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Tsukoui, explain this to me.

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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby Paphitis » Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:05 pm

Still have not seen the video. Have no intention of seeing it either.

There is a lot of sickness in this world that can't be controlled or stopped. I am a half glass full guy. :D
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby erolz66 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:10 pm

Jerry wrote:
erolz66 wrote:I really think you have some kind of physiological disorder myself.

I would say that about anyone who, having viewed the clip, first fails to acknowledge the agony of the brutalised victim.

I have not even viewed the video - why would I ? The reason I have not commented on it is that no normal sane rational person should feel the need to have condemn what apparently is this video or express sympathy for the victim - that LITERLAY should go without saying, in any sort of normal human environment.

None of you question the motivations as to WHY the video was posted in the first place, none of you (bar sotos) have acknowledged the racist nature of B25's first comment, and GIG and others have even tried to defend it and in GIG's case by distorting plain truth. Yet I (and Lordo) are instead attacked, not for what we have done but for what we have not done ?

This forum really is like going through the 'looking glass'. It is surreal.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby miltiades » Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:13 pm

Erolz wrote:
Are there really not more Cypriots out there than can just say 'what B25 said is racist claptrap' or something similar and WITHOUT a 'but' follow up ? Really ? And if not what does this say about all of us as Cypriots together and racism in Cyprus generally ? Are we really so locked into this decades old animosity between ourselves as TC and GC that we would rather ignore or excuse away or try and deflect from such language that is so blatantly indicative of a racist mind set, rather than just condemn it, without reservation, regardless of which community the person who said it might be from ? Really ? Seriously ? "

A very wise response .
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:31 pm

erolz66 wrote: ... and GIG and others have even tried to defend it and in GIG's case by distorting plain truth.

How have I distorted "plain truth" when you mistake your opinion for "FACT"?

You, on the other hand, jumped into this thread, derailing it with accusations against individuals, making "sport" of their language (when they are clearly shocked by what they have seen) - and all because you do not want to have to condemn the stoning of a woman.

For the last time, condemn the act if you have taken part in this thread and move on ... but out of respect, take your racist agenda elsewhere, erolz.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby miltiades » Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:40 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
erolz66 wrote: ... and GIG and others have even tried to defend it and in GIG's case by distorting plain truth.

How have I distorted "plain truth" when you mistake your opinion for "FACT"?

You, on the other hand, jumped into this thread, derailing it with accusations against individuals, making "sport" of their language (when they are clearly shocked by what they have seen) - and all because you do not want to have to condemn the stoning of a woman.

For the last time, condemn the act if you have taken part in this thread and move on ... but out of respect, take your racist agenda elsewhere, erolz.

GIG, are you seriously suggesting that Erolz would not condemn this barbarity against the SA woman ?

I think he is just as shocked as you appear to be.

I'm trying hard to find some evidence pointing to his alleged racism, please point me to one his recent posts.

He also considers himself a Cypriot, something that some of you do not.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby erolz66 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:45 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
erolz66 wrote: ... and GIG and others have even tried to defend it and in GIG's case by distorting plain truth.

How have I distorted "plain truth" ?

Is this even a real question ?

Twice you have said that B25's use of the phrase 'black cunts' was in reference to those in the video that allegedly raped and killed a woman.

GreekIslandGirl wrote: In this context, if those people did rape and kill someone, it's normal to want to swear at them

GreekIslandGirl wrote: Instead they choose to condemn the *language* of shocked viewers who rightly swear at these perpetrators

B25's use of the phrase 'black cunts' was NOT in reference to those in the video. Only someone with some sort of phsycological disorder could read what he posted and come to the conclusion that he was referring to those people in the video. What he said was

B25 wrote:And then we have one of those black cunts faking a broken ankle in cy and they call us racists, FFS

Even if all he said in response to the video was 'black cunts' (rather than just 'cunts') it would be indicative of a racist mind set and worthy of condemnation. Yet he does not do that - what he does is use the phrase in relation to the person 'faking a broken ankle in cy'. You repeatedly try and make out that it was used in regard to those in the video. It was not. You distort the reality (that the phrase was in reference to the man who's ankle was broken whilst being arrest by CY police) to a blatant untruth (that his use of the phrase 'black cunts' was him swearing at or in reference to those people in video).

Pathetic and disgusting.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby Jerry » Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:59 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Jerry wrote:
erolz66 wrote:I really think you have some kind of physiological disorder myself.

I would say that about anyone who, having viewed the clip, first fails to acknowledge the agony of the brutalised victim.

I have not even viewed the video - why would I ? The reason I have not commented on it is that no normal sane rational person should feel the need to have condemn what apparently is this video or express sympathy for the victim - that LITERLAY should go without saying, in any sort of normal human environment.

None of you question the motivations as to WHY the video was posted in the first place, none of you (bar sotos) have acknowledged the racist nature of B25's first comment, and GIG and others have even tried to defend it and in GIG's case by distorting plain truth. Yet I (and Lordo) are instead attacked, not for what we have done but for what we have not done ?

This forum really is like going through the 'looking glass'. It is surreal.

Strange how contributors are now coming out and saying they did not view the clip, we must of course take their word for it. Clearly I'm not normal sane or rational for expressing sympathy for the victim nor do I live in a normal human enviroment. I can only express what I felt when I viewed the first post here, the still image immediately had a far more powerful effect on me than the tedious jousting and point scoring we see on CF every day.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:23 pm

erolz66 wrote:I have not even viewed the video - why would I ?

1. Because you have made more posts (14) on this thread than anyone else.

2. Because you condemn, not the barbaric criminals, but another forumer who has viewed it.

3. Because you condemn the use of swear words by a shocked person who has viewed this.

4. Because not viewing it (or saying you did not view it) allows you the get-out-clause of not condemning the barbaric actions of the perpetrators, but allows you instead to continue your hounding of GCs to feed your personal racism.

- Of course you don't have to view the video ... but then you should shut up and stop belittling those people who have viewed it and expressed shock and condemnation!

In the words of B25, whom you condemn:

B25 wrote:I look at this image and the video and all I could think is God have mercy and rest her soul.

This is pure evil regardless of the race, as a human, you cannot put into words this despicable act.

Says it all!
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby Paphitis » Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:56 pm

erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:My language was clear, erolz. Indeed, it was about language and its common usage. Your failure to comprehend that is because you are on a path to judge others by way of fulfilling a personal agenda of blame of one specific race, the Greek Cypriots, as understood by the generic term Cypriot (since the only *variety* with which you deal in the occupied north are Turks).

I know you just want to avoid my question GIG but I will try once more.

In your attempt to 'justify' B25's use of the phrase 'black cunts' you claimed he used it in reference to those in the video at the start of this thread involved in the rape / murder when in clear and plain and obvious FACT it was in reference to the guy who's leg was broken whilst being stopped by the police.

So simple plain question - was this misrepresentation by you conscious or unconscious ? Why not just answer the question ?

I just did a bad thing and saw the video myself and it was most disturbing.

Having seen it, I might concur with B25s terminology. This is not the typical criminal murder you might find in predominately white European societies I must say.

Not one person stood up to help the hapless woman. I just can't believe it.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby erolz66 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:04 pm

Paphitis wrote:Having seen it, I might concur with B25s terminology.

B25 did not view the video and then label those in it as 'black cunts'. He saw the video and then connected those in the video to an entirely innocent man who leg had been broken whilst being arrested in CY purely on the basis of the skin color of those in the video and the man in Cyprus and labelled them all 'black cunts'.

FFS what is wrong with you people ?
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