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Postby Paphitis » Sat Dec 13, 2014 11:26 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Lordo wrote:for any people to value animal life, the first stage is to value human life.

Of course, you might be right - and we know these frigging foreigners don't care about humans, because they don't care about the thousands of Greek Cypriots slaughtered by Turkish troops, they don't care about the plight of 200,000 Greek Cypriots threatened out of their homes and kept out of their ancestral properties and homelands by 40,000 Turkish murder-eager savages.

Nope, these foreigners only berate Cyprus for some 'cultural attitudes' just to keep us under occupation by yet more soul-less god-less foreigners.

And yes these foreigners pretend they care about birds - as they prepare to stuff their fat faces with a sage-and-onion-stuffed little robin stuffed inside a dove, which is stuffed into a partridge, which is stuffed into a duck, stuffed inside a pheasant, which is stuffed within a goose which is stuffed inside an eagle which is stuffed inside a frigging TURKEY! And they cook this enormous mountain of bird-flesh with rituals and singing and much partaking of cheap Lidl sherry! And then they use gifted electric knives to slice through this mountain of bird-flesh - layer upon layer of dead birds!

Yup, doncha just loves those cultural habits of those learned foreign folk?

Both you and Lordo talk a lot of shit!

What is the bet that some of these conservationists are in fact Cypriot displaced persons or refugees?

The issues of occupation and conservation are seperate issues. They do not intermingle and you can't slander these people in this fashion. If people want to take up a cause like this then all the better because the work they do towards conservation is of great value to the Republic and future generations.

Further to this, when a newspaper writes about Bird Trapping, it's because of the active campaigning of the conservation activists to increase awareness.

These activists are probably of a younger demographic, probably uni students and the like. The issue is important to them. They have the right to engage the public and to have a voice as much as anyone else.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:23 pm

Very good response M
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:43 pm

Great British recipe for FIVE BIRD ROAST:

Christmas • Chicken • Duck • Winter Comforts • Sunday Roast • Christmas Mains • Grouse • Partridge • Pheasant •
The 'Yorkshire pot' is a legendary roast, traditionally containing five de-boned birds in one enormous roasting joint. James Mackenzie's five-bird roast recipe is much more achievable for the home cook, cutting the meat into strips and rolling in air-dried ham. Better still, it needs to be prepared the day before cooking, leaving very little faff on the day of cooking. Five-bird roasts often contain only game birds, but James adds chicken to lighten the flavour

Ensuring your boning knife is very sharp, bone out the duck legs by cutting out and removing all of the bone and cartilage. Cut each of the duck breasts and chicken breasts into 3, lengthways, and slice the duck legs into strips
To prepare the stuffing, place the sausage meat, cranberries, pistachios and juniper berries in a bowl and mix thoroughly with your hands
Lay several layers of cling film, measuring approximately 60cm x 30cm, out onto a work surface. Lay the slices of ham onto the cling film to form a rectangular base (smaller than the cling film) to start building the roast
Lay the duck breast in a line down the centre of the ham, then lay a thin sausage of the stuffing mix (about half of the mix) either side of the length of the duck. Lay the chicken strips along one side of the stuffing, end-to-end to cover the exposed length of ham
Repeat with the grouse, pheasant and partridge breasts and duck leg until all of the meat (except the stuffing) is used up - the ingredients should all be laid out in even lines. Top with the remaining stuffing mix
To roll the roast, take one side of the cling film and roll and wrap the ham over to encase the meat and stuffing, forming a large sausage encased in the ham and cling film. Place in the fridge to rest overnight
To cook, preheat a water bath to 75°C, and making sure the roast is completely sealed in cling film, cook for 2 1/2 hours. After this time, remove from the cling film, place in a roasting tray and cook at 180°C/gas mark 4 for 1 - 1 1/2 hours. To check that it is cooked, slide in a sharp knife - the juices should run clear
If you don't have a water bath, remove the roast from the cling film and carefully wrap in foil. Roast in the oven at 160°C/gas mark 3 for 2 hours, then remove the foil and roast for a further 1 - 1 1/2 hours at 180°C/gas mark 4 until the juices run clear
Remove from the oven and allow to rest for at least 20 minutes. Cut into thick slices and serve

- See more at: ... 9riqe.dpuf

Yuck! Savages.
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Postby Oceanside50 » Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:30 pm

..and Cypriots only eat fasoulia with kromidi on x-mas..
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:04 pm

Not a problem Ocean. The point being made is that people are basically the same wherever you go. There will always be cultural habits that someone else objects to.

Of course, some idiots cannot see that and insist on being racist by only pointing the finger at others. They need only look at their own culinary delights ...

Having said that, the Mediterranean diet is the one to emulate - as I wait for my fasolia to soak for 8 hours. :D

(Despite being tongue in cheek earlier, I do find this bird in a bird in a bird in a bird etc madness for sticking as many into each other and then scoffing the lot rather disgusting. They even stuff pigs with cows and sheep and deer etc etc etc. :roll: )

And don't get me started on pheasant farming...
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:08 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Not a problem Ocean. The point being made is that people are basically the same wherever you go. There will always be cultural habits that someone else objects to.

Of course, some idiots cannot see that and insist on being racist by only pointing the finger at others. They need only look at their own culinary delights ...

Having said that, the Mediterranean diet is the one to emulate - as I wait for my fasolia to soak for 8 hours. :D

(Despite being tongue in cheek earlier, I do find this bird in a bird in a bird in a bird etc madness for sticking as many into each other and then scoffing the lot rather disgusting. They even stuff pigs with cows and sheep and deer etc etc etc. :roll: )

And don't get me started on pheasant farming...

It's got NOTHING to do with that since most who are actually pointing the finger are actually CYPRIOT!

Some Cypriots trap Birds and others object to the practice. The Brits can object to pheasant farming too if they want to.

Pheasants are a well known Game Bird as are Geese and Ducks.
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Postby erolz66 » Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:44 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:There will always be cultural habits that someone else objects to.

The problem is that of damage done to already endangered species. If you want to farm black caps and stuff them into your mouth till you are sick, because of some 'cultural habit' I have no problem with that. If you want to hunt them via discriminate means so you can stuff them into your mouth because of some 'cultural habit' again I have no problem with that. What is happening in Cyprus is that indiscriminate means of hunting these birds, on a scale and predominantly by means that has NO historical counterpart, is causing significant damage to endangered species. That is the problem and simply saying 'no it does not' and 'racist' does not change this reality one iota.
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:51 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Not a problem Ocean. The point being made is that people are basically the same wherever you go. There will always be cultural habits that someone else objects to.

Of course, some idiots cannot see that and insist on being racist by only pointing the finger at others. They need only look at their own culinary delights ...

Having said that, the Mediterranean diet is the one to emulate - as I wait for my fasolia to soak for 8 hours. :D

(Despite being tongue in cheek earlier, I do find this bird in a bird in a bird in a bird etc madness for sticking as many into each other and then scoffing the lot rather disgusting. They even stuff pigs with cows and sheep and deer etc etc etc. :roll: )

And don't get me started on pheasant farming...

If you go to their Facebook Page you can see that the vast majority of the Anti Bird Trapping Activists are in actual fact Cypriots.

There is even representation from registered political parties in the RoC and other Environmental NGOs which are backed by the RoC Government.

(από αριστερά προς δεξιά) κος Κλείτος Παπαστυλιανού (CABS), κος Πέτρος Αναγιωτός (Υπηρεσία Θήρας και Πανίδας), κα Μαρία Τσότση (Γραφείο Επιτρόπου Διοικήσεως και Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων), κα Ιωάννα Παναγιώτου (Επίτροπος Περιβάλλοντος), Δρ Κλαίρη Παπάζογλου (Πτηνολογικός Σύνδεσμος Κύπρου)
(from left to right) Mr Kleitos Papastylianou (CABS), Mr Petros Anagiotos (Game and Fauna Service), Mrs Maria Tsotsi (Office of the Commissioner for Administration), Mrs Ioanna Panayiotou (Environment Commissioner), Dr Clairie Papazoglou (BirdLife Cyprus)

Anyway, check it out yourself!

Most of the page is even in Greek!
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Dec 13, 2014 6:01 pm

erolz66 wrote:That is the problem and simply saying 'no it does not' and 'racist' does not change this reality one iota.

You haven't presented reality, and that is the problem. You've been shown to have little concept of reality; not just by Subaltern many times above, but in a more general sense with the way you analyse posts and data - and I suspect it comes from wanting to demonize Greek Cypriots so that you (generic) can continue to enjoy the occupied parts of Cyprus that belong to other people.

Reality? You? :roll:
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Postby erolz66 » Sat Dec 13, 2014 6:26 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
erolz66 wrote:That is the problem and simply saying 'no it does not' and 'racist' does not change this reality one iota.

You haven't presented reality, and that is the problem. You've been shown to have little concept of reality; not just by Subaltern many times above, but in a more general sense with the way you analyse posts and data - and I suspect it comes from wanting to demonize Greek Cypriots so that you (generic) can continue to enjoy the occupied parts of Cyprus that belong to other people.

Reality? You? :roll:

It is a reality that illegal bird trapping in Cyprus is damaging endangered species. It is not me saying this it is Birdlife Cyprus saying it. Not caring about the issue would be one thing, but not only do you not care about it you actively seek to deny this reality because of some warped political mind set. That is very sad.

So 5+ years ago I went and spent two seasons working with Birdlife Cyprus to learn and understand how they conducted their bi annual surveys on the extent of illegal trapping in the south and then used that experience to set up similar schemes in the North, not because I believed there was a issue with damage being done to endangered species because of illegal tapping but actually because I hoped that 5 years later I could come on here and demonise Greek Cypriots so that I could continue to enjoy the occupied parts of Cyprus that belong to other people. The idea is absurd.
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