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Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:57 am

As a young boy growing up in Cyprus I partook in cruelty to animals, birds and all living things apart from humans.

I knew no better and behaved as all my piers did, neither the schools nor the church instilled in us kids the sanctity of animal life, the beauty of birds singing, little kittens and puppies, the fact that they too shared this planet with us and had feelings not dissimilar to our own, they felt pain, fear and joy at getting something to eat.

Much has changed since the 50s, thanks mainly to Brits and Charlies, animal welfare has improved and Cypriots are more aware of the feelings of animals than in years gone by.

On my recent visit to Limassol, I visited my late wifes grave, at the entrance of the cemetery in Ayios Athanasios there exists a large number of abandoned cats, in their hundreds, a sad sight. Some are run over by visiting cars oblivious to the need to exercise care in driving at the entrance, the cats run to greet every car hoping for some food.

After a family dinner we were left with an abundance of meat, chicken, pork, sheftalies, kioftedes and much more.

I cut it all up and on my visit to the cemetery the following morning I distributed the food to the cats making sure that little kittens also received their share. My other third and her daughter who absolutely adore cats were with me making sure that the little ones had some leftovers.

An old boy was coming out of the the cemetery entrance and called out to me.
" O KOSMOS PINA CHE ESI TAIZIS TOUS KATTOUS " (People are starving and you are feeding the cats )

Not one to take easily to unwarranted reprimands I approached the old boy and politely asked if he believed in God
Veveos he replied , I don't, I responded, but I believe in the sanctity of all life and since you believe in God therefore you must also believe that all life was created by Him.He turned and got into his car not saying a word just shaking his head.

Such comments typify the absence in some Cypriots of the need to care for animals.

As I was getting into my car to drive away, a car pulled up next to me and an elderly couple of Cypriots got out carrying bags. The lady approached me and asked if I was the one that put the food for the cats, getting ready to rebuff her as well, I listened as she politely asked if next time I come with food I put it on the pavements as to avoid having cats in the concourse where visiting cars might run them over.

Of course I said, I didn't think of this.

I watched as she and her man begun feeding the cats from the contents of their bags. I approached and told her that what she was doing was extremely kind, thank you she said, we have been doing this for over 20 years since we came back to Cyprus from the UK....

They originated from the Famagusta region.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:54 pm

...when my great uncle finally bought a tractor, he retired his mule, but we never stopped caring for it, fifteen years later it was still alive, when he was taken in '74, but that's another story. uncle gave us a donkey as a pet to care for, a wiley beast who was also a good friend. he was found in the sea set to drown, beaten and his hoofs tethered.

...our dog was a pup when he was brought home from a hunting trip in the mountains, a terrific dog who was smart enough to stay out of the fields where he would get shot as a stray.

...most of all i remember the cow that was old in the yard, she was my grand-dad's pride and joy because of the calves she sired.

a lot (because one is too much) of cruelty in the village, but not in our family.
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:02 pm

Miltiades, you try very hard for approval and as such would make a great punkawallah. As intelligent as your great age has allowed you to become, your weaknesses show when you try to analyse situations using your limited experience as a springboard for theorising.

There's no point trying to compare 50s Cyprus with the Britain of today. If you are familiar with the famed kitchen-sink dramas of that time you would know there was immense cruelty to animals in Britain. This continued in the form of mass cruelty as fox hunting, cock fighting, bird of prey poisonings, kitten and puppy drownings, stag hunting etc ... and even today unnecessary culling of badgers and battery farms that have seen the breeding of devastating diseases (e.g. BSE) brought on by poor animal husbandry.

The Brits are great soapbox drama queens and good at making a stink and a holler - which is great, as we tend to keep our heads down and get on with our own family concerns. Pensioners with little else to do will find a cause ... and make a lot of noise so that the Queen will hear about it and give them an OBE.

Now, this is not Brit bashing but merely the other side of the coin to your unfair and unreliable comparisons. I have never known cruelty in Cypriots - yes, they keep animals "in their place" - but that is not deliberate cruelty - certainly not of the kind I have heard about in Britain.
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Postby kurupetos » Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:13 pm

Sorry, I thought this topic was about Turks. :?
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Postby Cap » Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:21 pm

kurupetos wrote:Sorry, I thought this topic was about Turks. :?

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Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:25 pm

GIG, I considered you to have at least an ounce of intelligence, it appears I was wrong.

If you read my post again, it deals strictly with Cypriots attitudes to animals and not the Brits of the UK.

There is also a stark contrast between the elderly Cypriot and the kind elderly Cypriots. Attitudes have improved but still have a way to go. I don't give a toss if animal indifference exists elsewhere, I'm relating to my own real life observations.

You must be objective and not blind to what is unacceptable in a modern European society such as Cyprus.

My love for my birth country is beyond questions, it does not in the least mean that I have to defend the indefensible as you constantly seem to do.

The cruel and barbaric practice of killing song birds-ambelopoulia- is one such indefensible and repulsive act that has to stop, we have moved on since the days that little birds was all the meat we could eat.

There is ...McDonalds now and KFC, no need to pretend, as unsophisticated peasants do the somehow ambelopoulia is nectar from heaven. They are not, just little birds that can be enjoyed in a civilized way, seeing them fly and perform.
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:51 pm

If the killing of ambelopoulia is all you have to condemn Cypriots with then, yes, Cypriots have come a loooong way because I have not seen any signs of this practice, nor know of anyone who bothers with such time-wasting activities any more. :roll:

But, on the contrary, many other European countries have to come in line with Cyprus.

The Brits can stop culling badgers for a start!
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:57 pm

...and speaking of ambelopoulia, we had the sticks, hunting (and fishing) was part of our routines, but they never got used even if they were kept in the attic. as you say miltiades times change, and so did we, when we learned how rare they really are, and how important it is (and was) to protect them.

...some want to keep things just the way they are, some understand there is a reason we have a brain; to put it in a vulgar tone: some are "Greeks", some are Greeks. and in my mind, "Greekness", "Britishness", or "Turkishness" should define, the willingness to improve, rather than what was or what is; to me. being Greek means, making things better.
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Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Nov 28, 2013 1:40 am

The cruel and barbaric practice of killing song birds-ambelopoulia- is one such indefensible and repulsive act that has to stop, we have moved on since the days that little birds was all the meat we could eat.

There is ...McDonalds now and KFC, no need to pretend, as unsophisticated peasants do the somehow ambelopoulia is nectar from heaven. They are not, just little birds that can be enjoyed in a civilized way, seeing them fly and perform

what about the small chickens made into fried chicken that can't ever have the chance to fly and perform, you forgot to mention them... :lol:
gero..stop succumbing to the hypocritical political correctness that people use nowadays in order to justify their stupidity
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Postby miltiades » Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:11 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:If the killing of ambelopoulia is all you have to condemn Cypriots with then, yes, Cypriots have come a loooong way because I have not seen any signs of this practice, nor know of anyone who bothers with such time-wasting activities any more. :roll:

But, on the contrary, many other European countries have to come in line with Cyprus.

The Brits can stop culling badgers for a start!

Have known you for many years now, even had the pleasure once, of ...talking to you.

You have not changed one iota, your comprehension is restrained by your kalamaristikes blinkers.
If condemning the road manners and irresponsible driving, mostly by young punks, if loathing nepotism, MESA, and general disregard of etiquette, if finding some if not all shops do not display price tugs on their ware is a condemnation of Cypriots in general then be it.

Not everything is perfect, paradise it is but utopia is not.

There are unsavoury and dated attitudes that WILL change in time, such as abandoning hundreds of cats at the entrance of a cemetery.

To praise a nation while disregarding its shortfalls is indicative of prejudicial outlook.

I want to see progress made in all fields, only Pakistanis and such remain buried in the past. We are a progressive people, we adapt, we learn, we judge responsibly and strive for a better environment and a brighter future.

Recent revelations concerning our economic CATASTROPHE have conclusively proven that some Cypriots do not give a toss about Cyprus's future, immersed in their own selfish and greedy interests have sat back and like Nero watched the flames engulf our nation. Just as young drivers don't give a shit about other road users, oblivious of the nuisance they cause with their stupid cars and the dangers to innocent bystanders. Red lights in every western world country mean stop, not drive through if no oncoming traffic.

Having said this I can not wait to get back to Cyprus on the 17th December, alas this might not happen due to close family health issues, very serious, here in London. After all there are at least 200 ...pussies waiting for me at the cemetery entrance. :lol:

ps. Who called me a gero ? I'm a vibrant and virile young at heart Paphian that can give any young punk a run for his money :twisted:
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