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Tsukoui, explain this to me.

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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:48 pm

Back to the topic.

Unfortunately, feeling strong earlier today, I watched the video. :(

I have never been so disgusted by my fellow human beings as I was in seeing those pathetic "men" - in trousers and shirts - carrying out the most heinous act of cruelty that could ever be imagined in the worst cases of madness.

This isn't state-sponsored violence, as we are told we must tolerate under religious/cultural freedom. These were sick individuals.

Stomach churning hopelessness as I try and figure out how someone stood by and video the whole process ... still others gasping in the background yet not intervening, and traffic on its way to ....

[Strangely, our Turkish "compatriots" Erolz and Lordo do not seem to have felt the need to comment on the video or condemn this act of brutal violence against a weak and helpless individual. Instead they choose to condemn the *language* of shocked viewers who rightly swear at these perpetrators since that is all that can be done in this context, again in what seems to be racist hostility at Greek Cypriots.]
Last edited by GreekIslandGirl on Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby erolz66 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:59 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:My language was clear, erolz. Indeed, it was about language and its common usage. Your failure to comprehend that is because you are on a path to judge others by way of fulfilling a personal agenda of blame of one specific race, the Greek Cypriots, as understood by the generic term Cypriot (since the only *variety* with which you deal in the occupied north are Turks).

I know you just want to avoid my question GIG but I will try once more.

In your attempt to 'justify' B25's use of the phrase 'black cunts' you claimed he used it in reference to those in the video at the start of this thread involved in the rape / murder when in clear and plain and obvious FACT it was in reference to the guy who's leg was broken whilst being stopped by the police.

So simple plain question - was this misrepresentation by you conscious or unconscious ? Why not just answer the question ?
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:06 pm

erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:My language was clear, erolz. Indeed, it was about language and its common usage. Your failure to comprehend that is because you are on a path to judge others by way of fulfilling a personal agenda of blame of one specific race, the Greek Cypriots, as understood by the generic term Cypriot (since the only *variety* with which you deal in the occupied north are Turks).

I know you just want to avoid my question GIG but I will try once more.

In your attempt to 'justify' B25's use of the phrase 'black cunts' you claimed he used it in reference to those in the video at the start of this thread involved in the rape / murder when in clear and plain and obvious FACT it was in reference to the guy who's leg was broken whilst being stopped by the police.

So simple plain question - was this misrepresentation by you conscious or unconscious ? Why not just answer the question ?

Sorry? So this is your logic - that what you perceive as something becomes a "clear and plain and obvious FACT" ? Explains a lot!

- My mind is not as warped as yours! I comment on posts in their context.

[But again I notice, you detract from the topic. A brutality which you do not condemn. Is stoning women more normal in your neck of the woods, I wonder? ... Seems that to you it is not what is done but what anti-GC mileage you can derive.]
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:17 pm

So, what are you doing in this thread, erolz ???

erolz66 wrote: ... What I was doing in this thread was pointing out the painfully exquisite irony of B25 ....

Oh right. Now I understand.

*Irony* is more painful to you than what was carried out on this helpless woman.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby B25 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:43 pm

Is he still sore about my comment. Holy Moses, let me get him a dummy! :)

You and your brotherhood have referred to us (GCs) in much more explicit and racists terms, get over it.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:18 pm

He doesn't appreciate what a sweet and sensitive soul you are really. :D
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby B25 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:21 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:He doesn't appreciate what a sweet and sensitive soul you are really. :D

Actually I am, and those that know me will tell you that, it's just that some here bring out the devil in me, but hey we can't all like each other can we?? :P
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby erolz66 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:52 pm

A video is posted of people allegedly raping and killing a women.

B25's first response is

B25 wrote:And then we have one of those black cunts faking a broken ankle in cy and they call us racists, FFS

You GreekIslandGirl then post trying to argue that the above is not indicative of a racist attitude on the part of the poster. In itself a pathetic response. You also try to make out that the use of the phrase 'black cunts' by B25 is referring to those people in the video, as if this would somehow make the use of that phrase in this way 'not racist' even if it were true, which it is not. The phrase 'black cunts' is not referring to those in the video. It clearly is referring to the person 'faking a broken ankle in cy'. This is not ambiguous, it is not a matter of opinion. It is just plain clear fact. Yet you repeatedly claim otherwise. Do you have any idea how ridiculous that makes you look ? That you can take something so clear, so obvious and so undeniable and then misrepresent it for your own agenda speaks volumes about you and how you behave on these forums and about how much weight people should give anything you say. You have simply proven that if you think it suits your agenda, you will claim 2+2=7 and continue to do so over and over until those that challenge you simply give up in the face of your ignorance and belligerence and attacks on them for pointing out that 2+2 does not equal 7.

I really think you have some kind of psychological disorder myself.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby Jerry » Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:58 pm

erolz66 wrote:I really think you have some kind of physiological disorder myself.

I would say that about anyone who, having viewed the clip, first fails to acknowledge the agony of the brutalised victim.
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Re: Tsukoui, explain this to me.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:02 pm

Erolz, people can make their own minds up by looking over the thread and seeing what was said and in its rightful context. Your omission in acknowledging this crime is noted .... for its absence.

I strongly suggest people read the thread form the start, so that they get to know you. When they do this, I hope they will see your agenda, your distortions and your lack of compassion for this poor woman and her barbaric treatment. They can form their own opinion on your obsession and I will not have to stoop to your racist tactics to turn people against others.
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