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Tsukoui, explain this to me.

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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby B25 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:12 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Having seen it, I might concur with B25s terminology.

B25 did not view the video and then label those in it as 'black cunts'. He saw the video and then connected those in the video to an entirely innocent man who leg had been broken whilst being arrested in CY purely on the basis of the skin color of those in the video and the man in Cyprus and labelled them all 'black cunts'.

FFS what is wrong with you people ?

Assumptions are the mother of all fuckups.

You need to get a life and get off your high horse. I was going to explain but I don't see why I should to some pathetic turkish cunt. Go on have some fun with that, I can provide more comments if it entertains your tiny mind.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby Cap » Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:42 pm

Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:My language was clear, erolz. Indeed, it was about language and its common usage. Your failure to comprehend that is because you are on a path to judge others by way of fulfilling a personal agenda of blame of one specific race, the Greek Cypriots, as understood by the generic term Cypriot (since the only *variety* with which you deal in the occupied north are Turks).

I know you just want to avoid my question GIG but I will try once more.

In your attempt to 'justify' B25's use of the phrase 'black cunts' you claimed he used it in reference to those in the video at the start of this thread involved in the rape / murder when in clear and plain and obvious FACT it was in reference to the guy who's leg was broken whilst being stopped by the police.

So simple plain question - was this misrepresentation by you conscious or unconscious ? Why not just answer the question ?

I just did a bad thing and saw the video myself and it was most disturbing.

Having seen it, I might concur with B25s terminology. This is not the typical criminal murder you might find in predominately white European societies I must say.

You can imagine this on a larger scale in Haiti 1804.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby B25 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:35 pm

Can anyone explain this to me. Not in down town SA, but in a 'civilised' country apparently. ... 76952.html

I wonder what someone might calls these people???

I rest my case.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby erolz66 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:43 pm

B25 wrote:I wonder what someone might calls these people???

I rest my case.

I would call them vicious brutal thugs or even cunts if you prefer. What I would not do is brand an individual who had his leg broken in CY the same just because he happens to share the same skin colour as them, nor anyone else with the same skin color as them.

I rest my case.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:38 pm

b5 has not got mental capacity to understand what you are saying. he is a small brained fascist excuse for human being which is programmed to attack tcs at every opportunity. but dont blame him he is the product of the fucked up education system that produced him. i must also add that he is self made. he has no mum or dad.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby B25 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:45 pm

Lordo wrote:b5 has not got mental capacity to understand what you are saying. he is a small brained fascist excuse for human being which is programmed to attack tcs at every opportunity. but dont blame him he is the product of the fucked up education system that produced him. i must also add that he is self made. he has no mum or dad.

That's right i am your daddy :lol: :lol:
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby Paphitis » Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:37 am

Kind of proves one thing!

Apartheid was good and the South Africans fucked their great country up big time by abandoning separate development.

Call me racist, I don't care!

"God" help South Africa! :roll:

Yes I am sure it will make a lot of you stupid liberals very happy to call me a racist from behind your computers at home in well to do leafy suburbs, but you people have no comprehension of reality, and you all promoted the destruction of what was once a good country!
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby Cap » Tue Dec 03, 2013 5:18 pm

Yes I am sure it will make a lot of you stupid liberals very happy to call me a racist from behind your computers at home in well to do leafy suburbs, but you people have no comprehension of reality, and you all promoted the destruction of what was once a good country!

Absolutely true.
The quest to end apartheid originated in the United States and Britain through a massive collective campaign that spread throughout the world.
Most of the stuff they said about the Apartheid government was fabricated and exaggerated.
This was still during the days when their own 'minority groups' were still relatively small!!

Now the tables are starting to turn......
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Dec 03, 2013 10:40 pm

That's the most stupid thing I have ever heard. Africa has been screwed by the Imperialists who continue to keep it in poverty and lacking in educational resources.

The Turks will use the same excuses on us as you cite above in order to keep hold of the Apartheid they have forced in our country.

Only idiots support Apartheid and it doesn't surprise me that such ill-thought sentiments spring from people born in racist countries.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby Cap » Tue Dec 03, 2013 10:56 pm

Youre wrong Oracle.
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