erolz66 wrote:Who is this Elroz person you keep referring to ?
Voltage distribution panelists?
erolz66 wrote:Who is this Elroz person you keep referring to ?
The subaltern wrote:Without wanting to accuse “errolz66” of playing a political game by constantly referring to the GC side “illegal bird trapping” while he neglects to mention what the role of the north in trapping I just wonder…why the CABS organization never set up camps in the north to monitor the activity there as they do in the south and neither have I assume “Erolz66” helped to set a monitoring team for the same purpose. He is though very interested on what’s going on in the south. Theres nothing wrong with his interest but he ought to spread it a bit wider.
The subaltern wrote: Mist nets is an indiscriminate trapping method and in fact a new technology. Lime stick trapping is discriminatory, despite what the bird champions say.
The subaltern wrote: As an example; if you set lime sticks to catch ambeloboulia you will not get there a duck or a heron or an owl. These creatures have different functions despite having feathers are able to fly and all are called birds. For example an owl is nocturnal, eats mice and does not frequent where ambelopoulia feed and where the lime sticks are set. So the likelihood of one been caught on lime sticks is very unlikely. The same applies to the other birds.
The subaltern wrote: In fact CABS and others publish tables of birds caught without making a distinction between the two methods and neither publishing numbers of birds caught by either. It is a deliberate ploy in order to fool the unsuspecting reader, who if not a GC, to assume that both are the same having the same effect on the species. (See my previous posts) Of course mist nets are totally indiscriminate; they will catch anything even butterflies.
The subaltern wrote:As I mentioned above the mist nets were introduced due to bird champions’ actions.
In their eagerness to protect the birds they went about in collecting and destroying lime sticks. As you probably know, lime sticks cannot be replaced once lost. You have to wait until the following year to do this, since mixia ie Syrian lime tree produces fruit once a year. (For those they do not know, the Syrian lime tree produces the raw material lime sticks are made from). As it is also a very labour intensive method of making lime sticks, loosing them can be very upsetting for the lime stick trapper. The alternative is to replace lime sticks with mist nets. Once mist nets are lost they can be easily replaced. Thanks to the bird champions, mist nets are now used more extensively and are now blaming the Cypriots for using them!!
They cannot have it both ways, can they?
The subaltern wrote:Bird depletion though would not stop because the causes are still there.
The subaltern wrote:As we know traditions like bird trapping, cease to be practised or diminishes with time if the conditions that given rise to it changes. In fact it was diminishing and it is still diminishing now, despite what the bird champions are saying. No numbers of people practising the tradition have ever been published.
The subaltern wrote:I hope this gives some idea as to what our bird champions are all about when they are accusing the Cypriots of contributing to bird reduction. I will repeat yet again. If the Cypriots stop killing birds tomorrow the vulnerable birds will not fair any better.
The subaltern wrote:If the lime stick trappers want to maintain their tradition they ought to form a pressure group in order to represent their interest. Very good arguments can be developed in order to expose the hypocrisy of the bird champions that have a monopoly of purported “knowledge” on the subject thus giving them the power to spread disinformation.
The subaltern wrote:European technologies, European farming methods, use of pesticides, greed, etc have created a global problem; due to their past historic supremacy, demand from others to adopt their recommended solutions and if they don’t they will employ what ever they can in order to make them, especially if you are small.
The subaltern wrote:It is a rather long exposition against the propaganda against the Cypriot society by foreigners and should be read in conjunction with the rest of my posts.
In an article on the 23 December 2009 The Guardian news paper asked: “Who killed the cock robin? The hungry Cypriots did in annual slaughter”.
The British puss who kills 55 million birds annually is an innocent bystander. That was not just an article in order to arouse the British sentiments only but to exonerate the European pet and its owner of killing and lay the blame squarely onto the “hungry Cypriot” The politics of blame always demand that its someone else’s fault in this case of the hungry Cypriot. (Note: In Germany they are thinking of imposing tax on cat owners. Can we do the same for bird trappers here?)
B25 wrote:Milti, we accept that we have short comings where animal welfare is concerned in Cyprus and as you say, attitudes are changing, but your mate Erolz, is on a crusade to blacken the GCs at every opportunity, it has nothing to do with the welfare of the animals he purports to defend. He has nothing to say about the 200k GCs evicted from their homes by him and his ilk, yet plays the saint where the birds are concerned. imish!
erolz66 wrote:B25 wrote:Milti, we accept that we have short comings where animal welfare is concerned in Cyprus and as you say, attitudes are changing, but your mate Erolz, is on a crusade to blacken the GCs at every opportunity, it has nothing to do with the welfare of the animals he purports to defend. He has nothing to say about the 200k GCs evicted from their homes by him and his ilk, yet plays the saint where the birds are concerned. imish!
FFS where have I limited my comments to ONLY GC or the South ? The answer is nowhere. As to what I have to say about the Cyprus problem, I have ten years of posts here and on other forums about this issue all easily found with a simple search.
Whilst a majority of ordinary Cypriots are indifferent to the issue of illegal trapping or worse still seek to actively make out it is not an issue, that's its all a plot to attack Cyprus, that the internationally recognised birdlife organisations are all liars and other bullshit, then things will not change and they need to change if we are to meet our collective responsibilities to future generations to come.
I come to this thread to highlight the issue and counter the BS propaganda of others, taking extreme care NOT to blame just GC or the RoC alone. Yet poster after poster says 'its just an excuse to blacken GC and the RoC'. What is wrong with these people ? There is NO evidence that I seek to single out the south over this issue and ignore the north. On the contrary there is explicit evidence that I do not exclude or ignore the north. There is no evidence that my views on this issue are not sincerely held. On the contrary there is explicit evidence that they are sincerely held views (my paid and un paid historic work in this field). Yet despite al this a significant number of contributors to this thread choose to believe that for which there is no evidence for over that for which there is clear evidence for. What is that all about ?
B25 wrote:Milti, we accept that we have short comings where animal welfare is concerned in Cyprus and as you say, attitudes are changing, but your mate Erolz, is on a crusade to blacken the GCs at every opportunity, it has nothing to do with the welfare of the animals he purports to defend. He has nothing to say about the 200k GCs evicted from their homes by him and his ilk, yet plays the saint where the birds are concerned. imish!
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