Lordo wrote:oh dear racism amongst gc forumers here is unbelievable. what you are saying is that all blacks are the same as well as this black fellow who supposedly faked a broken leg is one of those rapists.
all i c an say is not only you swine are racist, you are also def and dumb.
i have heard about 100 or so gcs who condemned the action of the policemen who committed this crime. but i have not heard a single gc here who condemned this crime. all we read is how tough these policemen are and if they say id you just produce it. you people are in one big mess financially and mentally. not even your god can help you.
when it comes to gc properties in the north and their rights, i do not remember a single gc talking about tc properties in 63 that was taken away from them and their rights, i also do not here a single gc here who is talking about all the tc properties in the south and their rghts. i do remeber dengtas coming to an agreement with clerides where everybody would be able to go to their homes and makarios vetoing it.
stop bitching and get on with it. your hands have been caught in the till, and now you take your punishment like a man.
Sotos wrote: And if memory serves me right you are also racist since you are NOT one of those very few TCs who do not support racial discriminations against Greek Cypriots.
Lordo wrote:oh dear racism amongst gc forumers here is unbelievable. what you are saying is that all blacks are the same as well as this black fellow who supposedly faked a broken leg is one of those rapists.
all i c an say is not only you swine are racist, you are also def and dumb.
i have heard about 100 or so gcs who condemned the action of the policemen who committed this crime. but i have not heard a single gc here who condemned this crime. all we read is how tough these policemen are and if they say id you just produce it. you people are in one big mess financially and mentally. not even your god can help you.
when it comes to gc properties in the north and their rights, i do not remember a single gc talking about tc properties in 63 that was taken away from them and their rights, i also do not here a single gc here who is talking about all the tc properties in the south and their rghts. i do remeber dengtas coming to an agreement with clerides where everybody would be able to go to their homes and makarios vetoing it.
stop bitching and get on with it. your hands have been caught in the till, and now you take your punishment like a man.
erolz66 wrote:Sotos wrote: And if memory serves me right you are also racist since you are NOT one of those very few TCs who do not support racial discriminations against Greek Cypriots.
Are you seriously suggesting that I as a TC (or Lordo for that matter, assuming he is also a TC) by inevitably having a TC perspective on the Cyprus problem rather than a purely GC perspective is as indicative of a racist mind-set as someone who publically and apparently proudly uses phrases like 'black cunts' and 'Turkish cunts' on forums like these ?
Seriously ? I mean SERIOUSLY ?
erolz66 wrote:Paphitis wrote:Here we are calling ALL Cypriots Racists.
You may be but I most certainly was not*. What I was doing in this thread was pointing out the painfully exquisite irony of B25 bemoaning that people call him (and other Cypriots) racist whilst at the same time in the very same sentence referring to 'black cunts'. If you can not see the irony of this I can not help you. However I suspect you can see the irony as clearly as I can but rather than just accept it for what it is, prefer to try and construct 'straw man' arguments to deflect from it.
In any case as far as calling anyone anything and to be as explicit as I can, I would state that using terms like 'black cunts' and 'Turkish cunts' in the way that B25 does in this threads is indicative of an inherently racist outlook. But you know what is most shocking about this to me ? Its actually the very fact I feel I need to state the aforementioned explicitly when in reality it should literally go without saying!
*Would be hard to find a clearer example of a 'straw man' argument than you trying to present my post as me saying all Cypriots are racist.
(PS if it will get your blood boiling any more I could always change " ... literally go without saying" to " ... literally go without saying in any kind of civilised society")
erolz66 wrote:Sotos wrote: And if memory serves me right you are also racist since you are NOT one of those very few TCs who do not support racial discriminations against Greek Cypriots.
Are you seriously suggesting that I as a TC (or Lordo for that matter, assuming he is also a TC) by inevitably having a TC perspective on the Cyprus problem rather than a purely GC perspective is as indicative of a racist mind-set as someone who publically and apparently proudly uses phrases like 'black cunts' and 'Turkish cunts' on forums like these ?
Seriously ? I mean SERIOUSLY ?
erolz66 wrote:Sotos wrote: And if memory serves me right you are also racist since you are NOT one of those very few TCs who do not support racial discriminations against Greek Cypriots.
Are you seriously suggesting that I as a TC (or Lordo for that matter, assuming he is also a TC) by inevitably having a TC perspective on the Cyprus problem rather than a purely GC perspective is as indicative of a racist mind-set as someone who publically and apparently proudly uses phrases like 'black cunts' and 'Turkish cunts' on forums like these ?
Seriously ? I mean SERIOUSLY ?
Paphitis wrote: Maybe and just maybe, you were provoking him for such an outburst to support your racist segregationist partition of Cyprus!
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