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Postby Archimedes » Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:23 am

Niki wrote:I haven't posted for along time and most won't know me but I lived in Cyprus for 3 years and moved back to the UK. My overriding memory is of animal cruelty in Cyprus. Not the beautiful country or it's people who were wonderful but the attitude towards animals by many, not all but it is the majority.
I am not saying the UK is perfect, it is far from this but in Cyprus animal cruelty is a way of life. I will never forget the starving dog locked 24/7 in a cage across the road, the 7 puppies thrown on to the busy main road outside my house, the dog with a broken leg and severe malnutrition that all in my village ignored (it broke my heart when the amber eyes looked at me when the vet put her to sleep), the starving family of dogs at my daughter's school..... The list goes on and I simply can't lose the memories. We have a beautiful Cyprus poodle in the UK rescued from the Limassol dog pound starving and badly beaten and he is gorgeous.
Of course people are defensive and bring up the many examples of animal cruelty in the UK but IT IS DIFFERENT! People in Cyprus have a different perspective and this can't be denied. Attitudes have to change.

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Postby miltiades » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:17 am

Niki wrote:I haven't posted for along time and most won't know me but I lived in Cyprus for 3 years and moved back to the UK. My overriding memory is of animal cruelty in Cyprus. Not the beautiful country or it's people who were wonderful but the attitude towards animals by many, not all but it is the majority.
I am not saying the UK is perfect, it is far from this but in Cyprus animal cruelty is a way of life. I will never forget the starving dog locked 24/7 in a cage across the road, the 7 puppies thrown on to the busy main road outside my house, the dog with a broken leg and severe malnutrition that all in my village ignored (it broke my heart when the amber eyes looked at me when the vet put her to sleep), the starving family of dogs at my daughter's school..... The list goes on and I simply can't lose the memories. We have a beautiful Cyprus poodle in the UK rescued from the Limassol dog pound starving and badly beaten and he is gorgeous.
Of course people are defensive and bring up the many examples of animal cruelty in the UK but IT IS DIFFERENT! People in Cyprus have a different perspective and this can't be denied. Attitudes have to change.

Precisely Niki, the attitudes are wrong. Those of us Cypriots who know and understand our country and our people can stand up and say This is wrong, it makes not the slightest difference if animal cruelty exists in other places, what matters is that blatant indifference to animal feelings that some of my compatriots have.
The" defenders " are mostly those Cypriots who believe that they have to defend even the ugliest aspects of Cypriot life, most have their faces in Greece's nickers.
Hope all is well with the family, I do remember you.
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Postby Niki » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:54 am

Thank you Miltiades, I also remember you and your beautiful wife when she was with you.
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:51 am

Niki wrote:I haven't posted for along time and most won't know me but I lived in Cyprus for 3 years and moved back to the UK. My overriding memory is of animal cruelty in Cyprus. Not the beautiful country or it's people who were wonderful but the attitude towards animals by many, not all but it is the majority.
I am not saying the UK is perfect, it is far from this but in Cyprus animal cruelty is a way of life. I will never forget the starving dog locked 24/7 in a cage across the road, the 7 puppies thrown on to the busy main road outside my house, the dog with a broken leg and severe malnutrition that all in my village ignored (it broke my heart when the amber eyes looked at me when the vet put her to sleep), the starving family of dogs at my daughter's school..... The list goes on and I simply can't lose the memories. We have a beautiful Cyprus poodle in the UK rescued from the Limassol dog pound starving and badly beaten and he is gorgeous.
Of course people are defensive and bring up the many examples of animal cruelty in the UK but IT IS DIFFERENT! People in Cyprus have a different perspective and this can't be denied. Attitudes have to change.

Hello Niki mou - hope you and the family have resettled well back in the damp, dark satanic mills, so to speak. :wink: :D

I agree attitudes have to change (they usually do over time, anyway, for good or bad). However, where we differ, in opinion, is that you seem to think that just because you cannot SEE the cruelty, that it does not occur. You are only shocked by what you saw in Cyprus and now safely back in the UK - the opportunities to SEE the cruelty are fewer. For sure, Cypriots are intolerant of animals being indoors, and often negligent of their needs as pets. But because all this intolerance and negligence occurs OUTDOORS in Cyprus, it is there for all to see.

There are many cases of severe, sociopathic cruelty against animals in the UK but mostly these occur indoors. For every one cruel act caught, there are reportedly hundreds occurring in total oblivion to neighbours and passers-by. Because animals are kept INDOORS in the UK, it is only by severe intervention that the RSPCA gets to hear when a cat has been microwaved, a hamster deep fried, dogs brutally kicked and starved indoors, or a kitten put in a washing machine etc etc etc (all true cases). Very few cases happen outdoors in the UK because it's an indoor kind of lifestyle and that is where the cruelty is safe from VIEW- behind closed doors. Of course, that stupid woman got caught by CCTV just casually flinging some person's cat into a giant bin because she thought the streets were empty, dark, and there was no one to SEE her being cruel - generally cruelty in the UK is harder to detect- but it doesn't mean it happens any less in the UK than it does in Cyprus, Niki mou.

Yup, attitudes HAVE to change!
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Postby Niki » Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:12 pm

Hello S mou I hope you and your family are well.

I believe the fact there is an RSPCA in the UK whereas Cyprus has no equivalent shows the difference in attitude. I am talking day to day perception of most people I spoke to - it is different and I understand that it is simply the way they were brought up to think about animals (as Miltiades said). They don't know any different.

I called the Government vet when in Cyprus about starving dogs in a cage, they came (fantastic) they agreed there was a serious issue, went to have a coffee with the owner to tell him to improve the situation and said there was nothing more they could do and of course nothing changed. Apart from the fact we were then warned by friends and neighbours that we had to be careful the owner didn't throw poisoned meat down over our wall as revenge.

Of course cruelty happens indoors in the UK but throwing puppies on a road or letting a dog loose on a motorway is extremely rare whereas in Cyprus it's common. People think about pets and animals in a different way - not all but the majority. Why do you think practically every shelter is run by British expats?
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:19 pm

Niki wrote:Hello S mou I hope you and your family are well.

I believe the fact there is an RSPCA in the UK whereas Cyprus has no equivalent shows the difference in attitude. I am talking day to day perception of most people I spoke to - it is different and I understand that it is simply the way they were brought up to think about animals (as Miltiades said). They don't know any different.

I called the Government vet when in Cyprus about starving dogs in a cage, they came (fantastic) they agreed there was a serious issue, went to have a coffee with the owner to tell him to improve the situation and said there was nothing more they could do and of course nothing changed. Apart from the fact we were then warned by friends and neighbours that we had to be careful the owner didn't throw poisoned meat down over our wall as revenge.

Of course cruelty happens indoors in the UK but throwing puppies on a road or letting a dog loose on a motorway is extremely rare whereas in Cyprus it's common. People think about pets and animals in a different way - not all but the majority. Why do you think practically every shelter is run by British expats?

Thanks, Niki mou, all well with family. :)

What is it about the RSPCA that makes you say there is no equivalent in Cyprus? Is it because it was set up a long time ago, by the same people who SAW the cruelty of British society and moved to abolish the slave trade? :? Nope, we don't have an equivalent to that in Cyprus.

Everywhere, charities are big business and no doubt easy for pensioned-off, active people to set-up, and there are plenty of those in Cyprus. The numbers have grown in Cyprus along with pensioned-off Brits - and consequently complaints about those animal charities have grown also. Previously the Cyprus Veterinary Services looked after cases of real animal cruelty (rather than subjective examples of cats and dogs "looking too skinny") and a number of diseases were eliminated and endangered species monitored.

Most of what you said still harks back to needing to realise that animal cruelty goes on just as much in the UK (otherwise why is the RSPCA so huge?) but the problem has gone underground so much that it is difficult to SEE and it's only when a freak event occurs that the true scale surfaces and unfortunately there are too many examples of those. For sure, cats and dogs might not be released near roads/motorways so much in the UK, because people would be easily spotted - it is that busy! However, when canals and rivers are dredged all too often signs of disposing of unwanted pets are found. All sad, very sad.

Anyway, I hate these threads ...

Have a good day, Niki mou, and hope you will post on some nicer topics too. :)
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:32 pm

Hello Niki and welcome back...

Niki wrote:I believe the fact there is an RSPCA in the UK whereas Cyprus has no equivalent shows the difference in attitude.

The Cypriot version is called CSPCA and its been around for ages. :) ... -ngoecspca
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Postby kurupetos » Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:52 pm

Niki wrote:I haven't posted for along time and most won't know me...

We know you, blondie... :P
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Postby Niki » Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:18 pm

Hi GR really good to hear from you. Apologies, I didn't know that.
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Postby Niki » Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:19 pm

kurupetos wrote:
Niki wrote:I haven't posted for along time and most won't know me...

We know you, blondie... :P

Good memory!!! I haven't posted for over 3 years :D
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