miltiades wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Interesting news from Subaltern - even if thoroughly unexpected and totally disgusting behaviour - yet again - by the pseudo-civlised nation of Swiss pore-brained people! No more Lindt pressies for Xmas!
Nevertheless, nobody here supports illegal bird trapping BUT there are a number of anti-Cypriot myths branded about. From my own observations and inquiries; such a habit is no longer practiced in normal circles and is not supported by even the most stuck-in-the past peasants of Paphos. Even when it was practiced, it never posed the dangers to extinction we are told exist.
Yet - we have endless foreigners who know NOTHING about Cyprus jumping on some Hellbound Scatology Gibbons type of anti-Cyprus lies and propaganda so that they turn the world's eyes away from their OWN country's behaviour in seriously driving many animals and plants to extinction!
Leave Cyprus alone! Frigging foreign defamers!
Im no foreigner yet I wholeheartetly condemn bird trapping of these beautigul migratory birds, the days have long gone when all the available meat had feathers on it.
This cruel practice must be condemned by all who care about Cyprus.
As I've already said, Cypriots do abhor trapping, they don't need to be told in a racist way that they have an "attitude" problem.
You know, Milty, if you carry on being OUTRAGED about the wrong things, people will become simply worn-out and useless when something serious surfaces!
The RoC has been doing a brilliant job criminalizing this practice and has even made the 'Sovereign British Bases' check those areas that the RoC itself cannot monitor (because our colonial masters say they belong to them! Well, of course the Royals say the territory belongs to them, her majesty, but of course any illegal activities carried out on that 'sovereign' territory are all the fault of the RoC and its citizens - by some twisted British logic

Anyway, that bird watch charity was set up by a foreigner, wasn't it, and I believe he was invited to present his case in a documentary but didn't send any representatives to give evidence so the pro-trapping lobby went unchallenged. Maddeningly unprofessional.
Animal charities have a big part to play in the planet's future, until we can force all governments to prioritize wildlife and welfare. On the whole, most of them do excellent work (and demand a lot of respect) but they need to stay impartial and true to the cause of animals - I suppose, some thugs will always attach themselves to charities and pursue their racism rather than fairness.