Paphitis wrote:kurupetos wrote:Hopefully this event will remind Cypriots that they need to vote for ELAM, before Cyprus becomes another Londonistan.
There is no need for ELAM.
All the RoC needs to do is detect and prevent all illegal immigrants from arriving in Cyprus and that is a lot more easily achieved than people think. A few drones, a couple of patrol boats and strict laws will do the trick and let all the human rights people scream all they want.
Oh, there is, my aussie friend. Shistofkias and Annanstasiades, along with all the main political parties supporting them in the past and currently, have openly supported multiculturalism and internationalism.
ELAM is the only choice to pull us out of this shit.

Anyway, we shall wait and see what the inquiry of the ministry of justice will conclude next week...