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Postby Sotos » Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:13 am

I wonder how many of the "animal lovers" in this thread are actually vegetarians and do not use any sort of animal products (leather, furs, medicines developed with animal testing etc). If you are such a person congratulations... but such people are very few in general, not just in Cyprus. If you are not such a genuinely animal loving person then you are nothing more than a HYPOCRITE and you should shut the fuck up ;)

in the last few years (2011-2012) over 2.5 million birds were killed due to illegal bird trapping every year

At least those birds had a normal life until they were caught. Unlike the chickens that most of us eat on a weekly basis... here is how 800 million chickens in the UK alone and 6 billion chickens in EU as a whole live and die. Makes your 2.5 billion number seem so small :(

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Postby erolz66 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:22 am

Sotos wrote:I wonder how many of the "animal lovers" in this thread are actually vegetarians and do not use any sort of animal products (leather, furs, medicines developed with animal testing etc). If you are such a person congratulations... but such people are very few in general, not just in Cyprus. If you are not such a genuinely animal loving person then you are nothing more than a HYPOCRITE and you should shut the fuck up ;)

What utter nonsense. My concern with illegal bird trapping in Cyprus is nothing to do with 'loving animals' or 'animal welfare'. It is to do with the irreversible ecological damage of species eradication. The problem with illegal bird trapping is the indiscriminate nature of the birds trapped and killed. If you could and wanted to factory farm black caps for your table you would not hear a peep out of me. Hell if you could trap them in mist nets without ALSO trapping many species that are in very real danger of not existing at all ever again I probably would not care much either.

Anyway my point was to refute the clear and demonstrable bollocks being pushed by GIG that illegal bird trapping in Cyprus today is a rare and unusual thing, akin to cock fighting in the UK. This is simply bollocks - but then from my memories of participation on these forums from 10 years ago and 6 years ago and 3 years ago, GIG posting plain rubbish of monumental proportion in order to exonerate (greek) Cypriots of any blame or culpability for anything and everything is nothing new to me. That does not mean I will not pop in now again to highlight such behavior as and when I feel inclined to do so.
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Postby Sotos » Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:37 am

If you could and wanted to factory farm black caps for your table you would not hear a peep out of me. Hell if you could trap them in mist nets without ALSO trapping many species that are in very real danger of not existing at all ever again I probably would not care much either.

OK fine. But endangered species was not exactly the topic of this thread. Cats are not an endangered species in Cyprus ... their population is much bigger than what it would have been if we caught all wild cats and neutered them ... which is what some "animal lovers" want to do. And about endangered species I think the Cypriots are among the last to be blamed. Most damage was done by the big industrial nations and the pollution they created.
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Postby erolz66 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:09 am

Sotos wrote:OK fine. But endangered species was not exactly the topic of this thread. [/quoe]

No it was not the topic, but I was just responding to GIG's blatant bullshit (GIG must be the former poster oracle right ? I mean from this one thread alone, the style of using blatant BS and denial of plain reality to such an extreme degree in order to exonerate GC's of any blame for any particular failing aimed at them, it seems to me she must be, right ?)

Sotos wrote: And about endangered species I think the Cypriots are among the last to be blamed. Most damage was done by the big industrial nations and the pollution they created.

If the concern is with the threat to endangered species, then it matters not who did more damage than who in the past. It matters what is doing the damage TODAY. Today illegal bird trapping in Cyprus does real material damage to a number of very endangered species and that is just a fact.
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:37 am

erolz66 wrote:
Sotos wrote:OK fine. But endangered species was not exactly the topic of this thread. [/quoe]

No it was not the topic, but I was just responding to GIG's blatant bullshit (GIG must be the former poster oracle right ? I mean from this one thread alone, the style of using blatant BS and denial of plain reality to such an extreme degree in order to exonerate GC's of any blame for any particular failing aimed at them, it seems to me she must be, right ?)

Sotos wrote: And about endangered species I think the Cypriots are among the last to be blamed. Most damage was done by the big industrial nations and the pollution they created.

If the concern is with the threat to endangered species, then it matters not who did more damage than who in the past. It matters what is doing the damage TODAY. Today illegal bird trapping in Cyprus does real material damage to a number of very endangered species and that is just a fact.

If you are that concerned, then go to Japan and help save the Whales!
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Postby erolz66 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:53 am

Paphitis wrote:If you are that concerned, then go to Japan and help save the Whales!

Pathetic response, but fairly typical. I am a Cypriot living in Cyprus, who accepts the reality of the very real damage done by illegal bird trapping in Cyprus and is concerned about it and the best you can come up with is 'go to Japan' ?
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Postby Oceanside50 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:08 am

erolz66 wrote:
Sotos wrote:I wonder how many of the "animal lovers" in this thread are actually vegetarians and do not use any sort of animal products (leather, furs, medicines developed with animal testing etc). If you are such a person congratulations... but such people are very few in general, not just in Cyprus. If you are not such a genuinely animal loving person then you are nothing more than a HYPOCRITE and you should shut the fuck up ;)

What utter nonsense. My concern with illegal bird trapping in Cyprus is nothing to do with 'loving animals' or 'animal welfare'. It is to do with the irreversible ecological damage of species eradication. The problem with illegal bird trapping is the indiscriminate nature of the birds trapped and killed. If you could and wanted to factory farm black caps for your table you would not hear a peep out of me. Hell if you could trap them in mist nets without ALSO trapping many species that are in very real danger of not existing at all ever again I probably would not care much either.

Anyway my point was to refute the clear and demonstrable bollocks being pushed by GIG that illegal bird trapping in Cyprus today is a rare and unusual thing, akin to cock fighting in the UK. This is simply bollocks - but then from my memories of participation on these forums from 10 years ago and 6 years ago and 3 years ago, GIG posting plain rubbish of monumental proportion in order to exonerate (greek) Cypriots of any blame or culpability for anything and everything is nothing new to me. That does not mean I will not pop in now again to highlight such behavior as and when I feel inclined to do so.

The jelly sticks that entrap birds have been going on in Cyprus for hundreds of years, the bird was not threatened of extinction. Whats happening nowadays is that r habitat loss is having the most serious impact on bird life.

Deforestation rates of between 50,000 and 170,000 square kilometers (roughly 20,000 to 65,000 square miles, are putting 85 percent of the world's most threatened bird species at risk.

Agriculture is also blamed. Almost half the land area of Europe is now farmed, much of it intensively. modern farming methods limit nesting opportunities, remove cover, and reduce food availability.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:28 am

erolz66 wrote:For information on illegal bird trapping in Cyprus from people who actually know what they are talking about, based on scientific survey methods that have been running for over 10 years now you could look here ... pping.html

"in the last few years (2011-2012) over 2.5 million birds were killed due to illegal bird trapping every year."

Yeah just like cock fighting in the UK then !

Welcome to the forum , please ignore the likes of GIG who will readily dismiss any obnoxious and sickening behaviour that occurs in Cyprus by comparing to other obnoxious and sickening behaviour that occurs elsewhere in the world, her speciality the U

The barbaric "cultural" act of trapping these beautiful birds is supported by those who consider these birds as a delicacy, in fact they are nothing of the sort, less than a few ounces of meat , although the pseudo connoisseurs who couldn't tell the difference between Beluga caviar and shit consume them in order to boast to their friends of their culinary experience.

The allure of watching birds on trees, flying and chirping as they dart from tree to tree, is not something these peasants enjoy, they get their sick kicks from seeing the little beauties stuck on the lime sticks.

I'm not the only Cypriot who finds these cultural practice disgusting, thousands of my fellow Cypriots also do so.
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Postby erolz66 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:48 am

Oceanside50 wrote: The jelly sticks that entrap birds have been going on in Cyprus for hundreds of years, the bird was not threatened of extinction. Whats happening nowadays is that r habitat loss is having the most serious impact on bird life.

Lime sticking remains relatively innocuous, but the entirely modern practice of systematic mist netting and using audio equipment to play bird call lures is most certainly not. The loss of habitat and the undoubted serious impact it is having, only makes the need to stamp out these modern illegal trapping methods more urgent and necessary not less. Loss of habitat it can be argued is balanced against other social benefits where as mist netting only benefits the organised criminal gangs that control it. Would the stopping of illegal bird trapping in Cyprus alone ensure the viability of endangered species into the future ? Of course it will not, but it would represent a material increase in the chances of such viability of endangered species into the future.
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Postby Oceanside50 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:38 am

A half page of dribble. Where's the solution to the problem? Unless farming methods change and the destruction of habitat stopped then the birds will become extinct
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