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Postby Archimedes » Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:37 am

I feel left out. :cry:
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:40 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Niki wrote:I haven't posted for along time and most won't know me but I lived in Cyprus for 3 years and moved back to the UK. My overriding memory is of animal cruelty in Cyprus. Not the beautiful country or it's people who were wonderful but the attitude towards animals by many, not all but it is the majority.
I am not saying the UK is perfect, it is far from this but in Cyprus animal cruelty is a way of life. I will never forget the starving dog locked 24/7 in a cage across the road, the 7 puppies thrown on to the busy main road outside my house, the dog with a broken leg and severe malnutrition that all in my village ignored (it broke my heart when the amber eyes looked at me when the vet put her to sleep), the starving family of dogs at my daughter's school..... The list goes on and I simply can't lose the memories. We have a beautiful Cyprus poodle in the UK rescued from the Limassol dog pound starving and badly beaten and he is gorgeous.
Of course people are defensive and bring up the many examples of animal cruelty in the UK but IT IS DIFFERENT! People in Cyprus have a different perspective and this can't be denied. Attitudes have to change.

Hello Niki mou - hope you and the family have resettled well back in the damp, dark satanic mills, so to speak. :wink: :D

I agree attitudes have to change (they usually do over time, anyway, for good or bad). However, where we differ, in opinion, is that you seem to think that just because you cannot SEE the cruelty, that it does not occur. You are only shocked by what you saw in Cyprus and now safely back in the UK - the opportunities to SEE the cruelty are fewer. For sure, Cypriots are intolerant of animals being indoors, and often negligent of their needs as pets. But because all this intolerance and negligence occurs OUTDOORS in Cyprus, it is there for all to see.

There are many cases of severe, sociopathic cruelty against animals in the UK but mostly these occur indoors. For every one cruel act caught, there are reportedly hundreds occurring in total oblivion to neighbours and passers-by. Because animals are kept INDOORS in the UK, it is only by severe intervention that the RSPCA gets to hear when a cat has been microwaved, a hamster deep fried, dogs brutally kicked and starved indoors, or a kitten put in a washing machine etc etc etc (all true cases). Very few cases happen outdoors in the UK because it's an indoor kind of lifestyle and that is where the cruelty is safe from VIEW- behind closed doors. Of course, that stupid woman got caught by CCTV just casually flinging some person's cat into a giant bin because she thought the streets were empty, dark, and there was no one to SEE her being cruel - generally cruelty in the UK is harder to detect- but it doesn't mean it happens any less in the UK than it does in Cyprus, Niki mou.

Yup, attitudes HAVE to change!

Sociopathic cruelty occurs in all countries including Cyprus and the UK. These should be fairly isolated incidents in both the UK and Cyprus as most normal people would not consider cruelty to animals.

However, there are certain cultural differences between Brits and Cypriots still. Brits are more animal or pet friendly and it has been a part of their culture. As a result, they seem to have a little more compassion to animals than Cypriots. For example, you mention leaving pets out or not attending to their needs. Also, there does seem to be the occasional lanate poisonings from people that simply do not like pets or animals. Not to be confused with animal cruelty.

This is slowly changing amongst the newer generations of Cypriots and pet ownership has been increasing, but it takes time.
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Postby kurupetos » Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:36 pm

Archimedes wrote:I feel left out. :cry:

I will put you in. OK, you are in. :)
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:49 am

What prompted me to start this thread was to highlight the sharp contrast between the first elderly Cypriot gentleman's comments and the latter Cypriot couple, I was unaware at the time that the second gentleman in fact was English married to a Cypriot lady.

The remark that the first gentleman made ,equivalent to a colloquial " O kosmos keyete kai to m...i ktenizete "
took me by surprise as I was feeding the cats with leftovers not cat food out of tins.

Such attitudes are widespread, not isolated, just as the attitude of the second couple is not isolated.

Animal awareness has gained momentous ground since my early days in Cyprus way back in the 50s where I was totally oblivious to animals and birds feelings.

The fact that animal cruelty also exists elsewhere does not in any way diminish the need to continue improving our attitudes to animals.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:16 pm

...for the record:

Activists to set up Animal Party in time for EP vote;

Cypriots care, that's for sure, and yes i agree milt, i'm with you. (and/but) there is a lot to be said (witness here, this topic) about the exploitation of feelings over animal pain. the ones that have taken to insisting there is a bigger picture (read: dogma, and motive), on Principal their self-improvement denied for more of the same; yet valid the plaint.

...whether it is as a Cypriot, or as a member of the Human Race, if there is to be pride, then it has to be said, overcoming fear, "i change", in seeking better. in any case, animal cruelty is just plain wrong, and in some cases Criminal because it is offensive to all of us, bravo, i say, you save your scraps to be used more wisely, (who is the hero in all of this, afterall?), how i loved my grandfather for his foresight, when he spit his watermelon seeds, it was toward the ants that would find them...
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Postby miltiades » Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:47 pm

Nice to have you back my dearest friend, hope you are well and healthy.
My deepest respects.
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Postby pavlina2007 » Sat May 10, 2014 7:21 pm

miltiades wrote:As a young boy growing up in Cyprus I partook in cruelty to animals, birds and all living things apart from humans.

I knew no better and behaved as all my piers did, neither the schools nor the church instilled in us kids the sanctity of animal life, the beauty of birds singing, little kittens and puppies, the fact that they too shared this planet with us and had feelings not dissimilar to our own, they felt pain, fear and joy at getting something to eat.

Much has changed since the 50s, thanks mainly to Brits and Charlies, animal welfare has improved and Cypriots are more aware of the feelings of animals than in years gone by.

On my recent visit to Limassol, I visited my late wifes grave, at the entrance of the cemetery in Ayios Athanasios there exists a large number of abandoned cats, in their hundreds, a sad sight. Some are run over by visiting cars oblivious to the need to exercise care in driving at the entrance, the cats run to greet every car hoping for some food.

After a family dinner we were left with an abundance of meat, chicken, pork, sheftalies, kioftedes and much more.

I cut it all up and on my visit to the cemetery the following morning I distributed the food to the cats making sure that little kittens also received their share. My other third and her daughter who absolutely adore cats were with me making sure that the little ones had some leftovers.

An old boy was coming out of the the cemetery entrance and called out to me.
" O KOSMOS PINA CHE ESI TAIZIS TOUS KATTOUS " (People are starving and you are feeding the cats )

Not one to take easily to unwarranted reprimands I approached the old boy and politely asked if he believed in God
Veveos he replied , I don't, I responded, but I believe in the sanctity of all life and since you believe in God therefore you must also believe that all life was created by Him.He turned and got into his car not saying a word just shaking his head.

Such comments typify the absence in some Cypriots of the need to care for animals.

As I was getting into my car to drive away, a car pulled up next to me and an elderly couple of Cypriots got out carrying bags. The lady approached me and asked if I was the one that put the food for the cats, getting ready to rebuff her as well, I listened as she politely asked if next time I come with food I put it on the pavements as to avoid having cats in the concourse where visiting cars might run them over.

Of course I said, I didn't think of this.

I watched as she and her man begun feeding the cats from the contents of their bags. I approached and told her that what she was doing was extremely kind, thank you she said, we have been doing this for over 20 years since we came back to Cyprus from the UK....

They originated from the Famagusta region.

Dear Miltiades, it is a touching story. I have been in Cyprus as a Bulgarian writer, journalist and volonteer for a Bird Watching Tour. Still the attitude of ordinary cypriots to animals is a ""secret/hiden"" side of their character to me. Your Posts here I appreciate as a discovery. Is it possible to ask you few questions ? - regarding the stories and opinions you published here ?
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Postby Nikitas » Mon May 19, 2014 12:21 am

Do you help strays by feeding them? Nature would not do it that way, but then most of us would be shocked at the amount of cruelty in nature. Watch seagulls feeding of newly hatched turtles and you will get the point.

Strays are controlled in advanced countries, so there are none around to shock anyone. It is indecisive cultures, those not comfortable with their newly acquired "advanced" status that have misgivings about stray control, countries like Cyprus, Greece, Romania. If the situation were in Austria or the UK the strays would have been dealt with muy pronto and no one would utter a peep. And before anyone starts BSing, check on the duties of the "animal control officers" in the various UK municipalities, tell us what they do, and then explain to us all why Cyprus has no such agencies.

I have a 15 year old dog, and had 23 cats in the past I can get cute about animals just like the next guy, but facts are facts, and I get really pissed when mobbed by strays when taking my dog for a walk. Feeding them solves nothing.
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Postby miltiades » Mon May 19, 2014 9:41 am

pavlina2007 wrote:
miltiades wrote:As a young boy growing up in Cyprus I partook in cruelty to animals, birds and all living things apart from humans.

I knew no better and behaved as all my piers did, neither the schools nor the church instilled in us kids the sanctity of animal life, the beauty of birds singing, little kittens and puppies, the fact that they too shared this planet with us and had feelings not dissimilar to our own, they felt pain, fear and joy at getting something to eat.

Much has changed since the 50s, thanks mainly to Brits and Charlies, animal welfare has improved and Cypriots are more aware of the feelings of animals than in years gone by.

On my recent visit to Limassol, I visited my late wifes grave, at the entrance of the cemetery in Ayios Athanasios there exists a large number of abandoned cats, in their hundreds, a sad sight. Some are run over by visiting cars oblivious to the need to exercise care in driving at the entrance, the cats run to greet every car hoping for some food.

After a family dinner we were left with an abundance of meat, chicken, pork, sheftalies, kioftedes and much more.

I cut it all up and on my visit to the cemetery the following morning I distributed the food to the cats making sure that little kittens also received their share. My other third and her daughter who absolutely adore cats were with me making sure that the little ones had some leftovers.

An old boy was coming out of the the cemetery entrance and called out to me.
" O KOSMOS PINA CHE ESI TAIZIS TOUS KATTOUS " (People are starving and you are feeding the cats )

Not one to take easily to unwarranted reprimands I approached the old boy and politely asked if he believed in God
Veveos he replied , I don't, I responded, but I believe in the sanctity of all life and since you believe in God therefore you must also believe that all life was created by Him.He turned and got into his car not saying a word just shaking his head.

Such comments typify the absence in some Cypriots of the need to care for animals.

As I was getting into my car to drive away, a car pulled up next to me and an elderly couple of Cypriots got out carrying bags. The lady approached me and asked if I was the one that put the food for the cats, getting ready to rebuff her as well, I listened as she politely asked if next time I come with food I put it on the pavements as to avoid having cats in the concourse where visiting cars might run them over.

Of course I said, I didn't think of this.

I watched as she and her man begun feeding the cats from the contents of their bags. I approached and told her that what she was doing was extremely kind, thank you she said, we have been doing this for over 20 years since we came back to Cyprus from the UK....

They originated from the Famagusta region.

Dear Miltiades, it is a touching story. I have been in Cyprus as a Bulgarian writer, journalist and volonteer for a Bird Watching Tour. Still the attitude of ordinary cypriots to animals is a ""secret/hiden"" side of their character to me. Your Posts here I appreciate as a discovery. Is it possible to ask you few questions ? - regarding the stories and opinions you published here ?

My dear Pavlina, firstly let me apologize for not responding earlier to your kind post, I was away from the UK from May 9th to May 14th.

I have noted that you are a Bulgarian, my favorite people since I have in my employment 3 Bulgarians who are not only employees but also dear friends, they come from Plovdiv, one has been with me for more than 20 years, another for 15 years and the beautiful Gergana for 12 years.

You may ask me anything you wish, my answers are based on my own observations, and my own feelings towards all animals.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:24 am

Following the death of Billy, the little dog that a couple of barbarians threw into a dustcart I thought it appropriate to bring this thread back. The entire island is angry over this latest cruelty, justifiably so, the President too.

This what Philenews had to say : Η Μπίλυ που συγκλόνισε την κυπριακή κοινωνία πέθανε σήμερα το πρωί στην κτηνιατρική κλινική, όπου νοσηλευόταν σε κωματώδη κατάσταση, συνεπεία της απάνθρωπης και εγκληματικής μεταχείρισης της οποίας έτυχε από τους ξενοδοχειακούς υπαλλήλους.

Το philenews επικοινώνησε με τον πρόεδρο του Κόμματος για τα Ζώα, Κυριάκο Κυριάκου, ο οποίος ιδιαίτερα θυμωμένος για την κατάσταση που επικρατεί δυστυχώς στη χώρα μας σχετικά με κακοποιήσεις ζώων, επιβεβαίωσε ότι το σκυλάκι πέθανε.
- See more at: ... lCKu9.dpuf

Billys death has not been in vain, awareness of attitudes by some towards animals has been given a boost. Further more it shows that our nation denounces cruelty to animals and that the government is taking action against animal cruelty.

Please, I don't want any plonker telling me that cruelty to animals exists on the fricking moon, we are talking strictly about the prevailing attitudes by some in Cyprus.

"«Πρόκειται για ένα σκυλί μάρτυρα, το οποίο προσπαθεί να ξεπλύνει τη βρωμιά, τη βαρβαρότητα και την ασυδοσία που επικρατεί στην κοινωνία σχετικά με τις κακοποιήσεις ζώων», είπε ο κ. Κυριάκου φανερά εκνευρισμένος αλλά και παράλληλα συγκινημένος. - See more at: ... lCKu9.dpuf
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