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Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:28 pm

The usual disingenuous rubbish by subulturn who once again shows he is a supporter of criminal activity. Pathetic.
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:40 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:The usual disingenuous rubbish by subulturn who once again shows he is a supporter of criminal activity. Pathetic.

He is talking too much about "cultural imperialism" to have any credibility!

Obviously has some chip about the UK.

I believe it is a reincarnation of Schwowser!

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Postby miltiades » Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:40 pm

He appears to like ambelopoulia,
Paphitis you are correct in suggesting that this ..."new" poster is none other than Shazenigger :lol: :lol:

The guy is misguided but has a heart of gold, I know, so I forgive him/ her.
Happy New Sir / Madam.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:55 am

miltiades wrote:He appears to like ambelopoulia,
Paphitis you are correct in suggesting that this ..."new" poster is none other than Shazenigger :lol: :lol:

The guy is misguided but has a heart of gold, I know, so I forgive him/ her.
Happy New Sir / Madam.

Someone who spreads so much negativity about Brits and Britain but lives there himself can't be too bright!

There is a lot of rhetoric within his posts you will notice. Appears to have a real big chip on his shoulders.

Such posters are all over the place, lack common sense and intelligence and just rant about others who dare to offer constructive criticism.

Nevertheless, Happy New Year to Schnwowoozer ... :lol:
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Postby The subaltern » Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:33 pm

Reading the available information put out on the internet regarding the treatment of birds and animals in Cyprus one may very easily come to the conclusion that the western man is the lover and protector of animals and birds, while the rest of humanity are insensitive brutes.

They, the western man, project an image of him/her self to the world, or at least to a section of it, who unquestionably and uncritically believe that it is the case. This image, if believed, places the western man in a position of power, authority and influence over others which is ultimately the purpose of promoting and propagandising this image.
Now how true is the image? Has it always been the case? Or is it just an illusion? Do their feelings towards birds and animals differ so much from those of others they so fervently criticise?

We are not though going to get into a detail analysis of the subject. We can though draw some conclusions by examining the past and present treatment of animals by the Europeans that may shed some light as to whether or not the image projected is in fact true.

The western man has been more or less everywhere. Not as a creature roaming the planet in search of food and shelter, but as a conqueror of lands, peoples and recourses.
In this capacity, he had for a period total control and claimed ownership of everything. Birds and animals were there for his pleasure or exploitation.

Hunting for pleasure has been going on for a long time. Note; hunting for PLEASURE. This kind of hunting does not denote a loving relationship between western man and animal or bird. It denotes a selfish pursuit of an animal or bird in order to kill it, because they derive pleasure from the act of killing and nothing more. The traditional hunting in order to eat has been replaced by the pleasure of the kill.

According to a survey by BASEC of hunting in Britain 2006, 73% of hunters reported that they were practising the “sport” for recreational reasons!! While 22% saw it a business and 18% were doing it for profit. For recreation is 73%!! We see here the replacement of hunting in order to eat, with hunting for pleasure. That’s killing for the sake of killing!! Does it resemble ambeloboulia trapping at all?

However, recreational shooting is not confined to Britain alone. In fact shooting of animals and birds for pleasure is going on all over Western & Northern Europe and America, with out a murmur been heard and if it does is very quickly silenced by the hunting interests.

“The economic role of hunting tourism” in the northern lands is a report by the University of Helsinki Rural institute Report 64, 2010, where the economic benefits of hunting tourism were presented in a matter of fact. No emotions were recorded of any kind just the economic benefits of the “sport” simple and clear, unlike the emotional outbursts we hear regarding hunting in Cyprus.

However, an interesting hunting practice was reported in the report in Swedish Lapland. Trophy hunting!! It was standing at approximately 8% of hunting. This was just a statistic! In fact the heads of the animals are now hanging on hunters’ walls somewhere; macabre displays in the houses of the civilised!!!
I wonder if Mrs Loosley from Switzerland will up sticks from Cyprus and go to the Swedish Lapland to protest. Not really, for three reasons (a) too cold there (b) It is “sustainable” hunting!! And (c) …well Sweden is civilised.
BTW, the Swedish wolf has been exterminated by hunters since 1963.

This kind of hunting has been going on for donkey’s years by westerners in the conquered lands from India, Africa and America.
Some names, heroes in fact of the western hunting achievements and love for animals, may be of interest to those searching for the truth rather than believing in myths.
Not that it will make any difference regarding their attitude towards the Cypriot hunting practises.
One does not know from where to start! The list of names and achievements are enormous! In no particular order:
Sir George Gore 1850: British aristo hunting in America. Stayed there for about 3 years and killed 2000 buffalo, 150 bears, 1600 dear and elk and thousands of wolves, coyotes, mountain sheep etc.

Btw, out of a herd of 40 million bison, by the beginning of the 20th century only 1000 survived. The reason for the slaughter? Land acquisition! The Native American’s way of life was destroyed and the tribes were confined to reservations and all was done for the love of animals. Of course Hollywood presents us with a different picture; the Native Indians as the savage villains and the white man the law enforcer and the civilizer! Like the Cypriots described by the various bird protectors as criminals and Mafiosi.

Lord Delamere, late 19th early 20th century in West Africa went about in clearing his lands of wild animals by using his gatling gun slaughtering them in their thousands.

Theodore Roosevelt, US President in 1909 went safari in West Africa and stayed there for one year killing 11000 animals; donated a collection to the Smithsonian Institute.

“Samaki” Salman in his obituary in the Uganda Journal March 1953, Captain Pintman praised him as a great hunter for killing 4000 bull elephants!!
While a lesser hunter, James H. Sutherland, killed a meagre 1200 bull elephants from 1900 onwards.
That’s only the very tip of the iceberg, the very-very few here among the thousands of lesser hunters. Some of them have been turned into Hollywood heroes and others, after they had their fill of blood, turned safari guides and environmentalists!! Does it remind one of the present at all?

In India the same thing happened. Viceroys, princes, kings, and a large numbers of lesser mortals, even the present queen, went trophy hunting 1963. From 1870 until the British left India hunting went on. The kills were massive. Tigers, rhinos, bears, nimrods, buffalo, bison, wild sheep and goat, you name it was killed. Had the kills any effect on the species? You bet it had; not only on the species but on the attitude of the local people towards the species changed for the worst.

However, out of this massacre, Tarzan the epitome of the European friend of the animals was borne. Animals and birds rushed to his calling; out of fear or love for him?

Not to be forgotten here are the industries established for wild life exploitation. Skins of all kinds, pelts, feathers you name it was exploited in massive quantities not for the love of animals but for profit.
Profit as a motivating factor is in fact destroying the environment and what ever else lives in it.

Would birds and animals be safer now if the Cypriot hunting practices were to be removed from the hunting equation?

And just one more example of animal treatment; this one is from Britain from Aunt Kate’s Home Treasury book published at the beginning of the 20th century. (no date)
Its an advice of how to get rid of unwanted cats she writes “place half a teaspoonful of pure cyanide of potassium (well back) on the tongue, and the animal will die instantly” She does not though advocates drowning “on several grounds but more especially from the fact that the carcase is naturally left floating in water and far from sanitary in the eyes of the County Councils” Charming!
This method of getting rid of cats, drowning, was very common in rural areas of Europe until the mid 20th century perhaps later.

Do the Europeans like animals? Are they environmentalists? Is the picture they painted of themselves real or imaginary? Does the image they present have any influence on the perception others have of them?

Iconoclasts wanted!!!

Happy New Year to all!
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:14 pm

The thread was directed at attitudes prevalent in Cyprus and held by a sizeable number, the very fact that similar or even more acutely unpleasant attitudes towards animals in other parts of the world exist does not diminish the importance of addressing our own attitudes towards animals.

Spain regularly exhibits cruel acts against animals in the name of sport and tradition.
We condemn such barbaric "traditions" that inflict so much pain and cruelty to animals, but we do not justify wrongs in our country on the basis that other countries also are capable of inflicting cruelty.

Animal welfare in Cyprus has improved a great deal since I was a child in Cyprus, Im pleased that it has and may it continue to improve. Hands off ambelopoulia Sir !!!
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:48 pm

miltiades wrote:The thread was directed at attitudes prevalent in Cyprus and held by a sizeable number, the very fact that similar or even more acutely unpleasant attitudes towards animals in other parts of the world exist does not diminish the importance of addressing our own attitudes towards animals.

Spain regularly exhibits cruel acts against animals in the name of sport and tradition.
We condemn such barbaric "traditions" that inflict so much pain and cruelty to animals, but we do not justify wrongs in our country on the basis that other countries also are capable of inflicting cruelty.

Animal welfare in Cyprus has improved a great deal since I was a child in Cyprus, Im pleased that it has and may it continue to improve. Hands off ambelopoulia Sir !!!

So says the man who never fails to tell us the nationality behind every act of kindness he has ever observed. :roll:

BTW- I don't see anything in the above posts which suggest subaltern condones the eating of ambelopoulia.

Anyway, if we are ever going to learn and improve, we need examples from those who have (supposedly) done it *better* than us. The problem is identifying WHO has done it better than us and therein lies the value of comparative analyses - such as those offered by subaltern. We know who should NOT be giving us advice!

Oh, go and slowly boil some snails to death for your meze, Miltiades!
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:21 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
miltiades wrote:The thread was directed at attitudes prevalent in Cyprus and held by a sizeable number, the very fact that similar or even more acutely unpleasant attitudes towards animals in other parts of the world exist does not diminish the importance of addressing our own attitudes towards animals.

Spain regularly exhibits cruel acts against animals in the name of sport and tradition.
We condemn such barbaric "traditions" that inflict so much pain and cruelty to animals, but we do not justify wrongs in our country on the basis that other countries also are capable of inflicting cruelty.

Animal welfare in Cyprus has improved a great deal since I was a child in Cyprus, Im pleased that it has and may it continue to improve. Hands off ambelopoulia Sir !!!

So says the man who never fails to tell us the nationality behind every act of kindness he has ever observed. :roll:

BTW- I don't see anything in the above posts which suggest subaltern condones the eating of ambelopoulia.

Anyway, if we are ever going to learn and improve, we need examples from those who have (supposedly) done it *better* than us. The problem is identifying WHO has done it better than us and therein lies the value of comparative analyses - such as those offered by subaltern. We know who should NOT be giving us advice!

Oh, go and slowly boil some snails to death for your meze, Miltiades!
only today you were saying how Cyorus and Greece lead Europe. Now Cyprus needs examples.

The topic is as stated Cypriot attitudes to animals, where a news report today mentioned the cruel shooting of a dog with an airgun. Yes it happens elsewhere, so what? If you are concerned about what happens elsewhere then post in local fora in those places.

Subulturn / schnauzer does otherwise seem to confuse legal hunting with the illegal trapping. If however legal hunting is to be included let us not forget that Cyprus has 45000 registered hunters or so, which is probably 5 % of the total population! and possibly a greater percentage than hunters in the UK. Again a large lobby.

Here however we have a problem with illegal trapping and what we see from some are the typical diversionary if not off topic comments about what happens elsewhere. Well it ain't going to wash. The failure of gig and other to condem but rather to condone the illegality and cruelty in Cyprus says a lot about them. None of it flattering.
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Postby erolz66 » Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:29 pm

Just yet more DDD (distraction ,distortion and denial).

I do not give a fuck about dissertations on 'western man'.

It is a FACT that illegal bird trapping as practiced today in Cyprus does material damage to a numbered of endangered species and benefits no one except those that eat such things and those that trade in them. It is unnecessary and could easily be stopped - needing nothing more that a widespread attitude change amongst Cypriots.

However it seems that some Cypriots prefer to just try and DDD. They are as bad or worse than those that eat and trade in these birds.
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:42 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
miltiades wrote:The thread was directed at attitudes prevalent in Cyprus and held by a sizeable number, the very fact that similar or even more acutely unpleasant attitudes towards animals in other parts of the world exist does not diminish the importance of addressing our own attitudes towards animals.

Spain regularly exhibits cruel acts against animals in the name of sport and tradition.
We condemn such barbaric "traditions" that inflict so much pain and cruelty to animals, but we do not justify wrongs in our country on the basis that other countries also are capable of inflicting cruelty.

Animal welfare in Cyprus has improved a great deal since I was a child in Cyprus, Im pleased that it has and may it continue to improve. Hands off ambelopoulia Sir !!!

So says the man who never fails to tell us the nationality behind every act of kindness he has ever observed. :roll:

BTW- I don't see anything in the above posts which suggest subaltern condones the eating of ambelopoulia.

Anyway, if we are ever going to learn and improve, we need examples from those who have (supposedly) done it *better* than us. The problem is identifying WHO has done it better than us and therein lies the value of comparative analyses - such as those offered by subaltern. We know who should NOT be giving us advice!

Oh, go and slowly boil some snails to death for your meze, Miltiades!
only today you were saying how Cyorus and Greece lead Europe. Now Cyprus needs examples.

I'm not the one who thinks Cyprus needs examples, unless there is someone who has done it *better* (rhetorical) - but we do need to know from whom we do NOT need instructions!

Subulturn / schnauzer does otherwise seem to confuse legal hunting with the illegal trapping.

If you knew the first thing about your own language you would realise this is a completely different character to Schnauzer, but it suits the fact you cannot answer subaltern logically that you presume he is someone else.

Again, your idiocy is endless. All the types of hunting he has described are NOW illegal - but some people still hunt.

If however legal hunting is to be included let us not forget that Cyprus has 45000 registered hunters or so, which is probably 5 % of the total population! and possibly a greater percentage than hunters in the UK. Again a large lobby.

Now you are condemning Cypriots for following the law in getting licenses? Unlike a lot of British who do not! Fox killing is on the increase in the UK even though it's banned.

Here however we have a problem with illegal trapping and what we see from some are the typical diversionary if not off topic comments about what happens elsewhere. Well it ain't going to wash. The failure of gig and other to condemn but rather to condone the illegality and cruelty in Cyprus says a lot about them. None of it flattering.

You are just smarting because we have ALL condemned bird trapping (but, not only in Cyprus but wherever it occurs, something which YOU have NOT condemned!) - and applaud the fact the RoC has made it illegal. However, we are really concerned about those propagandist who are more interested in degrading innocent Cypriots with things they have NOT done. It's not the same issue. We hate bird trapping and YOU hate Cypriots.

The only one here who loves slowly boiled animals is Miltiades. Perhaps you have some similar vices ... but no one (except one ex-brit) has said they like eating ambelopoulia. So what is your problem?
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