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Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:34 pm

fascists as well as racists all over the world are exactly the same. they see any criticism of anything in their country as an attack on them. you are wasting your breath with this little beauty. with her, milk is blue, the fact that it is white is irrelevant as she is wearing heavily blue tinted glasses. the world to her is greek and we are lucky to be allowed to breathe the air cause the air is greek too.

god oh mighty give mankind patience.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:08 pm

Lordo wrote:fascists as well as racists all over the world are exactly the same. they see any criticism of anything in their country as an attack on them. you are wasting your breath with this little beauty. with her, milk is blue, the fact that it is white is irrelevant as she is wearing heavily blue tinted glasses. the world to her is greek and we are lucky to be allowed to breathe the air cause the air is greek too.

god oh mighty give mankind patience.

It can happen without blue-tinted glasses. I had a condition known as cyanopsia for about 20 minutes a couple of weeks ago and white things turned blue!
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:34 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Lordo wrote:fascists as well as racists all over the world are exactly the same. they see any criticism of anything in their country as an attack on them. you are wasting your breath with this little beauty. with her, milk is blue, the fact that it is white is irrelevant as she is wearing heavily blue tinted glasses. the world to her is greek and we are lucky to be allowed to breathe the air cause the air is greek too.

god oh mighty give mankind patience.

It can happen without blue-tinted glasses. I had a condition known as cyanopsia for about 20 minutes a couple of weeks ago and white things turned blue!

Lucky you. :D Seeing blue has got to be better than seeing red! :P
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Postby The subaltern » Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:16 pm


I am not though going to repeat myself here. I will refer you back to my previous posts. In fact you called them dissertations!! Read them again, but before you do that, stop believing in your own propaganda of: millions of birds killed (3-20 million according to the propaganda) Read my previous posts and do remember you have no case without numbers. The bigger the number the better!

The price of the birds you have been advertising (Latest price per dozen 80 Euros!!! Who can afford the staff) Read my posts.

The species caught: Two reports written by the keepers of the truth vary widely!! Read my previous posts

A large number of birds listed in statistics by the keepers of the truth are either too few to be hunted, too large to be caught by the lime sticks or not eaten by the Cypriots. The few that are hunted are not at risk. In fact are on the increase in Europe. Read my previous posts and the reports by BirdLife international.
About the causes of bird depletion read my previous post as well as those of RSPB, BirdLife etc. All are pointing towards the same direction and that’s not towards Cyprus. Read my previous posts.

It appears, after reading your post to GIG, that you have not taken any notice at all of what has been written previously. I am not surprised, since you have been accusing me of writing dissertations!!! I suppose you have no time for such things.
I will though ask you again, since you haven’t responded to my previous questions.

How many people are involved in bird trapping?

How many restaurants serve ambeloboulia? (I know of none)

How many people eat ambelopoulia? (I know of none)

How many people can afford to pay 80 Euros for 12 birds? (I know of none)

How many birds of each species are caught by each method of trapping? (Nets and lime sticks)

What is the Cypriot contribution to species depletion? (Bird species depletion is in fact reported Britain as % for each species. Why not for Cyprus? I am sure you can manufacture something.)

How many endangered species arrive in Cyprus and how many are caught of each species?

Have the two methods of trapping the same impact on the species? (Remember, they are very different)

How many reports have been compiled by the 3 NGOs (BirdLIfe, CABS, and Friends of the earth) on bird trapping in the occupied part of Cyprus? I know of none!

How come bird trapping has become a problem now and not before, since it was much more widespread then, than it is now?

How come ambelopoulia, robins and other small birds targeted by trappers are on the increase? (See reports by BirdLife)

Has your campaign against bird trapping had any effect on the tradition?

Do Cypriots swallow instead of chewing amelopoulia?

Is it true that ambelopoulia have Viagra effect? (See New Yorker)

Why are you objecting to trapping? Is it because it’s cruel? Is it because of the impact it has on the species? (I know of worst cruelties inflicted on species by the civilized world on a massive scale as well as methods practiced in the west that have worst effects on the species yet we hear not a whimper. How come?)

Assuming the Cypriots stopped trapping birds tomorrow. Would the endangered species fare any better as a result, considering what’s going on in Europe?

Do you know that Europe has a history of species extermination that continues in a different form today? Read my previous post. Cyprus, I am pleased to say, has no such history. You are though trying very hard to manufacture one.

And to remind you yet again that without numbers your campaign against trapping will have no meaning. The larger the number of birds trapped the biger the impact especially on people that have no idea of the tradition.

I can go on but that’s enough otherwise I am going to be accused of writing a dissertation.

In case you accuse me of eating small birds I assure you I don’t and I know of no one that does.

As the keeper of the truth I am sure you have it hidden somewhere. Please reveal it to us even with a dissertation! Not though with your usual platitudes and unsupported statements.
Just to remind you again. NGOs are European organizations promoting “European values” and interests. In fact they are very controversial and not at all apolitical. Read my previous posts.
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Postby erolz66 » Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:19 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote: Like a mother who never forgets (for a second) that her child is ill, ....

Actually you are just like a mother who has a son with a heroin addiction and a long history of petty crime supporting his habit, that simply refuses to accept this reality even though she has seen her son lying there semi comatose with a drained needle hanging from his arm. Who accuses anyone who dares to say to her ' your son has an addiction problem' of being a liar who only says such things because they hate her and her son. Who claims that every prosecution where her son has been found guilty of a crime is the result of trumped up charges and false accusations by people who's only desire is to hurt her or her son, even when the actual evidence is beyond any doubt and her son himself has pled guilty to the charges. Who as far as she accepts any failings at all on the part of her son does so only the basis that 'others led him astray' and it was not really his fault at all.

This is exactly what you are like - totally divorced from actual reality, immune and deaf to any and all actual evidence and impossible to have a rational discussion with.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:47 pm

erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote: Like a mother who never forgets (for a second) that her child is ill, ....

Actually you are just like a mother who has a son with a heroin addiction and a long history of petty crime supporting his habit, that simply refuses to accept this reality even though she has seen her son lying there semi comatose with a drained needle hanging from his arm. Who accuses anyone who dares to say to her ' your son has an addiction problem' of being a liar who only says such things because they hate her and her son. Who claims that every prosecution where her son has been found guilty of a crime is the result of trumped up charges and false accusations by people who's only desire is to hurt her or her son, even when the actual evidence is beyond any doubt and her son himself has pled guilty to the charges. Who as far as she accepts any failings at all on the part of her son does so only the basis that 'others led him astray' and it was not really his fault at all.

This is exactly what you are like - totally divorced from actual reality, immune and deaf to any and all actual evidence and impossible to have a rational discussion with.

I entirely agree with your views Erolz, the likes of ...Mr Supa Plonker and GIG are typical of so many comments one comes across in Cyprus. Denial, excuses, listem you Plonkers, bird trapping is ILLEGAL. Many restaurants serve them, many people, so called mezeklides eat them. It is a bloody disgrace more so when one can hardly see a bird in Cyprus doing what birds are supposed to do, because some f,,ng peasant takes pleasure in eating a few grams of meat.
Whats wrong with archidia xidada, or a good souvla of pork, no, we the pseudo connoisseurs must eat little birds.

Erolz, you are absolutely correct mate.
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Postby Cap » Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:33 pm

First Siberian Tiger cub successfully bred in Cyprus. :D

Opened her eyes for the first time this morning!

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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:53 pm

Cap wrote:First Siberian Tiger cub successfully bred in Cyprus. :D

Opened her eyes for the first time this morning!


Oh baby, baby, baby puss! :D xxx Tigers are my favourite animal species in the whole universe. Long, sweet life my little darling and bring peace to Cyprus soon.
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Dec 11, 2014 10:01 pm

miltiades wrote:I entirely agree with your views Erolz, ....

Congratulations. Go and set up home with him in the turkish occupied area!

miltiades wrote:What you seem to be constantly doing is burying your head in the sand when it comes to unpleasant activities that take place in Cyprus.

Sorry, Milty. You're not being very logical here - unless you think that Cypriots are unique in having such problems. Do you? Do you really think there is something inherently different in Cypriots that causes "attitudes" to animals, a trait of some sort, that does not exist in let's say your average Brit (seeing as they are valued as the 'norm' around here). Because if that's what you think (and failing to say directly) then you join the ranks of the racists. These racists have divided our country on such groundless assertions as yours.

If you admit that the same problems exist elsewhere (that's not the same as saying we shouldn't all keep moving forward for improvements or that we should ignore atrocities) then why single out Cyprus? In doing so, you are advertising to the world something that is not true - you are making out something we should all be generally aware of, throughout the world, seem like it's unique to Cyprus and everyone can turn a blind eye to what happens in their own homes. It excuses the rest of the world from atrocities. This is about ending suffering wherever it exists.

By behaving in this myopic way, Milty, you make matters worse and it doesn't help the worldwide cause for humane treatment of animals.

You are a silly man!
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Postby miltiades » Thu Dec 11, 2014 10:13 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
miltiades wrote:I entirely agree with your views Erolz, ....

Congratulations. Go and set up home with him in the turkish occupied area!

miltiades wrote:What you seem to be constantly doing is burying your head in the sand when it comes to unpleasant activities that take place in Cyprus.

Sorry, Milty. You're not being very logical here - unless you think that Cypriots are unique in having such problems. Do you? Do you really think there is something inherently different in Cypriots that causes "attitudes" to animals, a trait of some sort, that does not exist in let's say your average Brit (seeing as they are valued as the 'norm' around here). Because if that's what you think (and failing to say directly) then you join the ranks of the racists. These racists have divided our country on such groundless assertions as yours.

If you admit that the same problems exist elsewhere (that's not the same as saying we shouldn't all keep moving forward for improvements or that we should ignore atrocities) then why single out Cyprus? In doing so, you are advertising to the world something that is not true - you are making out something we should all be generally aware of, throughout the world, seem like it's unique to Cyprus and everyone can turn a blind eye to what happens in their own homes. It excuses the rest of the world from atrocities. This is about ending suffering wherever it exists.

By behaving in this myopic way, Milty, you make matters worse and it doesn't help the worldwide cause for humane treatment of animals.

You are a silly man!

As a true Cypriot I would live next to any Cypriot, Erolz is one such Cypriot.

Thank you for calling me ...silly, wait till I...get you !!!
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