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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:46 am

As I mentioned in my opening post, one old Cypriot took exception to my feeding the cats, another couple showed their Cypriot nature by feeding the cats themselves telling me that they have been doing so for more than 20 years.

The antithesis in "attitudes " is blunt to say the least. Some" postees" here for instance have been inversely
contradictory, and abstracted from the crux of the matter in that some Cypriots who have lived overseas on returning to Cyprus engage in some activities concerning animal welfare that perhaps they would have refrained had they not seen the world outside Cyprus.

I'm not suggesting that Cypriots should spend time away from home in order to acknowledge the needs of animals but, as in my case, it does help.

It would also help to eradicate the "koumparoship" mentality that many rely upon to achieve their goals, a job for a son, daughter, a loan from a bank, etc etc.

There are thousands upon thousands of Cypriots who live and work in Cyprus who would share my views, many do not, many suggest that any attitude changes would result in the loss of the " free spirit "of the Cypriot, riding a bike at high speeds without a helmet, or rather with the helmet worn on their shoulders while doing a wheelie in the meantime, cars revving up at 3 am in the morning and going through red lights, a free spirit indeed.
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:08 am

miltiades wrote:It would also help to eradicate the "koumparoship" mentality that many rely upon to achieve their goals, a job for a son, daughter, a loan from a bank, etc etc.

How is this related to Cypriots' attitude to animals? Can animals not get a job in Cyprus? :D
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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:14 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
miltiades wrote:It would also help to eradicate the "koumparoship" mentality that many rely upon to achieve their goals, a job for a son, daughter, a loan from a bank, etc etc.

How is this related to Cypriots' attitude to animals? Can animals not get a job in Cyprus? :D

Well S, you have either missed the point or you are joking.!!

Are you spending Xmas in Cyprus or in ...Stroumbi the Great !! :D :D
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:56 am

miltiades wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
miltiades wrote:It would also help to eradicate the "koumparoship" mentality that many rely upon to achieve their goals, a job for a son, daughter, a loan from a bank, etc etc.

How is this related to Cypriots' attitude to animals? Can animals not get a job in Cyprus? :D

Well S, you have either missed the point or you are joking.!!

Are you spending Xmas in Cyprus or in ...Stroumbi the Great !! :D :D

I have spent more time in Stroumbi (the '2nd-great') in the last 8 years than you have, you Limassol-traitor. :wink:

Anyway, trying to avoid thinking about Xmas ...
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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:19 pm

I love Xmas, the Xmas spirit is in abundance everywhere .

Subject to unforeseen circumstances Im still not certain that I shall be in Cyprus, right now Im booked and ready to go on Dec 17th.

Im planning a large Xmas lunch, about 20 people, I love cooking so it will be a great pleasure preparing the turkey, pork, kioftedes, makaronia to fournou, a few ameletita for the ...connoisseurs along with karaolous, oh boy I cant wait!!
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:42 pm

miltiades wrote:I love Xmas, the Xmas spirit is in abundance everywhere .

Subject to unforeseen circumstances Im still not certain that I shall be in Cyprus, right now Im booked and ready to go on Dec 17th.

Im planning a large Xmas lunch, about 20 people, I love cooking so it will be a great pleasure preparing the turkey, pork, kioftedes, makaronia to fournou, a few ameletita for the ...connoisseurs along with karaolous, oh boy I cant wait!!

Kali orexhi. Don't eat too many ......... animals! :D
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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:47 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
miltiades wrote:I love Xmas, the Xmas spirit is in abundance everywhere .

Subject to unforeseen circumstances Im still not certain that I shall be in Cyprus, right now Im booked and ready to go on Dec 17th.

Im planning a large Xmas lunch, about 20 people, I love cooking so it will be a great pleasure preparing the turkey, pork, kioftedes, makaronia to fournou, a few ameletita for the ...connoisseurs along with karaolous, oh boy I cant wait!!

Kali orexhi. Don't eat too many ......... animals! :D

Bearing in mind that my ...other third will be with me, I shall be a Stroumbisian Tiger !!! :lol:
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:31 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:If the killing of ambelopoulia is all you have to condemn Cypriots with then, yes, Cypriots have come a loooong way because I have not seen any signs of this practice, nor know of anyone who bothers with such time-wasting activities any more. :roll:

But, on the contrary, many other European countries have to come in line with Cyprus.

The Brits can stop culling badgers for a start!

Bird trapping still happens
I have seen lime sticks and mist nets quite recently, and seen adverts for Ambelopoulia, only last year.

Oh And I do not support the badger cull....
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Postby miltiades » Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:35 am

On Christmas day I may give in to pleads by my other third who happens to be religious and accompany her to church.

A very traditional day for the vast majority of Cypriots, men women and children, old and young will attend the Xmas service, a chance to see many friends and relatives, shake hand and exchange festive wishes,one does not have to be a believer to participate in this very cultural gathering.

After service I shall visit the cemetery, my pussies will have a real Xmas feast, much leftovers no doubt, cut up in small pieces and spread out on the concourse pavements. This time I will take a video of the little beauties and hopefully I can post on this forum.

I mentioned to a friend on an email that on Xmas day my "international" family will consist of Cypriots, Greeks, Polish, Yugoslavian, a gorgeous lady married to a male relative, a Ukranian,a few ....mongrels ( half Cypriot half English-I call my children mongrels :lol: )
and not least my Belarusian other third :lol:

A truly international gathering interacting and enjoying the spirit of Christmas.

I, of course, will be none other than Father Christmas, I have the beard in my suitcase, hope I can get the outfit in Limassol.

Turkey, Roast pork,kioftedes,makaronia tou fournou, ameletita and the king of meze, karaolous, plenty of wine and festive drinks, zivania, whisky and of course ice cold Vodka.

Oh boy I cant wait, let those pussies know Im ...coming :lol:
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:32 pm

Possibly a bit premature but Here is wishing that you and your family all have a very joyous time, and may you feed the pussy well.

For our part we will be off Island for a few days to see family in the UK.
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