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Postby erolz66 » Wed Jan 08, 2014 3:54 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote: B25, what I have noticed is that the cleverer enemies of Cyprus use the label "Cypriot" attached to any number of bad matters under discussion. If criticized they claim they too are also Cypriot and only doing the right thing, rising above the average Cypriot-in-denial. In this way they denigrate Cypriots. This is very clever because when the average foreigner sees "Cypriot" they immediately think of Greek Cypriots. These enemies of ours are usually Turks or Imperialist-Brits and they vehemently oppose bringing in the word "Turkish Cypriot" when something bad is discussed so that they preserve the honour of "Turkish".

What the fuck is wrong with you ? When I refer to Cypriots in this thread and EXPLICITLY and REPEATEDLY refer to BOTH the north and the south, you come here and claim 'its just a clever means of criticising ONLY GC' ? Are you mad ? I do not CLAIM to be a Cypriot - I AM a Cypriot. Just what word or expression would you like me to use when referring to all Cypriots, if not Cypriots ? The problem here is not me or my use of words - the problem is clearly that you will see whatever you want to see regardless of reality. In this case you will see a Turk or imperialist Brit trying to blacken Greek Cypriots and only Greek Cypriots- when in fact the clear reality and truth is that I am a Cypriot that has constantly and repeatedly made it clear that this issue applies to all of Cyprus and all Cypriots. When you simply make up reality to suit your own agenda, as you clearly do here, then anything is possible all be it purely in the confines of your own mind.

Once MORE. The issue of the damage done to endangered bird species by illegal trapping is one that applies to ALL of Cyprus and ALL Cypriots. There is trapping activity on BOTH sides of the green line and there is widespread indifference to it amongst all Cypriot communities and there are those that seek to deny, distort and distract from the issue in all Cypriot communities. Do I think saying this will now stop the likes of GiG,B25 and subaltern from claiming I am trying to unfairly blacken the name of only Greek Cypriots. No I do not because I have ALREADY said this in this thread many times - yet still that make the same accusations over and over.
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Postby B25 » Wed Jan 08, 2014 3:59 pm


The next time you go 'trapped' bird chasing, bring a few this way mate, they would be appreciated especially with a couple of glasses of scotch, oh and don't forget the ice. :)
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:37 pm a farm and make it work, be self-sustaining, them manage the resources the great earth gives you as a gift from God and live well, which in this case would be the birds you caught for you, yourself. that's ethics where i would support you, B25; nothing else should be acceptable to a Cypriot (or to a Greek).

...more can be done to stop illegal trapping, it costs a lot of money not to. and yes, in Canada, for example, seal hunting has the same cost.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:40 pm

B25 wrote:Erolz,

The next time you go 'trapped' bird chasing, bring a few this way mate, they would be appreciated especially with a couple of glasses of scotch, oh and don't forget the ice. :)

They’re all disgusting fat and cholesterol! :?
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Postby erolz66 » Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:52 pm

Get Real! wrote:
B25 wrote:Erolz,

The next time you go 'trapped' bird chasing, bring a few this way mate, they would be appreciated especially with a couple of glasses of scotch, oh and don't forget the ice. :)

They’re all disgusting fat and cholesterol! :?

And the trapped birds are not much better either ;)
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Postby The subaltern » Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:42 pm

Must be read in conjunction with my previous posts.

In my first post on this subject I have given a short list of birds killed in Europe and the causes of their deaths.
One of the causes mentioned was the killing of birds by cats. A study carried out in Britain and Germany put the numbers killed by felis silvestris catus, the common puss, to 105 million per year. (See post here dated 18/12/2012)

If I am allowed to extrapolate a little and say that if we include in the study another 10 civilised W. European countries and assume that their pussies eat 10 million birds per country, a very conservative estimate considering that the cats in Britain and Germany are well fed, then we will have another 100million birds killed by cats alone. Total 200 million!!

As you have noticed I have not included in my calculations the terrible Macavity the Cypriot cat with his “hidden paw, the master criminal who can defy the law”. I have excluded him for one simple reason; if I included him, “this monster of depravity” (remember Viagra?) he will most likely be accused of eating the lot.

200 million birds killed by cats alone excluding Macavity! These European cats though are in direct competition with the Cypriot trappers (both GC and TC) They catch more or less the same species of birds as the trappers; little once like blackcaps, robins, blue tits, thrushes, the odd streptopelia turtur, τρυγόνι to you and me, but I cannot see them having a go at a peregrine falcon or a stork; the one is too fearsome and the other is too large.

However if my extrapolation is accepted, cats catch and kill ten times more birds than the Cypriot lime stick, mist net, and hunters put together using the EU calculations 2002 of 20 million!!! Of course if you believe this you can believe anything.

The 200 million is the bird toll from cats alone! Yet I have not seen any monitoring camp set up by CABS and others in those countries to go cat chasing since they cause much worst damage to the birds than the trappers of Cyprus. Of course they are animals and since nature is “red in food and claw” they are exonerated and I hope Macavity the Cypriot cat is exonerated too.

What I suggest, in order to redress the balance, trappers from all over Cyprus, GC and TC, arm themselves with bells, small once mind you, descent into civilised Europe and start chasing cats, be careful though not to harm the puss otherwise you will find yourself in court accused of cruelty to animals, and hang bells round their necks, because as thing go they will kill your meze and you will not have any in the near future.

You will not though escape the wroth of the bird champions what ever you do or say. They will never talk to you or listen to you. They prefer to stroke their pussies and listen to their purring satisfied after killing a robin or two. You will still though be accused of killing the cock robin anyway. It’s your fault, even if they deprived the hungry Cypriots of their lunch. (Read my last post)

So protect your meze! Chase cats in Europe.

Mr Paphitis don’t ask me who Macavity is. He is a mystery cat.

For birds trapped by mist nets and lime sticks see report by BirdLife Cyprus: (Notice the use of “illegal”; you will find it mentioned everywhere) “Update of illegal bird trapping activity in Cyprus. Covering autumn 2012 and dated December 2012” See especially appendix 1 page 23. It is a table of bird species trapped by mist nets and lime sticks. Read with care the writing at the top of the table. The table includes 152 birds trapped by both methods. No numbers or kinds of species caught by either method are mentioned. Of course the list is made up of birds trapped since 1962!!
And as everyone knows there are lies, damn lies and statistics. As you know statistics are used in order to strengthen weak arguments; these people threw in the kitchen sing for good measure. (Read my previous post)
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:45 pm

The subaltern wrote:Must be read in conjunction with my previous posts.

In my first post on this subject I have given a short list of birds killed in Europe and the causes of their deaths.
One of the causes mentioned was the killing of birds by cats. A study carried out in Britain and Germany put the numbers killed by felis silvestris catus, the common puss, to 105 million per year. (See post here dated 18/12/2012)

If I am allowed to extrapolate a little and say that if we include in the study another 10 civilised W. European countries and assume that their pussies eat 10 million birds per country, a very conservative estimate considering that the cats in Britain and Germany are well fed, then we will have another 100million birds killed by cats alone. Total 200 million!!

As you have noticed I have not included in my calculations the terrible Macavity the Cypriot cat with his “hidden paw, the master criminal who can defy the law”. I have excluded him for one simple reason; if I included him, “this monster of depravity” (remember Viagra?) he will most likely be accused of eating the lot.

200 million birds killed by cats alone excluding Macavity! These European cats though are in direct competition with the Cypriot trappers (both GC and TC) They catch more or less the same species of birds as the trappers; little once like blackcaps, robins, blue tits, thrushes, the odd streptopelia turtur, τρυγόνι to you and me, but I cannot see them having a go at a peregrine falcon or a stork; the one is too fearsome and the other is too large.

However if my extrapolation is accepted, cats catch and kill ten times more birds than the Cypriot lime stick, mist net, and hunters put together using the EU calculations 2002 of 20 million!!! Of course if you believe this you can believe anything.

The 200 million is the bird toll from cats alone! Yet I have not seen any monitoring camp set up by CABS and others in those countries to go cat chasing since they cause much worst damage to the birds than the trappers of Cyprus. Of course they are animals and since nature is “red in food and claw” they are exonerated and I hope Macavity the Cypriot cat is exonerated too.

What I suggest, in order to redress the balance, trappers from all over Cyprus, GC and TC, arm themselves with bells, small once mind you, descent into civilised Europe and start chasing cats, be careful though not to harm the puss otherwise you will find yourself in court accused of cruelty to animals, and hang bells round their necks, because as thing go they will kill your meze and you will not have any in the near future.

You will not though escape the wroth of the bird champions what ever you do or say. They will never talk to you or listen to you. They prefer to stroke their pussies and listen to their purring satisfied after killing a robin or two. You will still though be accused of killing the cock robin anyway. It’s your fault, even if they deprived the hungry Cypriots of their lunch. (Read my last post)

So protect your meze! Chase cats in Europe.

Mr Paphitis don’t ask me who Macavity is. He is a mystery cat.

For birds trapped by mist nets and lime sticks see report by BirdLife Cyprus: (Notice the use of “illegal”; you will find it mentioned everywhere) “Update of illegal bird trapping activity in Cyprus. Covering autumn 2012 and dated December 2012” See especially appendix 1 page 23. It is a table of bird species trapped by mist nets and lime sticks. Read with care the writing at the top of the table. The table includes 152 birds trapped by both methods. No numbers or kinds of species caught by either method are mentioned. Of course the list is made up of birds trapped since 1962!!
And as everyone knows there are lies, damn lies and statistics. As you know statistics are used in order to strengthen weak arguments; these people threw in the kitchen sing for good measure. (Read my previous post)

More nonsense from Schnowoozer!

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Postby erolz66 » Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:21 am

The subaltern wrote: And as everyone knows there are lies, damn lies and statistics.

Indeed there are and you, having tried lies (like lime sticks are not indiscriminate) and dam lies (like I never mentioned the north when if fact in clear black and white I had repeatedly mentioned it), you have now move to 'statistics'. Pretty much covered all your bases then I see.
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Jan 10, 2014 10:37 pm

erolz66 wrote: When I refer to Cypriots in this thread and EXPLICITLY and REPEATEDLY refer to BOTH the north and the south,


Do I think saying this will now stop the likes of GiG,B25 and subaltern from claiming I am trying to unfairly blacken the name of only Greek Cypriots. No I do not because I have ALREADY said this in this thread many times - yet still that make the same accusations over and over.

Really? Can't find evidence of this assertion. Would you please indicate WHERE you have done this? I've had a quick check and your posts centre on blaming Cypriots acting in the SBAs (surely, only GCs then). You have not once blamed the (mostly) Turks who have (illegally) settled in the north for this practice (there are hardly ANY Cypriots living in the north). As I said, blaming "Cypriots" is tantamount to blaming GCs because globally, Cyprus is recognized as Greek. Provide a comparison of where and how you have balanced this argument, as you claim. Thank you.
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Postby erolz66 » Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:03 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
erolz66 wrote: When I refer to Cypriots in this thread and EXPLICITLY and REPEATEDLY refer to BOTH the north and the south,


Do I think saying this will now stop the likes of GiG,B25 and subaltern from claiming I am trying to unfairly blacken the name of only Greek Cypriots. No I do not because I have ALREADY said this in this thread many times - yet still that make the same accusations over and over.

Really? Can't find evidence of this assertion. Would you please indicate WHERE you have done this?

You can not find the evidence because you simply see and believe what you WANT to see and believe and evidence is irrelevant to you. Even now when I re quote it back to you, you will not accept it and you will continue on believing whatever you want to believe which is basically that GC are blameless and my only interest is in trying to unfairly and solely blame GC. Truth matters not one iota to you GiG, only your propaganda matters to you.

erolz66 earlier in this thread wrote:As for the reality of my concern on this issue and for the record - I have in the past spent several seasons working in the South for birdlife Cyprus specifically on the project of monitoring the extent and year on year increase or decrease in trapping activity. I have also following on from that been involved in bi-communal efforts to extend this monitoring to the North as well.

erolz66 earlier in this thread wrote: that I did work unpaid for one season with birdlife Cyprus in the South, specifically on the illegal trapping monitoring project and then did 2 further seasons paid and then worked with Bird life Cyprus and Kuskor in the North specifically to extend this monitoring project in the North.

(at which point B25 complains about my use of capitals on the words north and south - just yet more distraction)

erolz66 earlier in this thread wrote:This is an ENVIRONMENTAL issue. This is NOT about the politics of Cyprus. The environmental damage done by the kind of ignorant denial and politicking you go in for GiG will affect Cyprus, north and south regardless of what happens politically in the future. We could as CYPRIOTS, north and south, make a real material difference for the better for generations yet to come with nothing more than an attitude change, but you seemingly prefer to keep your head up your ass, spouting your political propaganda. Pathetic.

erolz66 earlier in this thread wrote:I have never criticised the RoC over this issue in isolation.

erolz66 earlier in this thread wrote:I do not blame the RoC - I blame Cypriot indifference be that TC or GC indifference.

erolz66 earlier in this thread wrote:Of course illegal trapping goes on across the island and I have never said otherwise.

In addition to the above EXPLICIT references to the north, I throughout the thread have talked only about 'cypriots' and never just GC and constantly talk about 'we need to do this, we have a responsibility and we etc etc etc and I assure you I am not a GC. As I say above that you could not find any evidence that I had explicitly referred in this thread on this topic to both the north and the south, when in fact I clearly had done so, repeatedly, pretty much says all that needs to be said about you GiG. Truth, facts, evidence - none of this matters to you. All that matters to you is your propaganda agenda.

GreekIslandGirl wrote: ...and your posts centre on blaming Cypriots acting in the SBAs

I originally entered this thread to counter your BS propaganda (specifically your claim that illegal trapping in Cyprus is no different to cock fighting in the UK). It was your fellow distraction, denial and distortion 'ally' subaltern who introduced the whole distraction about the SBA's. As ever you will not let truth or fact or evidence get in the way of your BS.

GreekIslandGirl wrote:As I said, blaming "Cypriots" is tantamount to blaming GCs because globally, Cyprus is recognized as Greek

I am not in this thread to get into 'politics' despite your previous efforts to distract with this and this current one. The above should be no more true than saying 'globally the USA is recognised as English'. Its just yet more BS propaganda from you. Globally Cyprus is recognised as being CYPRIOT. Fuckwit.
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