Paphitis wrote:erolz66 wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Rubbish. It would have been no different to how, right now, many Turks live in Greece, and live much better lives than if they lived under Turkish rule (as you do in the occupied north). fact is the TC community saved both GC and TC alike from the nightmare of being ruled by and from Greece today. You should be thanking us for that.
Having been bought up in a foreign country that has developed its own Nation from the so called "motherland", I realize the benefits of a free and independant Cyprus and so do most Cypriots these days because let's not forget that the majority are still educated in the UK, US and Canada.
The current generations have the new world's way of thinking, and that is a great thing when compared to being a Jurassic Park Dinosaur like Oracle.

...the fact is erolz, that the Turkish Army has subjected the Turkish Cypriots to isolation in "saving" them, the fact remains that Cypriots saved themselves from the nightmare of being ruled by and from Greece today, being a vast majority of Greeks, they did not join in with the coup, and as such, i remind everyone that Cypriots exist, they are not "Greeks", just because they are Greek.
...and in the old world, where the revolution of this new thinking began, the corruption of power has once again seeped into the minds of our elite, Nations as States to divide us, the exploitation of Language for Imperialistic purposes, like hypocrites their deals are written in English, while the blood is spilled in another tongue. Cyprus, one of the oldest of old has come to the point where it is being torn in two, and neither the "Greeks" or the "Turks" have anything to be proud of in it, unwilling to embrace the idea of a State which is Free from any distinction or discrimination, they ignore Cypriots as chattel that like property is a part of the Land. they continue to deny that within a State, as Nations an equality can exist in the Liberty they express as Persons (Cypriot Constituencies, e.g.), because the Freedom that they defend are Universal, and as Individuals they stand together as this State beyond their Persons, as Citizens, as Human beings. Bicommunal, like Bizonal, remain undefined in Cyprus without a Greek Constituency, and in my opinion, other Constituencies are needed as well, if it is that a Turkish Constituency must exist. frankly, Cyprus is a template, what Turkey fears is the "perfect" solution that it may have to emulate. and while Ataturk rolls in his grave from what the Kemalists have done to his beloved Turkey in their stagnation, the people in Gezi park continue to grow.