of that history and partly because of being somewhat older and partly because of feeling more right to declare my 'Cypriot-ness' having resided here now for nigh on 10 years, I am for now at least taking this new approach and trying a new style. Style wise I am trying out being more direct, more abrasive and more 'in your face' confrontational that I have been historically. Approach wise I am actually just ignoring the 'Cyprus problem' and trying out posting as if we lived in a Cyprus where we all actually just though of ourselves as 'Cypriots' and not GC and TC or Greek and Turkish at all. This new approach and style might not last, I might not last very long on the forum either - anything could happen and there are no guarantees but that is where I am currently.
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Dec 01, 2013 12:33 pm

erolz66 wrote: ..... and trying out posting as if we lived in a Cyprus where we all actually just though of ourselves as 'Cypriots' and not GC and TC or Greek and Turkish at all. This new approach and style might not last, I might not last very long on the forum either - anything could happen and there are no guarantees but that is where I am currently.

Believe it or not, I like the idea of suspending our "ethnicity" when arguing. :)

Unfortunately, it's acting neutral and balanced that causes the greatest degeneration in a discussion because whenever I try and point out Cypriots are no different to anybody else [be it in treatment of animals or racism] then I get told I am "in denial" or have my "head stuck up some orifice". :wink: Surely, for your premise to work, you must first accept (you, yourself) that Cypriots are no different to anyone else in how they perform their humanly duties.
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby Maximus » Sun Dec 01, 2013 12:37 pm

I misunderstood your first post Erol, that was my mistake.

So you want to fix the republics problems from the other side of the green-line by being more direct, abrasive and in the GC's face?

It sounds very confrontational to me and you will most probably just go round and round in circles arguing endlessly again.
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby erolz66 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:05 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Erolz you cannot go around trying to solve problems by painting them all as so bleak and hopeless and only due to Cypriots and their culture or psyche.

No but nor can you solve problems by systematic denial either. The specific issue of say bird trapping is however one where Cypriots are demonstrable worst than almost all others in Europe and it is rooted in the culture and psyche of Cyprus. Its not that large number of Cypriots participate in illegal bird trapping or even in the consumption that creates the demand, but in the indifference to the issue and the knee jerk reaction seen here of 'its not a problem, its a problem but is insignificant vs other problems that have the same effect, or its a problem but its not as bad as some others elsewhere do so we don't need to beat ourselves up about it". And its not just this issue, there is a clear pattern in the initial responses to all my recent posts, whatever the underlying topic. A pattern of denial and deflection. I challenge you to read those posts and the reactions to them and deny there is such a pattern. That pattern does concern me and I think it should concern us in general as Cypriots.

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Cypriots have been here the longest time. Surely they have done something right?

Of course there are many aspects of 'Cypriot ness' that are commendable and that I am rightly proud of as a Cypriot but you do not make a better Cyprus by sitting around patting your self on the back about what you have got right or by blanket denial but rather by cold and dispassionate evaluation often hard and difficult self (group self) analysis.

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Can you tell us anything you feel happy with that the Cypriots have done right? :)

Well one of the first things that spring to mind is the sense and strength of Cypriot community. We do not live 'separate from our neighbours' as much as many other modern western cultures do, we do not farm out our elderly relatives and try and keep them out of sight and out of mind as much as many other modern western cultures do today. On these kind of metrics we 'score well' as Cypriots as far as I am concerned. For me the reasons why this is the case is essentially the same for me as the reasons why I also personally believe in terms of things like 'racism' we do not as Cypriots score so well. For me these things are both a direct and inevitable function of the cultural history of Cypriots and the physical geography of Cyprus. As a small Island, whose hundreds and thousands of years history of contact with 'outsiders' is defined by being conquered and ruled, it seems inevitable to me that we will would both score well in terms of 'community' and badly in terms of 'racism'. For me it is exactly because there are clear and obvious reasons, or drivers, why we would generically score badly in terms of something like racism (anyone with a similar cultural history and geography would as well) we have to try 'harder' as individuals to not slip into denial about such things but work so much the harder to face up to them, honestly and frankly.

Anyway I can feel myself slipping out of my new self declared posting style so I will finish with - really lets get our heads out of our arses, get a fucking grip and have the self confidence as Cypriots to say 'yeah actually we are pretty shit on this and we know it and we know why and thus we are going try even harder than others to get on top of it.'

PS - your are the former poster Oracle are you not GreekIslandGirl ? Please answer yes, even if its not true as I am not sure right now I could handle the cognitive dissonance of the idea that there are in fact two separate physical entities. ;)
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby erolz66 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:10 pm

Maximus wrote:It sounds very confrontational to me and you will most probably just go round and round in circles arguing endlessly again.

Oh almost certainly. I do realise that will almost certainly be the end result but who knows there might be some small entertainment factor for me and even possibly others as I wind my way to that almost certain inevitability once more. Still if you never try you never really know do you and certainly no one can accuse me of not having extensively tried other much less 'in your face' confrontational approaches historically.
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby Maximus » Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:25 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Maximus wrote:It sounds very confrontational to me and you will most probably just go round and round in circles arguing endlessly again.

Oh almost certainly. I do realise that will almost certainly be the end result but who knows there might be some small entertainment factor for me and even possibly others as I wind my way to that almost certain inevitability once more. Still if you never try you never really know do you and certainly no one can accuse me of not having extensively tried other much less 'in your face' confrontational approaches historically.

so they should just ignore you then.
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:27 pm


Thank you for so suucinctly expressing this point of view.

Well said and welcome back. We need voices like yours.
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby erolz66 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:17 pm

Maximus wrote:so they should just ignore you then.

Hey I personally make no such suggestion as to what other people should or should not do in regard to my posts. They are free to do as they like as far as I am concerned in this regard, just as I am free to chose to either post or not post in a specific instant or in general and to ignore or not other peoples posts as I see fit or whim takes me.

@supporttheunderdog - thanks for you kind words.
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:50 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Of course there are many aspects of 'Cypriot ness' that are commendable and that I am rightly proud of as a Cypriot but you do not make a better Cyprus by sitting around patting your self on the back about what you have got right or by blanket denial but rather by cold and dispassionate evaluation often hard and difficult self (group self) analysis.

Couldn't agree with you more Erolz!

There is plenty for Cypriots to feel very proud of but at the same time, the things we can't be so proud about can't be swept under the carpet.

However, your posts about the RoC Police and racial profiling is absolute nonsense just as it is about Law Enforcement in the USA etc. The race card is so overplayed and it is getting tired. Fact of the matter is, the bulk of crime in Cyprus is as a result of foreign nationals, some of which are illegal immigrants. "Racial Profiling imish... :roll:
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Re: Get a fing Grip !

Postby B25 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:52 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:@erolz66

Thank you for so suucinctly expressing this point of view.

Well said and welcome back. We need voices like yours.

Says one occupier to the other. Both aliens to Cyprus, here by might is right and still stuck here like leeches.

Why not just get a room.
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